What Did You Do This Weekend

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    • 1363 posts
    October 27, 2009 3:44 AM PDT
    Went Deer hunting, No legal deer to shoot.... 3 point or better(on at least one side not total)... Great weekend. Little on the chilly side, 24º in the morning on Sunday. Very pretty country. Here is a sunset I enjoyed

  • October 27, 2009 4:24 AM PDT
    Um i didn't do much this weekend. I changed the clutch master cyclinder and slave cylinder on my truck. Went for a quick ride, and sunday i worked outside little bit, help the wife straightin up inside and then relxed the rest of the day.
  • October 27, 2009 4:26 AM PDT
    awesome picture highrisk. i love the mountains. i can sit for hours and just look at the scenery. We dont have any mountains in louisiana. Iev been to the smokeys when i went to DC and i loved it.
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    • 19067 posts
    October 28, 2009 1:19 AM PDT
    Travelled down to Lynchburg to have some BBQ and hear some Bluegrass music at Jack's House.
    MMMmmm BBQ.  (too bad I had to use the cage)
  • g
    October 28, 2009 6:11 AM PDT
    great photos .thats the kind of things i only get to see on the telly .is that some kind of town hall or church in the back ground ?,looks like a set from the jukes of hazard .
  • g
    October 28, 2009 6:15 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    g, I was reading that Rossi was thinking of going to 4 wheels - Rally Cars - next year. We would sure miss him on the GP circuit!

    Rossi on 4 Wheels?

    aye lucky ,ive also heard i might be off to kawasaki ?? he says he wants a challenge well id say that would be on like .theirs a few things flying about at the moment ,also heard he might be off to formular 1 ??
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    • 19067 posts
    November 1, 2009 11:32 PM PST
    Went to a local Ren Faire and hung around with the Falconer. WOW I really admire these Raptors. Planning a couple more private photo sessions. He has a 2 and 1/2 kilo european Eagle Owl that is absolutly Georgous. Can't wait.
    • 21 posts
    November 1, 2009 11:46 PM PST
    Hey Rex - those pix are awesome, man!!! looking forward to seeing more!
    • 126 posts
    November 2, 2009 5:23 AM PST
    Hay Rex please post them when you are done. The birds are great to watch. Look forward to seeing them.
  • November 2, 2009 7:48 AM PST
    this weekend i hung out with the fine folks from B.A.C.A.   Bikers Against Child Abuse           had a great time and such a great cause to support                                               
    • 83 posts
    November 2, 2009 9:11 AM PST
    I spent the weekend watching my 2 sick girls.....man I hate when they don't feel good!
  • g
    November 2, 2009 9:03 PM PST
    my wee girls off school at the moment ,so im off work watching her .
  • November 2, 2009 11:19 PM PST
    Drank beer, handed out candy, drank beer, raked leaves, drank beer, watched the Vikings finish the sweep on the Packers, and oh yeah did I mention...drank beer!

    Cool pics Rex.
  • Mo
    November 10, 2009 2:42 AM PST
    Harleybodei wrote...
    I spent the weekend watching my 2 sick girls.....man I hate when they don't feel good!

    I hope they feel better soon!...It seems that everyone seems to be getting sick!
  • Mo
    November 10, 2009 2:42 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Went to a local Ren Faire and hung around with the Falconer. WOW I really admire these Raptors. Planning a couple more private photo sessions. He has a 2 and 1/2 kilo european Eagle Owl that is absolutly Georgous. Can't wait.

    Absolutey Gorgeous!
  • November 10, 2009 2:51 AM PST
    Rex, I love Falcons, been fascinated by them since my Grandmother had me read the Perregrine Falcon, so thanks for the pictures.
    I went to Seaside Oregon with my girlfriends, huge storm rolled in, 30 foot waves, tornado just south of there in Lincoln City. No pictures of the 30 foot waves, wasn't going out in that weather. Thunder and lighting Saturday night. We did alot of shopping and laughing.
  • g
    November 10, 2009 7:01 AM PST
    went shopping for my daughters xmass ,and watched the gp bikes .weathers no to good with us at the moment .
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    • 1363 posts
    November 17, 2009 2:08 PM PST
    Saturday morning Deener and I headed north to Vancouver B.C. for an over nighter. Cold rainy windy weather so we took the four wheeler..... Stopped at the duty free store at the border and picked up some smokes and liquor. Checked in the hotel around 1:30pm and it was going to be a Rock and Roll weekend........ hung out in the room for a while.....  Off to Sharkies (the hotel bar) had drinks and an early dinner... Back to the room for a few more drinks.... 7:00 pm time to take the walk to General Motors Place to see the greatest show on earth, And I'm NOT talking about the circus....... KISS with Buck Cherry opening for them...... What a show... Buck Cherry was very good... Kiss rocked the house and then some.... Met some nice people.... Back to the room around 12:30 am to hang out some more    Up Sunday morning arounf 7:00 am fixed coffee watched a little morning news and on the road around 9. took the scenic  route.  Back in the states and home around 1:30pm.... Nap time........ Up at 3:30pm and I am a  nervous F-ing wreck......................................... Hit the shower,  a shake of the head to dry the mop and off to Seattle........ I have Meet and Greet tickets to see KISS........ got down to the will call with the other fans.... Got our passes and tickets... Now once inside we get to wait until the band is ready for us... We are all talking about how many times we've seen the band, where we've seen them, all the stuff we have collected... According to all of the the wives there she told deener " your husband (me) wins first prize for having the most KISS stuff... Made a poster with my bike pics on it... The other guys thought it was cool, oh they liked my tattoo also, and my original KISS ARMY jacket... Oh WOW its time to go meet the band....... What a great time. Gene, Paul, Eric, and Tommy were great.... Got my  picture with boys. They signed my Jacket and my bike poster... All four really liked it... Tommy was very impressed.....  Also met Doc McGhee....Off to our front row seats..... KISS damn near blew the roof off the joint. 2 hours of great Rock and Rock, Fire, Smoke and blood. home at 1 am..... Made it to work for my 5am start..... Never do that again. Left early at 11am home to to a nap.... WOW did all that really just happen ?????? Yes sir it sure did.......
    • 5420 posts
    November 17, 2009 2:16 PM PST
    Cool, a lifetime dream realized...not everyone gets a chance to say that.  I just find it hard to believe you didn't pull the bike right inside to show them
    • 190 posts
    November 17, 2009 2:26 PM PST
    Very cool highrisk!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    November 17, 2009 2:36 PM PST
    Right on Jeff, I am happy for you.. It sounds like it was a lot of fun. I am really proud of you for being the pride of all the Kiss collectors! How Great!
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    • 1363 posts
    November 18, 2009 12:35 AM PST
    Thank you ....I tried to get the a photo shoot with the band, Just didnt work... Dean the phtographer told me to email him pictures of my bike and he will try to get on the front page of KISSONLINE...... Still hasn't really sunk in yet that I really got to meet them....... What a weekend....
    • Moderator
    • 277 posts
    November 18, 2009 12:58 AM PST
    JEFF & DENISE! You guys met KISS! That is so totally awesome!!!!!!
  • November 18, 2009 2:11 AM PST
    Thank you, we had a GREAT time, chance of a lifetime!
    • 5420 posts
    November 19, 2009 10:40 AM PST
    Jeff & Denner,  Thanks for keeping Gene busy so I could hang with his ol' lady.

    Lucky & Shannon Tweed @ Cooks Corner earlier today...