Whatever is happening in yer life sister; I sincerely hope ya find peace and love. Be strong, stay strong, and the very best to ya
Thank you, I found this article and cut and pasted I added the last paragraph about kicking him to the curb. Long story short been with him for 20 years, good marriage for the most part, great friends and we did alot together, he took a job out of state Dec 08, and I had to stay behind for 9 months he came home 1 weekend a month, when riding season came around he frequented a biker bar and met his dream! She works there and he left me for her. Anyways, can't keep em if they don't want you. So I sent him on his way. I'll be fine, there is someone out there that will be the person to love me and care for me. Better to have peace in my life and let her put up with him once the newness wears off and finds out what he's really like, she won't have the unconditional love tht I gave him for 20 years!