Waving to Other Bikers

  • April 21, 2012 10:25 AM PDT
    It depends on the traffic situation that I'm driving with; Sometimes there are just too many bikes that I'ld never have my hand on; Some days I just feel like a g#d d*mn f@#k'n b*%ch and don't wanna wave!

    • 3006 posts
    April 21, 2012 10:42 AM PDT
     Yeah I agree with most here,I'll wave at just about anybody,as long as they have two knee's in the breeze,that includes folks who ride bicycles. Doesnt make much of those who dont wave back,merely brings a smile here,n the thought tag ur it for the day dude LOL my favorite waves are always to the little kids who just seem fascinated with my bikemaybe its the paint color?

    I am superstitous in tht respect riding I ALWAYS return the wave.  n, yes the closer ya get to a huge rally the less waves you will encounter yet always return a wave if possible cause if ya dont,well ya dont wanna know....
    LOL  cept maybe ya meet my friend here n ya dont wanna git his butt mad when ya dont wave back !!!
    • 834 posts
    April 23, 2012 3:37 AM PDT
    Just wanted to wave to you all...

  • April 23, 2012 8:13 AM PDT
    Hey Blurplebuzz ~ before my husband and I got together I used to ride my bicycle a lot and I always LOVED when bikers waved at me. Made me feel a kinship with them even though the only engine I had was my two legs, my heart and my lungs! Anyway, bicyclists love it when you wave to them ~ keep it up :-)
  • April 23, 2012 8:52 AM PDT
    I wave to everyone on the road. I dont care if youre riding an old Kawasaki 454LTD or a yamaha, or whatever, I will wave at ya if your in the wind (not those little vespas though). And if I see ya at the bar, im just might talk your ear off to.Im pretty friendly unless you get me riled.
  • April 23, 2012 8:55 AM PDT
    Oh, and as far as the snobs on the Beemers, I exerience them all the time, it doesnt stop me from waving at em as I pass, even though I expect most wont wave back.
  • April 24, 2012 9:16 AM PDT
  • May 1, 2012 11:46 AM PDT
    I waived to a guy on a bmw he waived back. i also waived to a kid on crotch rocket and he waived back. Both are good things.
  • May 1, 2012 12:27 PM PDT
    I wave at everybody. Car, truck, or motorcycle. Nobody is too good not to be waved to. Many is the time that they don't wave back, but that is when I give them a second wave. Usually with just the middle finger though. Nothing personal, just trying to be friendly. Is it any wonder that I have NO friends. Ha Ha
  • May 1, 2012 12:34 PM PDT
    your just saying hi ...nithing wrong with that. besides isn't that the universal sign for hi or your number 1.
    • 844 posts
    October 9, 2012 12:22 PM PDT
    I wave to everyone on two wheels. I also wave to all LEOs and firefighters and I especially wave to all kids in cars and on the road side. Guess I'm just a waving fool
    • 1 posts
    October 9, 2012 1:33 PM PDT
    Guess am just a friendly fellow
    Give a thumbs up to most everybody who is looking - Motorcycles, trikes, scooters, bicyclists, log trucks - Just about everybody who is willing to accept the xtra hazards that go with their mode of transportation. - Do it enthusiastically if the equipment is totally inappropriate - Scooter on divided slab - Bagger up a gravel road
    Someplace on Rt 41 between Houghton & Marquette waved enthusiastically to a unicyclist. - Later ran into him. He rode 110 miles (each way) of remote highway just for the h' of it.
    • 85 posts
    October 9, 2012 4:45 PM PDT
      I wave at everybody on two wheels, well except one, I meet this dude on a scooter running as fast as he could go { 30-35mph } he wasnt wearing a helmut and looked pretty stoned, I didnt want him to let go to wave and crash out  right in the middle of town so I rode right on by!
  • October 29, 2012 3:10 AM PDT
    Very intresting comment's.....replies! Since I own two Harley's...and a BMW I'm still laughing at some of the comments!...I've been riding since '46 and Yes I generally wave at all bikers(when I have time) but I am not offended if they don't wave back...there are numerous reasons for that...and so I'm not gonna get upset no matter what they are riding.Itt's not what's under You...it's what inside You!Beemerscoot.
    • 544 posts
    October 29, 2012 5:52 AM PDT
    If they are on two wheels and I can wave I ususally do.
  • October 29, 2012 11:04 AM PDT
    I wave, if I can, I also stop when I can in the truck or on the bike if the need arises.
  • February 28, 2013 2:45 PM PST
    From what I've seen:

    The more hardcore the biker the less likely to wave.

    The off the handlebar thing is a little odd for me. The standard thing for me used to be couple of fingers off the clutch side and that was it.

