What Did You Do This Weekend

    • 844 posts
    August 2, 2009 1:07 PM PDT
    I had a great weekend.  Spent all day Saturday working on the bike and garage.  Changed the oil, gave it the once of year detail, and finally replaced my grips.  Today (Sunday) I rode the entire day.  Just hopping from bar to bar, checking in on some old friends and what not.  Man it felt great to have an entire weekend to do what I wanted!
    • 834 posts
    August 2, 2009 3:20 PM PDT
    Well I didn't get any riding in this weekend   My daughter was in visiting from NM, so I got to hang out with my Granddaughter. She is 4 and such a sweetheart.  Probably the only thing that could keep me off my motorcycle for an entire weekend of beautiful weather.
    • 910 posts
    August 2, 2009 4:03 PM PDT
    Last night we hung out at a biker bar at the entrance to Key Largo. Today, I relaxed on Smather's Beach in Key West, FL followed by sunset at Sunset Pier and the Duval Street Pub Crawl. Enjoyed the Hog's Breath Saloon and Sloppy Joe's (amongh others). Good times.
    • 5420 posts
    August 3, 2009 2:27 AM PDT
    Wow Buffy, does that bring back memories. I used to live in FL (Hollywood area) years ago, and Key West was our once a month weekend getaway. Even though I haven't been there since 1984, doesn't sound like too much has changed...we used to do the Duval Pub Crawl and hang out a Sloppy Joe's way back then. Is the Sunset Celebration on the Pier still just as strange as it used to be...we would see some very unusual people there back then.
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    • 1516 posts
    August 3, 2009 6:52 AM PDT
    Yeah, wow Buffy, I don't think I know what to say after that great sounding post. Stayed home, cooked, was really happy cuz I have paint on my bathroom wall finally after a very long remodel... well I don't have a vanity or throne, but I do have progress and that is always good! Wish me luck in seeing the end to this project! WHEW!
  • August 3, 2009 7:35 AM PDT
    I fixed the damage from my mud related tip-over. The bike is ready to reassemble (except I lost one of the bolts for the seat. I can probably scavenge a bolt from somewhere else & replace it with a zip-tie. I am contemplating selling the bike next month so I can get good money out of it & buy something newer and/or bigger this winter when the prices bottom out.

    I did a cook-out with friends on Saturday. I made tortilla chips and got out some salsa. The burgers were good & the company was a great deal of fun.
  • August 4, 2009 11:26 AM PDT
    Well the great thing about being retired is that you can do absolutely nothing on weekends when all the places like the beaches, restaurants, movies, and malls are crowded. Then during the week when all of you youngsters are working we can have them all to ourselves!

    So to answer the question...We did the same thing we do every weekend, cleaned the house, and did our chores so we can be ready for the week.
    • 212 posts
    August 4, 2009 3:51 PM PDT
    Well went to eat and drink and drink with friends, shopped and oh got my first TATTOO,ouch
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    • 1363 posts
    August 5, 2009 10:31 AM PDT
    Hmmmm let me see, All day Friday and Saturday morning we were at Testy Festy,Saw an old high school friend in Drummen... Saturday afternoon we took a awesome ride to the KOA at West Yellowstone... Sunday we rode the loop in West Yellowstone, Monday we headed back to Buckley, Wa
    • 844 posts
    August 6, 2009 3:39 AM PDT
    I did the same thing I do most weekends lately. Rode from Houston back home to Dallas to see my kids. It's cool because I get some great riding in plus I get to see the kids. But I can't wait for this job to end so I can stay in Dallas.
  • g
    August 6, 2009 7:39 AM PDT
    went for a blast up to bremar ,meet loads of guys from fife ,was a great day .this weekend have one of my pals funeral up in inverness thats tomorrow ,friday ,then on saturday i have logans run .
    • 5420 posts
    August 24, 2009 4:55 AM PDT
    We actually had a pretty busy, and fun weekend. Saturday I got a bunch of work done in the morning, changed the plugs on the bike, and then HDBeech and I went up to Cook's Corner (the local biker bar) to have a few beers and listen to the band.

    Sunday we were up and out early to head over to the start of the Iron Workers poker run in Los Alamitos. We weren't doing the run, but headed over to check out the start and have breakfast at the Starting Line Bar & Grill (where the ride started).

    From there we took off to Venice Beach for the National Go Topless Day rally and march, where HDB marched in the parade, imagine that! (maybe she will write a blog about the experience).

    That finished up about 2pm and it was back down to Cooks Corner for the festivities at the end of the poker run. We had a blast dancing, and meeting a bunch of great people. We even had the band giving away CycleFish tank tops to the ladies dancing. It was cool, by the end of the night there were 7 or 8 girls out there dancing with the CycleFish shirts! We still got home pretty early for a good nights sleep and back to work this morning.

