So you're single and involved with a married man

  • July 16, 2010 3:05 PM PDT
    FxrDude wrote...
    Whatever is happening in yer life sister; I sincerely hope ya find peace and love. Be strong, stay strong, and the very best to ya

    Thank you, I found this article and cut and pasted I added the last paragraph about kicking him to the curb. Long story short been with him for 20 years, good marriage for the most part, great friends and we did alot together, he took a job out of state Dec 08, and I had to stay behind for 9 months he came home 1 weekend a month, when riding season came around he frequented a biker bar and met his dream! She works there and he left me for her. Anyways, can't keep em if they don't want you. So I sent him on his way. I'll be fine, there is someone out there that will be the person to love me and care for me. Better to have peace in my life and let her put up with him once the newness wears off and finds out what he's really like, she won't have the unconditional love tht I gave him for 20 years!
  • July 16, 2010 10:47 PM PDT
    dosent it take 2 people to have an affair. kind of pisses me of when you hear things like some percent of men cheat but you dont hear it about woman,. just who are all these men cheating with. So much in life is about respect. If you respect the one you think you love you wouldent be out looking. If you respect yourself you wouldent be so free to give it up to someone before you know if its love. If your not free, your not free. respect that fact and dont go playing around tell you are
  • July 17, 2010 1:57 AM PDT
    g wrote...
    im sorry ......but this is no what u post on a bike site it ??

    this is that family thing in action here G
  • July 17, 2010 2:04 AM PDT
    g wrote...
    im sorry ......but this is no what u post on a bike site it ??

    this is that family thing in action here G

    Derek you should say disfunctional family thing!!!  
  • July 17, 2010 2:12 AM PDT
    Nothing comes easy!! Get single then mingle
    • 1 posts
    July 17, 2010 2:43 AM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    g wrote...
    im sorry ......but this is no what u post on a bike site it ??

    this is that family thing in action here G

    Derek you should say disfunctional family thing!!!  

      But the Cleaver family was on TV.    So anybody out there with a "NORMAL" family raise your hand.
  • July 17, 2010 3:13 AM PDT
    Cathy wrote...
    sidetrack wrote...
    g wrote...
    im sorry ......but this is no what u post on a bike site it ??

    this is that family thing in action here G

    Derek you should say disfunctional family thing!!!  

      But the Cleaver family was on TV.    So anybody out there with a "NORMAL" family raise your hand.

    I always thought the Cleaver's were pretty wierd! But wait a minute Cathy............didn't you marry Wally???? LOLOL
    I just couldn't help myself!!!
    • 1 posts
    July 17, 2010 3:29 AM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    Cathy wrote...
    sidetrack wrote...
    g wrote...
    im sorry ......but this is no what u post on a bike site it ??

    this is that family thing in action here G

    Derek you should say disfunctional family thing!!!  

      But the Cleaver family was on TV.    So anybody out there with a "NORMAL" family raise your hand.

    I always thought the Cleaver's were pretty wierd! But wait a minute Cathy............didn't you marry Wally???? LOLOL
    I just couldn't help myself!!!

    It's OK....after all....that book has many chapters and I definitely cannot raise my hand to that one.
  • g
    July 17, 2010 4:38 AM PDT
    id say if ur off with some other burd or dude then u are not to happy at home .
    loads of ressons why folks **** about ,and we dont know the full story of why other folks do it .
  • July 17, 2010 7:50 AM PDT
    You know what? Let's not even go into "Cheating" wives! I've had several, of my own...Notice I said HAD!!! But!!! I did find out the hard way, it woulda been a whole sight cheaper to keep her! So any woman wants to bitch and gripe about men cheating on their wives needs to suck it up! There's more of you women in this world than there is us men. So do the math! More of you are cheating on your husbands! Want some advice? Get off the couch and on the stairmaster! Stop using what the good Lord gave ya, as a way to get your way! Screw him till he can't see straight and keep doing it and he'll be so damn tired he won't have the energy to chase anything else! You want him at home? Figure out a way besides Handcuffs to keep him there! Make him wanna come HOME after work.... Nuff Said!
  • g
    July 17, 2010 8:00 AM PDT
  • g
    July 17, 2010 8:02 AM PDT
    now whats her name .....................??
  • July 17, 2010 8:09 AM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    g wrote...
    im sorry ......but this is no what u post on a bike site it ??

