Girl Riders - Like the Attention or Not

  • November 20, 2010 1:35 PM PST
    chocmintz, I hear you loud and clear! I don't have a curvy aft, the armored jacket I always wear hides the girls, and the full-face has a tinted visor so I've been blatantly mistaken for one of the guys twice now (c'mon, how many guys would have heart stickers all over their helmet?!). Though I admit it kinda hurts when it happens, lol, it's not such a bad thing; I figure it leaves me less a target from thugs who might think me an easy victim if they knew I was a girl. :]
  • December 27, 2010 5:24 AM PST
    The Harlot and I get lots of looks. She's black and drips chrome. I'm tall, blonde and booby and almost 50. Do I like the attention? You bet your drawers I do.
  • January 4, 2011 12:34 PM PST
    wish my gal would learn to ride
  • January 5, 2011 4:55 AM PST
    I like it when the "elderly" women come up to me and comment how cool they think it is that I ride a motorcycle. They then begin to tell me their adventures of being an independent women when they were growing up or to say they wished they had tried different things when they were younger. I like talking to the older (than me) generation, they have so much to offer. But then again when I'm at the race track and they are looking for the "Racing Grandma" I often get smiffed looks then they just walk away. So I don't look like your typical grandma........yet.
  • January 6, 2011 6:54 AM PST
     I am really enjoying the post on this discussion.  I have never won the Miss America title nor have I appeared on Extreme Make Over.  I am a decent looking woman that can mix and mingle at a black tie in an evening gown, or fill out a pair of jeans and a tank top where they need to be filled.  For a woman in smelling distance of 50, I still got it.  When I am on my Harlot, I am Miss UNIVERSE riding my chariot with class and style.  Call me a girlie girl, but all my Harley clothes match my Harlot and dang.....WE LOOK GOOD.
  • January 6, 2011 7:00 AM PST
    women riding their own bikes is staight up HOT! and i say that with respect!!! my wife just started riding her own- and i love it!
    • 58 posts
    January 6, 2011 11:11 AM PST
    dabonman02 wrote...
    women riding their own bikes is staight up HOT! and i say that with respect!!! my wife just started riding her own- and i love it!

    I agree 110%. 

    • 58 posts
    January 6, 2011 11:13 AM PST
    BrenMurray wrote...
     I am really enjoying the post on this discussion.  I have never won the Miss America title nor have I appeared on Extreme Make Over.  I am a decent looking woman that can mix and mingle at a black tie in an evening gown, or fill out a pair of jeans and a tank top where they need to be filled.  For a woman in smelling distance of 50, I still got it.  When I am on my Harlot, I am Miss UNIVERSE riding my chariot with class and style.  Call me a girlie girl, but all my Harley clothes match my Harlot and dang.....WE LOOK GOOD.

    Yup, I gotta agree.  The Harlot has a pretty good lookin seat cover there! 

  • January 16, 2011 12:27 PM PST
    I love riding my own and I really enjoy taking solo distance trips. The most attention I get when I'm on one of my 'adventures' is from older people who want to come up and talk to the "biker girl" (Ha, I'm a few months shy of 50 and I'm a "girl" LOL). The conversation usually starts with them telling me how brave I am and then ends with the wife pulling me aside and telling me to be careful. There are always jerks out there but, by and large, I have met some awesome people on the road!! (And yes, I do get the smiles and comments from guys - and no, I don't mind at all!)
    • 202 posts
    January 19, 2011 8:30 AM PST
    i am a pretty modest person, so i don't like the attention all that much. I do HATE when i am gearing up, having some punk guy watching me... now if a nice lookin' biker was watching me, that'd be a different story!
  • January 20, 2011 12:44 AM PST
    LaPhoenix wrote...
    i am a pretty modest person, so i don't like the attention all that much. I do HATE when i am gearing up, having some punk guy watching me... now if a nice lookin' biker was watching me, that'd be a different story!

    LOL Phoenix.  I don't care for the punks either.  It is especially annoying when I have all my gear on and some moron asks, "Do you ride?"  I just say "No, I fall down a lot and my doctor told me I had to wear this."
    • 580 posts
    January 20, 2011 8:21 AM PST
    DeuceRider wrote...
    LaPhoenix wrote...
                                    ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   It is especially annoying when I have all my gear on and some moron asks, "Do you ride?"  I just say "No, I fall down a lot and my doctor told me I had to wear this."

    Lol DeuceRider - I say 'No I'm waiting for a bus' - that usually shuts em up quick
  • March 23, 2011 10:28 AM PDT
    It's one thing to get attention from the guys.
    But, its a whole different feeling when you see a little girl in the backseat of her parents car pointing at you. I remember when I was 10 or so and I saw a lady on a Harley at a stoplight. That was like the coolest thing I had ever seen in my whole 10 years of life. I wanted to be just like her!
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 25, 2011 5:21 AM PDT
    The bunch I regularly run with has 4 women riding their own bikes, a mom, her two daughters, and a friend, all great riders.
    Back in the day when a lot of guys were asses about chicks on bikes they never said nothing to them when I was around or they got smacked.
  • April 5, 2011 5:12 AM PDT
    true very true
  • June 18, 2011 2:01 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    I started riding my own when I got my license when I was 16. I lived in a small town and quite frankly all the guys in the 'biker' community were afraid of my dad. So, if I wanted to ride--it was going to have to be on my own. And now almost (OMG!) 3 decades later I have moved to an even smaller town and I'm afraid I garner more than my fair share of attention. Some of it not so positive. I am having a hard time finding people to ride with nowadays because there are no other women riders in my new town and a lot of the guys really don't want a women in their group. I got my husband into this lifestyle and now he does not get to enjoy it the way he should because he will not ride with these small minded men if I am not welcome. Instead of getting the whistles and cat calls, I get snickers and snide remarks. But as long as the 2 wheels continue to move my soul--I will be out there in the wind!

