January 18, 2010 11:06 AM PST
Its great that you people are doing this, but have sympathy on people like me. I am on a diet at the minute, not a diet that i want to do, its forced on me.My wife is on this diet, so therefore we are all on diet, the dog has emmigrated to my mothers, the bird table is better stocked than our re-fridge, my son has decided to look for a visa to Somalia, and why.......i made the stupid mistake of buying her a new pair of jeans, and now she needs to fit into them (i screwed up on size), she has taken that as a challenge/insult, and i must suffer, i weigh the norm for my height...............please people, SEND ME SOME FOOD, or at least sympathy
January 18, 2010 11:21 AM PST
10 days 6lbs could be better but it's a start
January 18, 2010 7:39 PM PST
Its great that you people are doing this, but have sympathy on people like me. I am on a diet at the minute, not a diet that i want to do, its forced on me.My wife is on this diet, so therefore we are all on diet, the dog has emmigrated to my mothers, the bird table is better stocked than our re-fridge, my son has decided to look for a visa to Somalia, and why.......i made the stupid mistake of buying her a new pair of jeans, and now she needs to fit into them (i screwed up on size), she has taken that as a challenge/insult, and i must suffer, i weigh the norm for my height...............please people, SEND ME SOME FOOD, or at least sympathy

I did that once aswell never again. lol
Well Done
debrajo62 !!!!! GREAT JOB!,,

January 18, 2010 11:49 PM PST
u guys wont ever see me ,so i will say im going well ,ive lost loads ,and ive already got my summer body ,lol
January 19, 2010 2:51 AM PST
Good work everyone. I am froze at -30 still. Seems like a hit a wall about every 5 pounds or so.
Keep it up!
January 19, 2010 3:08 AM PST
You guys rock! Your dedication is pure inspiration. Think I'll ignore numbers for awile and just go to workin' it off, the weather is making me want to keep moving so I'm trying lots of new outdoor physical activities. Fortunately having the two teenage boys keeps me running, throwing and playing pretty hard. I'm lucky they don't feel that Mom cramps thier style yet (atleast not that either is brave enough to say to me, haha!)
You guys are doing great, hope I can catch up and make you proud of me too!
January 19, 2010 3:14 AM PST
u guys wont ever see me ,so i will say im going well ,ive lost loads ,and ive already got my summer body ,lol
ha! Don't be so sure about that g!
OK, so I just weighed myself and am deciding that I will not weigh myself more than once a day or even more than once a week. I will set Friday mornings as my weekly weigh-in and try my best to do it at the same time each week to avoid weird fluctuations. Reason being is that my first weigh-in this morning had me down another -2 but the second had me at only -1 making my weight loss total thus far either -3 or -4. I'll check back in on Fri for sure. As for exercise I am just shaking off the last of the cold/flu that knocked me out the better part of the last week so I can finally get out and moving. Being sick helped me with my fluid intake but even still it took me a whole week to be able to drink 64oz of water in a day. Let's see if I can make that a daily habit. It's hard drinking that much water when you're not used to it.
January 19, 2010 3:22 AM PST
OK........... your all gonna hate me but............ Got out of the Navy in 1978 weighing 155 pounds. Can HONESTLY say I have stayed there ( + - 5 pounds) ever since. Can even still fit in my Navy uniform. Guess it's just good clean living (and lite beer) !!!!!!!
January 19, 2010 3:22 AM PST
You guys rock! Your dedication is pure inspiration. Think I'll ignore numbers for awile and just go to workin' it off, the weather is making me want to keep moving so I'm trying lots of new outdoor physical activities. Fortunately having the two teenage boys keeps me running, throwing and playing pretty hard. I'm lucky they don't feel that Mom cramps thier style yet (atleast not that either is brave enough to say to me, haha!)
You guys are doing great, hope I can catch up and make you proud of me too!
Good for you! I wish the weather was nicer here (snowing now) but it will be soon enough. I do live right next to a gym so it will be easy enough for me to walk over and hop on a bike or treadmill. Which I hope to do this week now that I'm settling into my new routine. My son is like your boys... not only did he not think I cramped his style but he actually continually invites me along (and so do his friends). Makes me proud. BTW I'm both proud of and inspired by you.
January 19, 2010 3:23 AM PST
OK........... your all gonna hate me but............ Got out of the Navy in 1978 weighing 155 pounds. Can HONESTLY say I have stayed there ( + - 5 pounds) ever since. Can even still fit in my Navy uniform. Guess it's just good clean living (and lite beer) !!!!!!!
I don't hate you. I just hope when I finally reach my goal weight I can maintain it as well as you have.
January 19, 2010 12:25 PM PST
I'm so proud of you DebraJo! Not weighing until Friday, if I'm not crying will post the big number. Have worked out everyday this week, Oh yeah it's just Tuesday LOL