    this is that family thing in action here G

    Derek you should say disfunctional family thing!!!  

    actually, out of respect for all involved here, i am holding my tongue. i went through this in my life, and my thoughts would come closer to alienating everyone on here, not being supportive.having said that, i'll keep the rest of my thoughts on this topic to myself.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 17, 2010 8:42 AM PDT
    Derek, I gotta say BRAVO!
    I have watched this serious topic slip in and out of jokes and sarcasms. Although we have no rules regarding such it still, none the less, is VERY poor taste. The Lady laid her heart open and some fools laughed at her.

    Healing wishes to all who have struggled with this situation.
  • July 17, 2010 9:51 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Derek, I gotta say BRAVO!
    I have watched this serious topic slip in and out of jokes and sarcasms. Although we have no rules regarding such it still, none the less, is VERY poor taste. The Lady laid her heart open and some fools laughed at her.

    Healing wishes to all who have struggled with this situation.

    I disagree with you on that Rex. No one has made fun of Tattoedlady. There are several that have responded that have been in the same situation as she is in. Levity is healing!!! Having the ability to laugh in the face of adversity is healthy and healing. Just because some can manage to find humor when they are talking about painful life issues does not mean we don't have empathy or compassion and several of us that have responded have been in this same place. Maybe a little humor is just what is needed for some healing for Tattoedlady.
  • g
    July 17, 2010 9:53 AM PDT
    no harm ment rex ,,,just dont think this should be on this site ,loads or ressons why folks go behind the backs of wifes or hubbys ,and u dont alway get to hear the right ressons for it ,and when the person gets caught doing it its always them its the bad one ,but half the time wee dont get to know why they done it on the first plce,
  • g
    July 17, 2010 9:53 AM PDT
    no harm ment rex ,,,just dont think this should be on this site ,loads or ressons why folks go behind the backs of wifes or hubbys ,and u dont alway get to hear the right ressons for it ,and when the person gets caught doing it its always them its the bad one ,but half the time wee dont get to know why they done it on the first plce,
  • g
    July 17, 2010 9:54 AM PDT
    = 2 ??
  • July 17, 2010 1:53 PM PDT
    Now... I've regained my composure. My apoligies to all on Cyclefish. Lets put the cheating spouses and significant others AWAY. PLEASE! Just suffice it to say, that door swings both ways! This is not the proper Venue And let it go! On a brighter note, the cancer benefit ride was a success as far as I could tell. Even though it was almost 100 degrees today, seemed there was a good turnout. Probably around 350 to 400 bikes. Save the Ta-Tas!!!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    July 17, 2010 2:03 PM PDT
    geezzz only 100 it was more than that here.. I hate over 100 degrees....
  • July 17, 2010 2:06 PM PDT
    First week I got back from Ky it was 101 -103 for three or four days... It was horrid!!!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    July 17, 2010 2:08 PM PDT
    Yeah I think it was somewhere around 105 here today.. man.. this is bad
  • July 17, 2010 2:33 PM PDT
    I'm doing a cancer run tomorrow. There are supposed to be about 500 bikes in all. That will be my 1st run with so many bikes. Not sure if I'll ride my bike in the run or ride with someone else. I've never ridden in a pack that big or anything like that amount. I'm riding mine to the event with four other people, then deciding if I will ride my own or jump on the back of someone elses.
  • July 17, 2010 2:52 PM PDT
    If they're going out in small groups that would be okay. Now if they're going out in larger groups I would suggest riding "Co-Pilot" with someone that is very proficient at formation riding. It can be nerve wracking at times keeping up with a group and trying to keep things running smoothly! When I ride with a large group, usually the Road "Captain" is riding a bike with a radio and has communication with the "sweep". (last person in the group) Makes it real nice when they can talk back and forth...
  • July 17, 2010 2:54 PM PDT
    ya have my sympathies debrajoe.... You can only take off so much clothing to get cool... Not like being cold and putting on more "layers"...