    Nowadays it seems to be the full on arm off the bar. Unless it is a diehard Harley guy in which case they don't wave to the Vrod cuz they do not recognize it as an H-D.
  • March 2, 2013 3:49 PM PST
    Heck, I wave to every one, even scooters. Half the time I can't tell if it's a scooter or full dresser anyway! In difference to what some have said here, I believe it is a brother and sisterhood. I respect the fact that any one who rides knows and accepts the dangers of what comes with it because of the love of riding. Therefore, if I pass you, I'm gonna wave to you, like it or not. If you don't wave back, you are still my brother or sister. Just the black sheep of the family. Love & Peace! Ride on!
  • March 2, 2013 5:51 PM PST
     As a BMW Rider I wave at any and all people on Motorcycles. I really don't care what they ride, they ride I wave. I found that a lot of Harley guys will not wave when you ride a Bike other then a Harley. But I think it is more the person then the brand. If I am coming through a corner at a good clip, I may not wave or coming up to a stop while other bikes come across - cant do it all at one time brake, shift, wave, have coffee, talk on the phone, fiddle with my farkles, text, smoke - people give me a break!  Unless there is something that prevents me from doing it safely, Waving for me is a courtesy and long standing tradition. If I am in a parade - yeah, forget it - blame the one beemer guy among 2000 Harleys 
    • 1161 posts
    March 10, 2013 10:49 AM PDT
    I was out yesterday and was being passed and I looked in the rear window and had 4 eyes staring at me. So I waved and got two hands waving back with smiles from ear to ear. Yep I have gotten to be an waveaholic. If they wave and I see it I will wave back. Other wise I do it to cops, fire trucks, bicycle riders, kids out side, and any one on two or three wheels. I like the ability to make kids smile even if they are having a bad day it may help even if it is for only a short time.
    • 1855 posts
    March 11, 2013 2:14 AM PDT
    I like the references to "hardcore bikers"; i.e., "I don't wave at them", "they don't wave back", etc. I know a couple hundred "hardcore bikers" and they spend more time workin' on bikes, hangin' out in the garage, and drinkin' beer than riding. LOL And when they are riding they're listening to their bikes, paying attention to how the bike is handling, and not thinking in the least about other riders on the road.

    There's not a biker forum that isn't deluged with posts about waving. Most indicate a returned wave. Some get downright nasty and personal. My God, can their lives be any more miserable? :>( I can only take a guess at what the very first waving post said or what inspired it; probably some self-centered puke who felt slighted (insignificant) on the road when a "Harley" rider didn't return a wave. I mean, it HAD to be a Harley rider, right? Who didn't wave to a dude riding rice, right? Ya'll ever wonder "who" the first person was that posted the very first post about waving?

    When I wave I wave. When I don't I don't. No reasoning behind either. It just happens or it doesn't. Plus, I really don't think about it much.

    • 5420 posts
    March 11, 2013 2:55 AM PDT
    Yep, Like I said before I wave at just about everyone because that is just how I am, I don't need a wave back and have never not waved just because of the type of bike someone is riding or the type of person they "may" be. I really don't care of they wave back or not. But then again I am also the type of person that nods or says good morning to strangers as I pass them even when walking. If you want to wave, then wave! And if you want to talk about it in forums, that's okay too!
    • 1855 posts
    March 11, 2013 7:11 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Yep, Like I said before I wave at just about everyone because that is just how I am, I don't need a wave back and have never not waved just because of the type of bike someone is riding or the type of person they "may" be. I really don't care of they wave back or not. But then again I am also the type of person that nods or says good morning to strangers as I pass them even when walking. If you want to wave, then wave! And if you want to talk about it in forums, that's okay too!

    Isn't it amazing how many people walk right by you and say nothing?
  • March 12, 2013 4:19 AM PDT
    When we are riding together, I am the waver. When he rides by himself he waves back to everyone that waves first, he isn't a wave first guy (unless it's kids, he loves waving at kids). I like waving at everyone, and I do wave first most times. There are times I have questioned whether or not to wave because some people just look like they aren't going to wave back, so why bother, ya know. I have avoided waving back to over-enthusiastic wavers (they do exist) just cause it kinda creeps me out. But everyone we ride with is between 25-40 and they all wave so I think the thought that the young ones don't wave may depend on location.
    • 3006 posts
    March 12, 2013 6:46 AM PDT
    Have to agree too many folks now a days seem to have forgotten how to say hello or greet strangers in any fashion thats actually friendly.For the main part, most motorcycle riders,seem perty friendly in general & usually show common courtesy.
    Funny this thread started out as a bash on the BMW folks who never wave,yet I have met some of the friendliest people who ride BMW motorcycles.
    Still waving here despite any negative reactions, I enjoy riding and waving seems like a good way to express it to fellow riders. I recall a few times when I didnt wave back,n felt the fool later for it.