WTFU with the CRAZY Sport Bike Riders in CALI???

    • 9 posts
    September 18, 2011 10:55 PM PDT

    A fiery motorcycle crash on Highway 33 Sunday afternoon killed two men and injured four other people, according to the California Highway Patrol.

    Two motorcyclists traveling in opposite directions died after crashing head on, starting a chain reaction with three other motorcycles, one of which caught fire. The dead men, whose names were not released, were from Simi Valley and Lancaster.

    The crash, reported shortly before 12:30 p.m., occurred between Lockwood Valley Road and Pine Mountain summit. The rural area in the Los Padres National Forest, north of Ojai and west of Frazier Park, is popular for weekend rides. The incident closed down the roadway in both directions for a time.

    Three of those injured were from Simi Valley and one was from Sun Valley.

    Two groups of motorcyclist were traveling in opposite directions on the highway near Lockwood Valley Road. The lead motorcyclist of the riders traveling south, a 19-year-old man from Lancaster, lost control of his motorcycle while traveling at a high rate of speed, and crossed the double yellow line into the northbound lanes, according to the CHP.

    The motorcyclist crashed head on into the lead motorcyclist of the other group, a 54-year-old man from Simi Valley. They were both killed.

    A second northbound motorcyclist, a 61-year-old man from Simi Valley, lost control of his vehicle while avoiding the first collision. He suffered minor injuries, the CHP reported.

    A second motorcyclist in the southbound lane lost control as he completed the right-hand turn and traveled into the northbound lanes where he collided with a motorcycle carrying two people. The 26-year-old Sun Valley man suffered major injuries; the driver and passenger of the other motorcycle, both of Simi Valley suffered moderate injuries, the CHP reported. The driver, a man, is 51 and his female passenger 43.

    A third southbound motorcyclist lost control of his motorcycle and the roadway as he attempted to avoid another damaged motorcycle.

    Four injured riders were flown out by helicopter, according to Ventura County Fire Department spokesman Bill Nash.

    Because the crash occurred in a remote area, Ventura, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara County fire departments responded.

    I watched a news special about a week before this wreck, where the news crew had a radar gun, and was clocking these Sport Bikes at speeds in excess of 125!  Mostly on winding, blind corners.  The news crews and everyone who witnessed this happening were all in shock that the local authorities sat idly by.  "They" claim, it's just too hard to catch those bikes on these winding roads....and that even when caught, the speeder's just pay the tickets and continue these deadly practices.  I'm praying for the families of the fallen.  And that someone puts a stop to this....                          P.S. The wife (the couple on the second bike hit) passed early this condolences.                 

    Ride Free
    On a personal note, I have nothing against Sport Bike's or their rider's (my old man's one of them), I am only wondering why anyone (on any bike) would endanger live's, just for the thrill of the ride...                                                                                                  

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    September 18, 2011 11:36 PM PDT
    You can't fix stupid. Very sad for those they harm, both physically and emotionally. At least they do dry up thier gene pool.
  • Ry
    September 19, 2011 7:32 AM PDT
    It's unfortunate, but many sport bike riders (mostly the younger aged riders) out here show next to no regard for their own life, much less anyone else on the road. I'm actually surprised the news crews haven't picked up on this and started to run with it.

    Deep condolences for the families affected...
    • 601 posts
    September 19, 2011 8:18 AM PDT
    I ride a sports bike Tweek, and I have hit speeds of 150 on back roads , and believe me a back road in Ireland is winding with U-turns and blind corners, its part of the "buzz" of riding a hi-power machine, tho I have slowed down in the last few years ( I hate being over 40). I would never do those speeds on main roads and even on the backies we would always have a road "spotter" go ahead of us first. I see where you are coming from on the needless deaths, but this will always happen, and it will continue, high-power = hige confidence= high speed, its like all extreme sports be it..skydiving...hunting...mountaineering, its all dangerous and the results are usually tragic. But we can't ban it, so all we can do is hope those who partake have the ability to survive and not put others in danger, and when tragedy befalls............then just pray for them.
    • 0 posts
    September 19, 2011 8:24 AM PDT
    We have a cool mountain road here in Brisbane called mount Mee..Rounds are really bloody twisty and its go to the stage that us older wiser riders wont go out there anymore because of the stupid shit that goes on..The cops pound the shit outta the place but still the stupidity goes on..Every weekend theres a line of tow trucks at the bottom and ambulances are always close by..Worst bit is it aint just sportsbike riders.Yup there has been alot of older cruiser bike riders killing each other up there lately..We have the older" I used to ride 40 years ago and think I'll buy a bike now I've retired crew" starting to kill themselves and others now..All comes down to riding within your bloody limits and what Mike said"Ya cant fix stupid". Cheers BOOF
  • September 19, 2011 9:04 AM PDT
    OK.....I say and have always said sportbikes/rockets belong on the race track...I'm all for freedom n shit but some things just have to be controlled...
    the sport bike riders here in the pacific northwest are just as crazy...not sure how to control this but when I through my leg
    over the back on my bike n hit the road I become responsible for me n everyone I encounter.
    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    September 19, 2011 10:53 AM PDT
    Holy cow, that is terrible. People think they are invincible.
    • 2 posts
    September 19, 2011 1:21 PM PDT
    Guilty, a little bit, upon occasion. Never have been over the century mark on 2 wheels & no desire to get there but do love to push thru the twisties.
    Besides my natural fear of death am really terrified of being arrested doing something outrageous & pricing myself out of riding. - Makes sure that I am in a really, really remote place with no reason for law enforcement to be there before doing anything dumb.
    • 2072 posts
    September 19, 2011 2:22 PM PDT
    And people wonder WHY bikers in general get a bad name !!!!
  • September 19, 2011 8:05 PM PDT
    It's too often that it is a member of the military on his first bike that is killed around where we live. It's a shame that so many die for nothing other than trying to show off in front of his buddies. I hate to hear stories of riders killing other riders out of stupidity. After all if we can't ride near or next to one another with out causing someone else to go down, then were no better than the idiots who attempt to kill us in their cars all the time.
  • September 20, 2011 12:59 AM PDT
    Thanks for posting tweek. This is a problem everywhere. In the small town I work in we usually have one a month ether here or nearby that is involving a sports bike. Most of the time the rider is trying to evade the police. At least 70% of the fatals I have worked have been riders with a learners permit and or impaired most under 25 years old. That is a sad death notification the family usually says they knew they were going to get hurt on that bike because they saw the rider doing something stupid way before the crash
  • September 20, 2011 1:43 AM PDT
    percy wrote...
    Thanks for posting tweek. This is a problem everywhere. In the small town I work in we usually have one a month ether here or nearby that is involving a sports bike. Most of the time the rider is trying to evade the police. At least 70% of the fatals I have worked have been riders with a learners permit and or impaired most under 25 years old. That is a sad death notification the family usually says they knew they were going to get hurt on that bike because they saw the rider doing something stupid way before the crash

