Helmets Pros and Cons

  • March 6, 2010 1:20 AM PST
    I'm a firm believer in choice, I make mine, you make yours. When I started riding 20 some years ago I wore a helmet religiously, after I was almost turned into road salsa by a semi I didn't see or hear coming until the last second the helmet went on a shelf. I've been down twice since and been fortunate to keep my skull off the pavement. My wife was in an accident 3 1/2 years ago without a helmet, probably would have saved her jaw but everyone involved with saving her life agreed that a helmet would have killed her. That's the exception not the rule.
    A brain bucket is on my head if I'm off the road, and I will defend anyone's right to wear one without getting razzed for it. My daughters wear their helmets when they ride with me, always.

    Pro-choice because riding is about freedom, whether its what road to turn down or whats on your head.
    • 1780 posts
    March 6, 2010 1:23 AM PST

    • 467 posts
    March 6, 2010 2:10 AM PST
    I, too, am a firm believer in choice. That being said, my choice is to wear my protective gear because I like all my skin where it is and I love what brains I have that survived my teenage years. And those teenage years taught me that it is just as brutal getting denim picked out of your arse as gravel!
    • 1 posts
    March 6, 2010 3:24 AM PST
    cnciaco wrote...
    I, too, am a firm believer in choice. That being said, my choice is to wear my protective gear because I like all my skin where it is and I love what brains I have that survived my teenage years. And those teenage years taught me that it is just as brutal getting denim picked out of your arse as gravel!

    I'm highly allergic to road rash.
    • 467 posts
    March 6, 2010 4:38 AM PST
    I am with you on that one! The ONLY allergy I have that I am willing to abide by!
  • March 6, 2010 4:54 AM PST
    I've been riding over 30 years and have probably heard this argument most of them. I've worn a helmet as long as i've been riding state laws or not. Funny thing is I've always worn boots, gloves, jackets etc... No one had to tell me, just did. I have photographed bike accidents resulting in serious injury and in some cases even horrific death. I'm not here to judge, helmet on not, brothers and sisters just do the best you can and be careful!! It's a dangerous thing that we do and we love it. I've seen the safest ride turn ugly in a heartbeat.
  • March 6, 2010 11:21 PM PST
    Michigan ( as Im sure a lot of other states have ) has tried passing bills a number of times to give riders more choice in the matter. I only have one issue with the helmet law going away.

    I still HAVE to wear a seatbelt when I drive. Makes no sense but thats government for ya
  • March 7, 2010 8:35 AM PST
    This debate has been going on for as long as i can remember. i have to say let the rider decide. i don't like the goverment or anyone else telling what i should or should not do. the goverment keeps takeing more and more of our freedoms away. when is it going to end. we had a helmet law in my state back in the early 70's and it sucked. we got it repeald. i choose not to wear one and that is my choice. if someone feels better wearing one, that is their choice and thats the way it should be...........just my 2 cents.
  • March 7, 2010 8:54 AM PST
    rode with no helmet back in the late 60's. had 3 crashes ( 1 bike totalled ) started riding again after @ 35 years off. i figured i would not wear the helmet. well i do wear it along with leathers and road armour... in pa it is riders choice,
    thanx to groups like A.B.A.T.E . it is our/my choice...
  • March 7, 2010 9:20 AM PST
    I choose to wear a helmet. Required my boys to wear one when they were learning to ride. Had one of my boys put a bike down when we were 350 miles from home. Had his helmet on. He got up; we checked out the bike - got back on, rode 30 miles to a town, guy at the service station gave us band-aids. Drove home, he never rides without a helmet. However: It should be the rider's choice.
  • March 7, 2010 10:11 AM PST
    I have 3 of my best friends go down, all were wearing helmets at the time of their accidents and all three didn't survive their accidents. Strangely two involved pick up trucks and the other a van with my daughters as passengers. We all, including my daughters, believe in the freedom of choice. I ride at times with and without a helmet depending on the ride or the distance or the way I feel that day. I have 37 yrs. experience, gone down a few times with and without, in my opinion, there are too many variables to determine if they would still be riding had they not been wearing helmets.
    One of the 3 might have survived, his strap caught and twisted his neck....
    .....it's your choice, ride free Brothers and Sisters!
    • 2072 posts
    March 7, 2010 10:18 AM PST
    This topic is as varied as "What's the best tire?".................. As with that question, it's what ever feels good to YOU. And I agree with the general consensus of the postings................... It should be the riders choice, not some suit in government that probably doesn't even ride !!!!!
  • March 7, 2010 10:22 AM PST
    The last time the state of Michigan took this up I really thought uit had a chance and I did like the way it was worded. I cant remember if the age was 23 or 25 but there was an age limit and had to have had cycle endorsement for 3 years with no at fault accidents or certain violations. While its not a total rider choice I think it was a pretty good start. Sadly it didnt pass
  • March 7, 2010 10:34 AM PST
    I say let those who ride decide. If you have to explain they wont understand.
  • March 7, 2010 11:29 AM PST
    I guess everyone has their point of view. Approx. 20 years ago I had a person cut across three lanes of traffic to make a left where there was a no left turn sign. I was wearing a full face helmet and I did not even have time to hit the brakes. I spent 14 weeks in the hospital due to back injury and an additional 8 weeks learning to walk again. After a year I bought a new Low Rider and I have been riding ever since. Helmets provide some level of protection but the percentages are extremely minimal, in most cases less than 2 percent of the time. The same goes for leathers, boots, etc. If everyone wants to waste their time blowing wind about helmet laws that is fine. However, if the states and the fed would start charging those person(s) who like to tailgate motorcycles, cut them off in traffic or any other unsafe action with aggravated assault or attempted assault with a deadly weapon then the roads would be a much safer place for motorcycles. The guy driving the car I ended up hitting was fined $500 for making an illegal left turn plus damages. 3 years later I saw an article in the local paper where he had killed to people on a motorcycle by failing to yield. I carry pepper spray, 1 inch steel balls and a 10mm when I ride. If the law cannot do their job I will do it for them. I have zero tolerance for stupidity and I will protect myself if I am being threatened.
  • March 11, 2010 12:03 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    March 13, 2010 6:25 AM PST
    FXDynaRider wrote...
    . . . . .  if the states and the fed would start charging those person(s) who like to tailgate motorcycles, cut them off in traffic or any other unsafe action with aggravated assault or attempted assault with a deadly weapon then the roads would be a much safer place for motorcycles. . . . . . I carry pepper spray, 1 inch steel balls and a 10mm when I ride. If the law cannot do their job I will do it for them. I have zero tolerance for stupidity and I will protect myself if I am being threatened.

