April 9, 2010 10:17 PM PDT
Spring starts up and the pace of MY life gets frantic, i love it, multi-tasking is what I do best and is when I'm happiest!
AND I AM RIDING! Both my own bike and with friends on the back, the best of both worlds!
AND i start a new job this morning, a great one for me, little pay but the hours are ideal and my paychecks can support my sons racing dream, at a good % off...
AND i move into MY OWN house in 3 weeks with the boys and out of this one full of the ghosts of my legally finished 13 year marriage, rental yes, but MINE!
AND my family has grown to a heavenly size, and I love you all!
AND Bowling Green is just around the corner. Yes, i will do my damnedest to work it out w/ new employer, it IS that important to me!!!! Hell.it may even impress the boss
Life is good, the weather sure does help, but I think the spring cleaning of all old, dirty, tired and negative things helps the most!
Happiness is... simply, here!
April 9, 2010 11:25 PM PDT
Guess that's why they call it S.A.D. in the winter, huh?
April 10, 2010 1:47 AM PDT
I've been on CF for a while, and I have been through the wo is me it's cold, and wo is me it's snowing, and wo is me it's raining, but now the weather is coming around to be more rider friendly... is it just me or does everybody seem happer. I mean the general mood now seems to be more up beat and more playful. It's amazing how the weather can change peoples moods. When it's cloudy people seem more down, and when the sun is out people are more friendly, and out going. Here is a proven test.....when one is laughing It is impossible to be reminded of bills that are due, the car is broken, the kids need school clothes,,,,,etc. Now try this ......the next time you sneeze try to keep your eyes open....did you know it's impossible, just like it's impossible to worry about things when your laughing.
Hell let's laugh more....it's actually good for ya
Night Dragon
yeah, you
April 10, 2010 2:37 AM PDT
Life is good.
April 15, 2010 9:36 AM PDT
Life is very good. We need to see more happy stuff in our forum here, it can get pretty negative from time to time. Doesn't anyone want to tell us about a great ride they took, maybe one their planning, or just how great it is to be able to ride again?
Come on people, everything you want to share can't be just what's bothering you today!!!
April 15, 2010 9:49 AM PDT
April 15, 2010 10:53 AM PDT
very well put bikersarge. don't i know well, stuck with a broken tibia, leg in a cage, and on crutches, have fer another 8 months, i'm told...
sometimes i feel like barking at the moon alrite!
Sorry you are stuck with a broken leg in a cage. I gotta tell you though I howl at the moon just for the hell of it!!! Feels good and makes my neighbors think I'm a little bit wacked!
We look after him and make sure he does not loose touch...
but he used to howl at the moon before he crashed!
Tis important not to let injured brother fall by the wayside, I know when I broke my ankle last year I spent nearly all day on here, kept me sane!
ah ah, how did i loose track of this thread?! thanx brother Dyna, ye sertainly make fer a good connection with reality, only i get sooooooo jealous of all ye that can ride. and the sun is shining in here too, fer a change.
April 16, 2010 8:04 AM PDT
scotlands bad for the s.a.d loads of folks get it ,..im one of them folks ,i can feel myself lift in the summer time .sure they are loads more like me .
April 16, 2010 8:18 AM PDT
I'm taking my little bro to see a dog that needs to be rescued this afternoon. His dog passed away suddenly a couple of weeks ago and he's been pretty upset about losing him. My brother is special needs and spends way too much time alone, so a new dog for him to take care of is just the ticket. I've got my fingers crossed this will be a good match and he will be willing to adopt him. That is a good thing!!!
April 16, 2010 8:20 AM PDT
hope u get one ,hate to see things like this .best o luck .