Sad day

  • October 23, 2011 3:20 PM PDT
    Many of you i have gotten to know on C/F know im a LEO. My friend, motor cop, fellow biker died this morning on duty in Augusta Georgia (Richmond County Sheriffs Office). His name was JD Paugh. I met JD about 15 years ago when we were both new officers he was the kind of guy that everyone liked, funny, great sense of humor (you have to to be a motor cop we were brutal with pratical jokes). JD would always laugh off every time we would pull the plug wires off his bike, hide his saddle bags and so on just a great guy. JD was on his way home from traffic detail this morning and noticed a vehicle had run off the roadway into a grass median. He pulled off the roadway onto the shoulder to help what he thought was a stranded motorist. Before JD could put his kickstand down the driver of the vehicle shot JD in the chest with a M4 rifle. JD got two rounds off then the suspect fired 35 rounds killing JD at the scene then shot and killed himself. The suspect was a 26 year old soldier from Fort Gordon Army Base with no history of violence. The investigation revealed the suspect was drunk fighting with his girlfriend and began shooting at passing cars just prior to JD arriving. The suspects girlfriend ran from the scene unharmed. JD is survived by his mother father and two teenaged sons he was 47 years old and been in law enforcement for 17 years please keep them in your prayers
  • October 23, 2011 9:15 PM PDT
    Sorry for the loss of your friend and thoughts and prayers are on the way for his family.
  • October 23, 2011 11:46 PM PDT
    Sorry for the loss of another Hero. Prayers go out to the family God has another LEO to patrol Heaven and keep it safe. I still wear my Thin Blue Line Bracelet every day my son has his 20yrs on and I hope he retires soon.
    • 1780 posts
    October 23, 2011 11:47 PM PDT
    Percy my Brother you know all to well things can go from 0 to 100 in milli seconds. I am trully sorry for your and Augusta Georgia's loss. With your permission sir I would like to wear the black band over my badge for a few days. Of course no one around here will understand but we will, and the Angel's will.
    Be safe out there Sir, always check your 6.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    October 24, 2011 3:13 AM PDT
    What words can we put together to express our sadness at the tragic and senseless loss of your friend? All seem vastly inadequate to me. Obviously and sincerely I feel great sadness for you and JD's family. Your empty feelings will never be filled but you can help fill that void by remembering all of the good times, practical jokes you mentioned, and JD's great sense of humor.
    I salute you and JD, as I do all Law Enforcement Officers. To be willing to place yourselves in harms way for the betterment of mankind take a special person, and you are all that special person.
    RIP JD.
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    October 24, 2011 4:05 AM PDT
    I am sooo sorry for your loss, That is just a terrible situation all around.
  • October 24, 2011 7:10 AM PDT

    • 5420 posts
    October 24, 2011 8:08 AM PDT

    I am so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of your friend and fellow officer. Our thoughts and prayers are with JD and his family and with you - his friend!

    • 846 posts
    October 24, 2011 8:51 AM PDT
    Sorry for your loss of your friend my thoughts are with you and his family.
  • October 24, 2011 8:58 AM PDT
    May you have peace in your hearts and may you always have your memories. May God be with you and his family. thoughts are with you.
  • October 24, 2011 9:33 AM PDT
    Thank yall so much for the kind words it means alot and helps. There was a candle light prayer last night at the Dept i spoke to his sons and the responding officers completly broken up we talked about some good time but it didnt last long and turned into tears so sad. I cant describe the out pouring of love from the community it is amazing. There is a local bar called Crazy Turks that JD started a bike night at a few months ago we are having a tribute to him tonight. A quick story about JD he had bad luck with riding but would always get back on motors no matter what. in 1998 we were working a escort and a lady passed out driving and ran him over smashed his left leg. A year of rehab pins rods and screws in his leg and he was back ready to ride. The day he returned to full duty me and another officer were running radar about three blocks from JD and heard him get in a chase we started in his direction the next thing over the radio was im down. Fearing he had been shot me and the other officer are flying to his location round the corner and see his bike on its side with the blue lights on. We are still going about 60 when we see JD in the middle of the road i peel off to the right and my partner to the left missing him by inches. We turn around and see he hit a pot hole in the road and crashed when we got to him he had lit a cig laying on the road yelling you sons of bitches almost ran me over and broke the other leg we sat on the ground next to him and laughing waiting for the ambulance three more months off. Thank yall again for listing to me tell stories about him yall are a awsome extended family and dragon i know JD would be honored for you to wear a badge band
  • October 27, 2011 10:48 AM PDT
    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend JD. We certainly appreciate how all of those in Law Enforcement go out there day after day for us. Even after something like this hits so close to you, you go right back out there.