    Earlier this summer, we lost a young guy riding a sport bike who tried to outrun the police.  The rider was over 100 mph when the police caught him on radar, and took off from there when they pulled out to stop him.  The pavement was still a bit wet that morning from rains overnight, and not far down the road he lost control of the bike and went down.  Apparently it was a pretty ugly scene at the crash.  The kid had just graduated from high school.

    That said, I've seen a few guys on Harleys and other cruisers up here playing with fire as well.  In my neck of the Northwoods, the forests are dark and close in pretty tightly to the road.  When I'm in those forests, I keep my speed in check because you never know when a deer is going to jump out of nowhere and into your path.  So when I see a guy flying down those roads at 70 or so mph wearing a tee shirt and no helmet, leaning through those corners, the edge of the woods only twenty feet away, I say a little prayer and hope I don't find him wrapped around a pine tree a few miles down the road.

  • September 20, 2011 2:34 AM PDT
    I was on I-20 outside of Atlanta a few years back doing 80 in my truck when a kid on a crotch rocket passed me.... up on the rear wheel, standing on the foot pegs....he must have been doing 100 easily. I lost site of him and never saw any by the Grace of GOD I'm guessing he made it down the road. A true daredevil and a friggin' idiot!
    • 834 posts
    September 20, 2011 3:36 AM PDT
    had that same thing happen on a toy run. guy on a sport bike passed a group of about 70 motorcycles on his rear wheel. all i thought was if he eats it he takes out a whole bunch of riders with him
  • September 20, 2011 3:49 AM PDT
    People like that make it bad for everyone else. That's why we have to wear helmets here in California. I have people yell at me when I move my bike a few feet without a helmet on thanks to idiots like that.
    • 5420 posts
    September 20, 2011 4:02 AM PDT
    As some of you know I actually used to race motorcycles. Even with my love of speed I guess I was always smart enough to realize that the only place to ride like that is the track. There are some many factors on public roads that could cause a terrible accident - not just other vehicles, but debris in the road, oil on the road, road damage, etc.

    That's why you can safely run those speeds on a track, they are made for it. Plus the track is even set up to help protect you in the event of a crash.

    I've got nothing against sport bikes, I actually like them, just need to use common sense! A fast motorcycle and a racing suite DO NOT make you a racer!!!
    • 130 posts
    September 20, 2011 4:27 AM PDT
    AzRider wrote...
    had that same thing happen on a toy run. guy on a sport bike passed a group of about 70 motorcycles on his rear wheel. all i thought was if he eats it he takes out a whole bunch of riders with him

    Lately, it seems the  guys who have made the  news by  taking a  bunch of riders with them have been experienced cruiser riders, like  the Brother Speed club.

    • 1161 posts
    September 22, 2011 8:51 PM PDT
    Here at Moody AFB they had a new guy come back from deployment (one of my mom's unit she helps). This was some time ago but the story is going to remain the same. He went (Age 27) and dropped 20 grand on some sport bike had it suped up with all sorts of upgrades. Even as a new rider (still no "M" endorsement or a permit as of yet even signed up for the safety course on base with was also a year waiting time to get into class). Got his new bike three days later was on his way home from the dealership and never made it home. The speed was estimated at 180+ he had under 15 miles on the bike and servived 2 deployments over seas. They display different bikes at the gate entrances from time to time to help remind riders and cagers to be proactive in safety. My mom pointed out his bike and you can't tell its a Hyaboosa (or however it is spelled). It is sad all around the friends and families for their losses and hopefully this can all be repaired some way, some how.

    As for me being against sport bikes you would be barking up the wrong tree because I like them they are cool lots of paintable space but just not my style.
    • 1780 posts
    September 23, 2011 12:14 AM PDT
    I think maybe the mentally of Military personnel that return home from a combat zone is ...they couldn't kill me in combat, so I can survive anything. Then the other problem is like Seakers much bike little experience!
    Hey everybody it's a given, the Grim Reaper is coming for us all....I just want to make him wait as long as possible.