Girl Riders - Like the Attention or Not

  • February 25, 2009 6:35 AM PST

    I started riding about 3 years ago and love it.  One thing I notice, and I'm sure many of you do also, is that when I ride alone, I get lots of attention from guys.  If they are next to me in a car or standing around when I am parking, they seem to want to stare, wink, make googly eyes, or something.


    Now I am not ugly or anything, just kind of average looking with and average body but I don't get this attention anytime except when I'm on the bike.  and you know I actually kind of enjiy it.  Usually give a wink back or even blow them a kiss every now and then .


    Do any of you other lady riders get the same thing?


    And do you like it?

    • 2 posts
    February 26, 2009 3:17 AM PST

    I noticed the same thing and LOVE the attention.


    Being a housewife I normally go to the store in sweats with two kids and don't get taht many looks.  You will think the mini van would make me look hot  and when I ride on the back of my ol' mans bike, I think guys are affraid to look too much.


    But when I ride my own, I get the looks and the comments like "Hey hot mama" and I kind of enjoy it.

  • February 27, 2009 10:21 AM PST
    I used to not like it. I didn't mind people looking, guys and girls, when I rode by because I have a REALLY nice bike and I was hoping they were just admiring the whole package, bike and all. But when I got the whistles, winks, and cat calls when I was stopped, I just felt like flipping them off.

    But now I am a little more ok with it. I think I am pretty good looking and if the bike makes guys think they can be more open with their expressions, I guess 'cause I'm kind of like one of the guys if I ride, than I'm ok with that.

    Go Fast Girl !!!!!
    • 81 posts
    March 2, 2009 3:06 AM PST

    I don't ride my own, but I do notice I get a lot more guys looking at me when I am on the back of the bike, than when I am in the car.  I kind of enjoy it.  I think my boyfriend likes showing me off too.


    Do you think the attention is from the way I dress. Just kidding, that's not really me.  I only wish my butt looked like that

    • 910 posts
    March 2, 2009 1:26 PM PST
    I think it's funny how excited some of the guys get when I'm riding. I have to laugh and give them a big smile and a nod as they cheer or whistle. The one thing that scared me was the loud horns the truckers blew to show their appreciation. When that first started happening it startled me, now every time I'm passing a big rig I prepare myself for it.
  • March 4, 2009 7:09 AM PST

    I have been riding for ten years and everytime I'm out guys always have some type of comment - all good--but of course I dont wear much on top----that can be an eye catcher. Know that I am past 50, Hell ya I love it and I try to wear less- I want this attention as long as I can get it--------------hopefully in my 70's.


    4 Wheels Move the Body, 2 Wheels Move the Soul.


  • March 8, 2009 5:10 AM PDT

    Hope you don't mine a comment from a guy...


    I think the attention is because guys find something sexy about a girl with a tough, adventurous, dangerous side.


    Kind of like girls who find guys with a sensitive side attactive.


  • March 26, 2009 3:59 AM PDT

    Hey girls, I say take all the attention you can get while you can get it!!!


    I still get a wink or a honk when I ride, but not as often as I would like


  • May 6, 2009 4:02 AM PDT
    I don't ride my own, but I do find I get different looks when I am dressed like a "biker" and not a soccer mom.
  • May 9, 2009 2:37 AM PDT
    Ladies, if you think you get great looks and comments when you're riding alone, put one of your girlfriends on the back and let the entertainment begin. I used to have a friend that loved to ride, but didn't know how to and didn't want to use the men for their bikes. I'd call her every once in a while to ride and we always laughed about comments we'd get.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 9, 2009 9:56 AM PDT
    Ladies, if you think you get great looks and comments when you're riding alone, put one of your girlfriends on the back and let the entertainment begin. I used to have a friend that loved to ride, but didn't know how to and didn't want to use the men for their bikes. I'd call her every once in a while to ride and we always laughed about comments we'd get.

    NOW that is KOOL! My kind of answer!!!

  • May 22, 2009 8:53 AM PDT

    When wearing the gear it gives a girl a certain "feel" that shows in the way they carry themselves. Am I right ladies?? Being nearly 6", I do wear it well so I've heard...

    • 0 posts
    July 13, 2009 4:27 PM PDT
    Just my opinion, But Sexy is an attitude. When you are on your bike your attitude is different and even when walking around in leathers you feel better and more sexy and it shows to those of us that are looking for it. Take all the appreciation you can get, you will feel better about yourself and then you dress different and get more attention and on and on...
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    July 14, 2009 6:45 AM PDT
    Hey HD, this is the incentive we need to start riding our own bikes don't you think?
  • August 8, 2009 9:19 AM PDT
    Being over 50 and lovin all the attention it brings! Yea- who says you have to get old
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 9, 2009 7:44 AM PDT
    TigerLady wrote...

    When wearing the gear it gives a girl a certain "feel" that shows in the way they carry themselves. Am I right ladies?? Being nearly 6", I do wear it well so I've heard...

    Yes you do there Tiger Lady...
  • August 15, 2009 7:59 AM PDT
    Why thanks Babe..though you may be a bit partial...!
  • g
    September 16, 2009 6:07 AM PDT
    AdventureGirl wrote...
    I think it's funny how excited some of the guys get when I'm riding. I have to laugh and give them a big smile and a nod as they cheer or whistle. The one thing that scared me was the loud horns the truckers blew to show their appreciation. When that first started happening it startled me, now every time I'm passing a big rig I prepare myself for it.its ur bike ,u have one over all the other girls ,sorry girls ,lol

  • September 18, 2009 10:19 AM PDT
    Ladies, you think you get attention now, I started riding 25 years ago. I used to have cops stop me just to ask about the bike(s)(always Harleys) and how cool it was to see a woman on a bike. I also started drag racing Harleys about the same time. Unfortunately some of those guys weren't as gracious or flattering. LOL Kelly
  • September 22, 2009 12:50 PM PDT
    Even though women riders aren't nearly as rare as they used to be, there is still an extra mystique with female riders. I only have a few female friends that ride. The ones that don't are a little attracted by the fact you ride. It's the side that all women want to visit! If your females friends are a little juiced by the fact you ride it's not surprising that it is attractive to men. All men:-)
  • September 22, 2009 1:16 PM PDT
    I so cannot wait to get those kinds of reactions!!!!!!!
  • September 22, 2009 2:29 PM PDT
    Well it is one of the things that guys like to see. A woman that take things in her own hands. We did a lot of racing in the past and it was a blast to see a female in a car. It is like the target shoots we go to when a female wins it is just cool. Some guys think it is cool and some just can take it that the females in the world now day have moved up a few levels.

  • g
    October 5, 2009 8:51 AM PDT
    i go out with some female riders ,all very good .
  • October 5, 2009 9:10 AM PDT
    You bet I like the attention! It has not always been that way, as I am a bit modest, but I have grown to like the attention. I think I don't look like much of a girl while underway, so I exaggerate on occasion when I stop the bike, whip off my full-face helmet, and dramatically shake out my hair. I'm a tall girl, but slender, so it usually surprises men to see what I ride.
    Yee haw!
  • g
    October 6, 2009 12:17 AM PDT