    (Yes, all the girls in the picture have pasties on to make it legal)
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    • 1363 posts
    August 24, 2009 6:09 AM PDT
    Oh ya, I remember............ Saturday started work at 4 am.... Off work and headed home at 1:30pm.... Deener and I went to the river and she got her first river Silver salmon. home about 8 pm. fillet the fish. we got five total. got the in the brine and ready for the smoker. Had dinner and a drink. Off to the rack. Sunday up at 3:30 and off to work AGAIN. After work we hooked up with Some friends John and Kelly (blkowt & sassyirish13)that we met on our Montana trip. Went for a short ride and grabbed a bit to eat.....

    • 0 posts
    August 24, 2009 11:03 AM PDT
    spent Saturday on the lake in the boat, then went to a Clint Black concert. Got up Sunday and took off on the bikes to a friends hawaiian BBQ and did the limbo, swam in the pool and had a hula hoop contest. Then wandered back home trying to put the most miles that we could on the back roads. (42 miles to do a 17 mile trip)
  • August 24, 2009 3:17 PM PDT
    Did the Ride 4 Kids on Sunday, what a blessing! the kids were amazing. If you've never done one of these rides please try and make one, they do 39 of these all over the country. you can check them out at www.ride4kids.org /> If you would like to donate to them through us, you can visit: www.firstgiving.com/faithridersmrbc
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    • 1363 posts
    August 25, 2009 5:55 AM PDT

    Great posts................  here is to living and loving life on 2 wheels

  • August 26, 2009 3:17 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...

    From there we took off to Venice Beach for the National Go Topless Day rally and march, where HDB marched in the parade, imagine that! (maybe she will write a blog about the experience).

    Wish I had known, that sounds like it would have been fun.  I love Venice Beach!
  • September 1, 2009 11:05 AM PDT
    Ok, finally got some real rining in since being back from the family reunion. This past weekend I got together with a friend who rides on the back of her ol' mans bike, another couple, and two more single riders and we took of to ride the coast.

    We headed south down Highway 1 along the coast to the San Simeon area, past the Hearst Castle, and then in through the wineries of Paso Robles. We headed north on the 101 cutting more inland near King City, up through Hollister and then back home. The ride was right about 500 miles and definitely a great time!
  • September 2, 2009 11:59 AM PDT
    I did the same thing I have done for the last month - since getting my motorcycle license - I rode. This past weekend though, now that I am feeling a little more comfortable, I actually rode some twisty roads in the mountains. I went slow, and my husband was really patient with me. But I did it. Now we can start aking some fun rides together, instead of just around the neighborhood and to the Harley Dealer.
  • September 3, 2009 12:27 AM PDT
    Wow so many great weekends. Red and I took advantage and rode up to Dallas to watch the Cowboys lose to the 49ers in the new stadium. The stadium was really awesome. Did some riding to the local HD shops and really was impressed with Texas HD in Bedford, Tx. If in the area stop by and see these folks good dealer and terrific staff.
  • g
    September 6, 2009 5:46 AM PDT
    was at alford bike show , about 30 mile out aberdeen ,was great ,loads of bikes and bike racing ,was also stunts ,and on saturday i was in the pub watching SCOTLAND BEAT MOLDOVA 2-0 ,YAZZZZZZZZZZ .
  • September 6, 2009 7:31 AM PDT
    Highrisk, what river were you on? Lot of anglers on the Puyallup going for the pinks that are running.
    • 5420 posts
    September 27, 2009 3:53 AM PDT
    Pretty relaxing family weekend for me. Saturday I took a short ride and stopped by Cooks Corner. They had a Vintage 2-Stroke Bike Show that I didn't know was happening. That brought back some memories from high school days on motorcycles. In the afternoon and evening we had some good friends over to hang out at the pool and BBQ.

    Today HDBeech and I are taking our youngest son to the Angeles' game to hopefully see them get one game closer to clinching the division!

    Kind of nice to take it easy. Haven't done that for an entire weekend all summer!
  • g
    September 27, 2009 8:20 AM PDT
    had a great run the day ,went to fife met some guys ,went for a blast ,got good use of my toe sliders ,great ,done about 300miles .
  • September 27, 2009 12:36 PM PDT
    Well, living in upstate NY, summer is slipping away & fall/winter is creeping in. Have to ride every chance you can, regardless of what the weather hands you. Saturday, with the trees changing to fall colors, my son & I headed to Wellsboro, PA to ride to PA Grand Canyon. We got as far as Route 6 in PA & the rain rolled in. Was hoping that we would be able to get there & headed back north towards home before the rain settled in. We ran in rain for about 40 miles, but over all, we ran a total of 300 miles, only 40 in the rain. But once your wet, does it really matter how many miles you ran in the rain?? We did have a good day of riding. They are also harvesting the grapes in the Finger Lakes region of NYS. It's a beautiful sight. It was a great day for a ride, regardless of getting a bit wet.