    My biggest supporter/helper is my "old school" neighbor - he's in his late 60's, foul mouthed, cranky and been riding forever and a day.  He loves to piss off our neighbors by revving his bike, then shutting it off and going inside - waiting a few hours and repeating.  

    He's definitely got his mindset - and it doesn't include women riding their own.  I nearly laughed one day when he was talking to another friend of ours and announced that "women don't belong on the front of bikes, they belong on the back" - while I was standing there next to them... apparently, I'm now one of the guys.  He also talked about how he won't ride with women... but he rides all the time with me and he's the first one to come and help me when I'm working on the bike (usually with a bunch of inaccurate advice, but he's honestly trying to help). 

  • June 18, 2011 2:33 AM PDT
    Wrapter wrote...
    It's one thing to get attention from the guys.
    But, its a whole different feeling when you see a little girl in the backseat of her parents car pointing at you. I remember when I was 10 or so and I saw a lady on a Harley at a stoplight. That was like the coolest thing I had ever seen in my whole 10 years of life. I wanted to be just like her!

    I love that... I always make sure to give them a smile, a wink, and a thumb's up to reinforce the positiveness of a woman on her own bike.  

    • 81 posts
    October 11, 2011 4:28 PM PDT
    Well when I made my first post on this topic I wasn't a rider. Now I have an entire riding season under my butt so I have a new opinion. Like any girl I do try to keep myself looking pretty and do like it if a man notices. However once in a while I get a little nervous, especially being a new rifer, when a guy stays even with me in a car and gives me a wink or smile. Again, normally that would flatter me, but it kind of scares me to have a car riding right next to me like that.
  • October 20, 2011 12:16 PM PDT
    One Sunday when my wife started riding her Sportster, we pulled into Cooks Corner's and she took a turn a little tight and lost her balance and started to fall. Needless to say, she or her bike never hit the ground. Before she could blink and I could stop my bike, at least eight guys grabbed her and her bike and straightened both up and dusted her off. If it had been me, I'd still be picking the gravel out of my forehead ... it's good to be a woman on a bike and even better to be married to one. ;-{)>>
  • October 20, 2011 3:39 PM PDT
    I've found that extra mystique with female riders has interested people of all ages, male and female, especially when I ride to work in my scrubs. The old people and their families get a big kick and brag that their nurse rides a Harley.
  • October 20, 2011 4:35 PM PDT
    I've been riding for six years now and I love it! Although I ride a big bike, it depends on the time of year, most guys think I'm a guy riding so I don't get much attention but come the nice weather days, hell ya I love it LOL
  • December 15, 2011 3:33 PM PST
    Got a cat-call the other day. Then I realized it was for the bike! LOL Love it anyway. I think as long as it's mutual (liking your bike or liking yourself), it's all good. :-)
  • December 27, 2011 5:56 AM PST
    I ride alone most of the time but when I am in a group with mostly male riders, I find them to be more attentive or daresay, 'protective'?  I feel at ease with them (maybe due to 5 brothers) and they tell me I am a great rider.  Learned to ride in jr high, finally getting a harley bike in my 40s, and at 51, I am soooo basking in the elation of riding whenever, wherever I can on my V-Rod .........with full and unconditional support and encouragement from my incredible hubby!  He rides when he can.  I am very confident in my skills as a rider and often travel from AZ to NM and CO, solo and/or meet up with friends/family along the way! No matter the distance, solo or not, I do get my share of looks of admiration mostly and occasionally, a 'kid' yelling to his/her parents, "I told you it's a girl!"  haha! LOVE IT!! Meeting people from all over the globe when I take a 'quick trip' to the Grand Canyon is absolutely awesome!  'My backyard' so to speak! They have no problem coming up to me and asking for photo ops ........ I let them sit on my bike too, their expressions are memorable, especially moms, grandmothers, aunts, etc.!  My grown kids love to tell their friends their mom is a 'biker chick' who is also a 'grandmother' ........... life is too short and time is not a luxury to me, unbridled passion for riding keeps me young in body, mind and spirit!
  • December 28, 2011 1:18 PM PST
    This past summer I discovered the freedom of riding my own bike-love it! Ladies can be Biker Chicks one day and wear an evening gown the next- so cool to enjoy every minute of life
    • 113 posts
    January 1, 2012 11:16 AM PST
    Like your answer SuziQ - I enjoy the freedom, the leathers, and all the gurly, gurly things too! I've never been mistaken for a man on my bike yet, but I guess there's always a first for everything. As long as we enjoy the journey, everything else is just a plus!