    Good bless you sir!

    Our prayers are with your friend JD as he may rest in peace!
    • 844 posts
    October 28, 2011 7:16 AM PDT
    Hey Percy, Haven't been here in a bit so I just saw this terrible news. God bless JD and his family.

    Hope your doing ok my brother!
  • October 28, 2011 7:51 AM PDT
    We laid JD to rest yesterday. No words can describe it the community lined the streets with american flags and signs yelled to the hundreds and hundreds of LEO "thank you for keeping us safe" "Yall are all Heros". The schools that we passed had all the students outside with american flags there were thousands of people lining the streets showing such love for JD his family and all LEO. My wife Kelly rode in the patrol car with me she knew JD well and she was in shock with the way the community responded also. Kelly was talking to his father and he said I didnt know JD had this many friends. Between all the tears and bagpipes the one sweet sound that would not be muffled was the sound of motorcycles as far as you could see. The patriot guard was incredible they were everywhere. JD would have been proud of the funeral but what happened after he would have lOVED the Carolina Ale house had a blowout party to tribute him. They named a drink after him the T-31 (his call #) it was Crown and Mt. Dew his fav. Me and Kelly are doing good and are done mourning he wouldnt want that. He would want us to get bikers together and enjoy life like he did. Thank everyone here for all the prayers and kind words i love my Cyclefish family
    • 1 posts
    November 1, 2011 12:06 PM PDT
    Sorry for your loss that is a loss to all of us
    • 9 posts
    November 2, 2011 6:31 AM PDT
    Gosh Percy, I've been remiss in cruising the site, and didn't see this until today. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and fellow officer J.D. My prayers go out to his family and ALL of his good friends. Those on "motors" and those he was just a friend to. He was a hero. Precious few of those left in the world, but the fact that you and he were friends, tells me that he saw something in you, too! Cherish your friendship and the memories, my friend. You'll see him again. God Bless.
    Ride Free
  • November 2, 2011 1:16 PM PDT
    Hi Percy, sorry I didn't see this sooner but still wanted to pass along my sympathy for the loos of your friend.

    Just terrible that someone who put themselves in harms way for the good of the public had to die in such a tragic and senseless manor.

    God Bless you Sir.
  • November 23, 2011 1:14 AM PST
    WoW...I don't know what to say other then pray...Our Lord Jesus in heaven, bless the officer killed and please watch over his family and friends, and Lord please watch over the shooters family and friends for they are left to deal with the fall out..and finally lord as much as I don't wanna ask this but I follow your terms Jesus. Have mercy for the shooter's weakness and give him the sand he will need as he will forever exist in a place where there is no rest and no forgiving...Bye Bye for now Lord....
    • 580 posts
    November 23, 2011 8:51 AM PST
    Ditto RandyJoe - and condolences Percy on the loss of your brave and great friend.

    I too haven't been around much lately and missed this post. It has been both soul destroying and heartening to read your initial post and the subsequent tales of your camaraderie and friendship. May JD rest in peace. Hugs
  • November 23, 2011 11:42 AM PST
    JD was lucky to have a friend like you. May we all be so lucky. take care & best wishes...
  • November 23, 2011 4:42 PM PST

    OMG, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. They say only the good die young and he certainly sounds like one of the good ones.

    My condolences to you and his family.  

    ~ pink~

    • 5420 posts
    March 27, 2012 8:28 AM PDT
    We all remember when Jason (percy) shared this tragic event with us.  Well JD has certainly not been forgotten.  The Oconee Chapter of the Iron Warriors Motorcycle Club is holding a Memorial Run for Deputy JD Paugh in April.

    For thoose in the GA area, here are the details of the
    JD Paugh Memorial Benefit Ride and Event
  • March 27, 2012 9:26 AM PDT
    My prayers go to JD and his family. May JD soul rest in peace and may God find forgiveness on the person who took his life.
  • March 27, 2012 10:09 AM PDT
    Always a bad day when a good cop goes down through any kind of stupid...this sort of thing makes me mad...I have loads of friends and riding buddies over there who are cops, and I NEVER want to hear any of them facing anything like this...sending condolences to the guy who lost a friend and the family that lost a good man...
  • March 27, 2012 12:07 PM PDT
    Our prayers out to his family and friends.