    I hear ya' - BUT - the more the law gets involved w/ motorcycles the more likely it is they will ban them altogether or put in really stupid regulations (ex; mandatory crash bars or seat belts or God know what they will think up)

    W/ universal health coverage it is damn likely we will see mandatory Federal helmet laws followed by efforts to ban motorcycles because of the increased healthcare costs.

    Doubt me? Check out what happened to smokers - They rammed the anti smoking legislation thru based on helthcare costs, using totally bogus "science". - Ditto firearms, after generations of seeking to control crime by controlling firearms they are now attempting to ban them due to healthcare costs
  • March 13, 2010 6:44 AM PST
    I have been in EMS for 32 years, worked helicopter for 11.  Have seen many accidents with and without helmets.  I went street surfing last spring at 80mph, helmet was beat up, but I walked away.  Have also had significant head slap on pavement at less than 10 mph.  Glad I had helmet on for that one too.  Don't think it matters what speed, still seems like a pretty good idea to wear one.  Just remember, June bug at 60 mph between the eyes will leave a mark. 
  • March 16, 2010 3:15 PM PDT
    I wear a helmet in Louisiana because it is the law. That is the only reason. I had a near fatal accident in 1981. No helmet law then and I was not wearing one. I am alive. My son was killed this past year and he was wearing a full face helmet. Go figure. It should be my choice not some damn politicians. Just like those damn seat belts. I am a grown man and should be able to decide for myself....Nuff said!
    • 1066 posts
    March 16, 2010 4:46 PM PDT
    Well folks, it was not law when i was a kid, in Ohio anyway. Then late 60s early 70s helmet law. It was law for several years, then repealed again. We still do not have an H-law, and thats the way it should be, choice. I ride with and without, depending on my mood, i guess. And yes i have been down, hard! When i crashed i was wearing a helmet. It might have saved a scrape on the back of my head, might have! Anyway, bottom line, let riders be the deciders........!
  • March 16, 2010 7:26 PM PDT
    I will always remember a cartoon in Easyriders back in the late 80's early 90's when Kalifornia was pushing for a helmet law.
    It showed a guys head on a board with 4 wheels and the caption stated:

    "Sure glad I was wearing my helmet"
    • 21 posts
    March 16, 2010 9:20 PM PDT
    I think it should be left up to the individual - make your own decision - skiers aren't required to wear helmets etc. I think each person needs to make a choice and live by the ramifications of their choice - shouldnt be a government decision...just my opinion
  • March 17, 2010 8:52 AM PDT
    HijinxApparel wrote...
    I think it should be left up to the individual - make your own decision - skiers aren't required to wear helmets etc. I think each person needs to make a choice and live by the ramifications of their choice - shouldnt be a government decision...just my opinion

    What he said...
  • March 17, 2010 9:03 AM PDT
    I can't see how anyone can stand riding anywhere without full face helmet myself, rain, sand, gravel, bugs all flying up hitting you in the face. On occasion I ride around the hood with only sunglasses on, above fifty my face starts to pull off my scalp, how is that enjoyable?

    A helmet to a biker is like a bullet proof vest to a cop way I see it.
    • 22 posts
    June 2, 2019 6:18 AM PDT

    Accident means unexpected something. In my life, I accident three or more time, but nothing happen two times without some skin damage. But in last time I am without helmet beside my home. It's doesn't a big fact just slept down from the bike, and my head stuck in the ground. After a few moments, start to becomes endless pain and bleeding and so that I admitted to the hospital for three days. After that, I use my helmet every time for close or long distance. I wish that doesn't happened something wrong with someone.

    Thanks to all the best.