Is it just me or does everyone seem happer

  • April 16, 2010 8:30 AM PDT
    Thanks G. There are so many dogs that need to find homes and I hate the thought of them being euthanized. Mark needs a companion to keep him company, so I hope he is open for it. He can be a bit stubburn and I can't push.
  • g
    April 16, 2010 8:39 AM PDT
    hope he gets one , sure u will , he has u though .
  • April 16, 2010 8:43 AM PDT
    Works both ways. He's a good brother. Never says no if I ask him to do something for me. He is a big help a lot of the time.
  • g
    April 16, 2010 8:49 AM PDT
    that's good .
    • 1 posts
    April 16, 2010 10:48 AM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    I'm taking my little bro to see a dog that needs to be rescued this afternoon. His dog passed away suddenly a couple of weeks ago and he's been pretty upset about losing him. My brother is special needs and spends way too much time alone, so a new dog for him to take care of is just the ticket. I've got my fingers crossed this will be a good match and he will be willing to adopt him. That is a good thing!!!

    Was going to go on a rant about taxes (worked on them 3 days & ended up w/ the std.deduction) but you took the vinegar out of me. - You are sweet, thanks for posting