November 21, 2009 8:30 AM PST
keep saying to ma wife to get on her bike ,lol.
November 21, 2009 11:19 AM PST
I have thought so many times of getting on my own bike... and one day I will. But for right now, I am happy sitting on the back of the ole man's bike doing nothing as we ride down the road.. It is my only time of the week, or month that I really actually am responsible for NOTHING! I can sit there and think or do whatever! I like it! But I do want to get my own bike to ride back and forth to work.
November 21, 2009 1:47 PM PST
Hope you don't mine a comment from a guy...
I think the attention is because guys find something sexy about a girl with a tough, adventurous, dangerous side.
Kind of like girls who find guys with a sensitive side attactive.

as a male i think a woman on a bike (any kind) was always something drawn to them for me, it is something we have in common.
December 3, 2009 7:23 AM PST
LOVE IT LOVE IT Its good for the soul maybe as much as riding your own bike !!!!
December 3, 2009 7:51 AM PST
I love getting the attention when I ride. Think the guys like seeing women ride., know many a man wished they had a wife who rode so they could spend more time on the bike.
December 3, 2009 8:50 AM PST
I started riding my own when I got my license when I was 16. I lived in a small town and quite frankly all the guys in the 'biker' community were afraid of my dad. So, if I wanted to ride--it was going to have to be on my own. And now almost (OMG!) 3 decades later I have moved to an even smaller town and I'm afraid I garner more than my fair share of attention. Some of it not so positive. I am having a hard time finding people to ride with nowadays because there are no other women riders in my new town and a lot of the guys really don't want a women in their group. I got my husband into this lifestyle and now he does not get to enjoy it the way he should because he will not ride with these small minded men if I am not welcome. Instead of getting the whistles and cat calls, I get snickers and snide remarks. But as long as the 2 wheels continue to move my soul--I will be out there in the wind!
December 3, 2009 4:03 PM PST
Wow I love the comments here the women are sharing. Convinces me even more to go and take the safety course and start working on obtaining my own bike. I would probably be like some women and not sure on how to take some of the gestures but now I believe I would accept the gestures in a positive manner. Thanks Ladies and for sharing.
December 4, 2009 2:51 AM PST
Good for you and your husband

Thanx fx, I'm currently hoping to have inspired my neighbor's wife into riding! We will find out this spring when land comes back to life--it will great to have another lady out there to ride with.
December 4, 2009 2:54 AM PST
wish i got it ,from girl riders ,llf
December 4, 2009 2:54 AM PST
or just girls .
December 4, 2009 7:21 AM PST
No way! I don't believe that for a second. I whistle at anything that I see that I like--even if it is just a set of rims or really nice pegs! LOL!
December 4, 2009 9:33 AM PST
cool .
December 4, 2009 9:34 AM PST
dude ur auld thow ,im still young lol.
December 4, 2009 11:17 AM PST
Wow I love the comments here the women are sharing. Convinces me even more to go and take the safety course and start working on obtaining my own bike. I would probably be like some women and not sure on how to take some of the gestures but now I believe I would accept the gestures in a positive manner. Thanks Ladies and for sharing.
Go for it db46!
December 4, 2009 3:31 PM PST
"I started riding about 3 years ago and love it and get lots of attention from guys. "
hey SweetSoftTail - I too have been riding for 3 yrs now and wonder why I waited so long. I used to think women riders had to be hard core and thought I didn't fit the bill. Boy was I wrong! My friends still tease me in saying that I "don't fit the bill" of a Harley rider, but love that I do ride. LOL!!
As for attention...yeah, has it's good and bad. Guys, just respect us as a riders. Wave, nods, thumbs up telling us you like what you see...keep the cat calls for your other women.
December 4, 2009 11:13 PM PST
Hey all your comments are great and yes I too have been riding for about 5 years now I use to ride on the back of my ex-boyfriends bike until we had a little spill after my bruises healed I went out and bought myself and HD sportster 1200 custom I love it and I love the attention I get but my ex-boyfiend didn't thats why he's ex. The best thing about riding your own bike is you can get out into traffic alot quicker when you ride just because men want to see the crome shine on my HD.
December 5, 2009 2:40 AM PST
Hey all your comments are great and yes I too have been riding for about 5 years now I use to ride on the back of my ex-boyfriends bike until we had a little spill after my bruises healed I went out and bought myself and HD sportster 1200 custom I love it and I love the attention I get but my ex-boyfiend didn't
thats why he's ex. The best thing about riding your own bike is you can get out into traffic alot quicker when you ride just because
men want to see the crome shine on my HD.
Looks ta me like he lost out
Hey Cheryl...we men do enjoy the looks of a beautiful bike; but also a beautiful women, keep riding chin up and smileing
December 5, 2009 3:05 AM PST
My Missus talks about the freedom and independence she feels when riding her own. She is getting more confident and skilled the more she rides! Remember ladies. This is a woman who started with a 250cc Honda Rebel and is now riding a 1584cc Harley Softail Custom 4 years later... Don't be afraid ladies, us guys are loving seeing more and more of you riding your own....
December 5, 2009 4:17 AM PST
I am still loving the attention, as long as no one gets hurt
I had to run to the grocery store a few weeks back. Since I only needed a couple of small things, I hopped on the bike. Here I am riding throgh the grocery store parking lot at about 10 mph, when I see this guy about 50 feet in front of me pushing a cart and staring at me. He gives me a thumbs up, and while continuing to stare at me while he runs his cart right into a little girl standing at a table selling something for her school. Knocked her right into the table!
I was laughing so hard I almost hit the car that stopped in front of me. I wasn't even dressed sexy or anything, just an old pair of jeans and a sweat shirt!