Helmets Pros and Cons

  • March 5, 2010 2:53 AM PST
    I answered a poll about helmets. Nofrets sent me a message saying something about starting a forum post asking people their opinions on the pros and cons of helmets because of a comment I left on it.

    So lets hear it. Not looking for debate, just opinions, with maybe a little feed back from someone who has seen a number of accidents both with and without helmets. ( No worries I wont post pictures )
  • March 5, 2010 3:06 AM PST
    25 Years Emt/ Fire Fighter in a lake country Resort Vacation area. Helmets saved more than caused injury.  I don't understand short shorts, tank tops, flip flops, bikini top and bottoms,while wearing full face helmets.   Driver in leathers and passenger near naked.  I have picked up people near skinned but face is pretty.
      I have replaced my helmets twice from accident damage. Totaled one bike and near total loss second. They say I don't seem different (bad joke). One would have been fatal head injury. I will continue to wear them. If they didn't work they would not be required in competition events.
  • March 5, 2010 3:09 AM PST
    I have read many times on biker sites that a helmet is only good for accidents that occur under 30-35 MPH. I wear a helmet when the weather or road conditions are poor. i.e. snow, hail, rain, or bugs

    I prefer not wearing a helmet so I can experience the ride more on a one to one basis. I see more without a helmet and since I ride defensively anyway, I get more input that way. That's my 2 cents worth...
    • 1 posts
    March 5, 2010 3:09 AM PST
    I wear a full-face helmet. After seeing replies on the poll, will be looking into a lighter weight helmet. Newer more light-weight materials are available with today's modern technology.
    • 1780 posts
    March 5, 2010 3:41 AM PST
    First and formost about helmets let me get a quick political gig in (sorry Lucky just a short one) NOBOBY except the rider should to determine if and when he or she should wear a helmet. Secondly I will be the first to say helmets probably do save lives, but I have to roll with the Pup on this one. I elect not to wear one for a few reasons, that would only spur an unnecessary debate.
    I don't get down on people that wear them, so don't get down on me for not wearing one.

  • March 5, 2010 3:46 AM PST
    ThePup wrote...
    I have read many times on biker sites that a helmet is only good for accidents that occur under 30-35 MPH. I wear a helmet when the weather or road conditions are poor. i.e. snow, hail, rain, or bugs

    I prefer not wearing a helmet so I can experience the ride more on a one to one basis. I see more without a helmet and since I ride defensively anyway, I get more input that way. That's my 2 cents worth...

    Its actually the speeds under 35 where I myself prefer not to wear one. If Im riding in town I like to be able to hear 100%, dont like things in my field of vision.

    Just wish I had that choice at times.

  • March 5, 2010 3:48 AM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    First and formost about helmets let me get a quick political gig in (sorry Lucky just a short one) NOBOBY except the rider should to determine if and when he or she should wear a helmet. Secondly I will be the first to say helmets probably do save lives, but I have to roll with the Pup on this one. I elect not to wear one for a few reasons, that would only spur an unnecessary debate.
    I don't get down on people that wear them, so don't get down on me for not wearing one.


    Political gig?? Nah just personal opinion.

    • 5420 posts
    March 5, 2010 3:57 AM PST
    100% with Dragon!

    Although Laura and I choose to wear helmets even when riding in a state that does not require them, that is OUR choice.  And there are a number of reasons I do.  First I do feel safer, whether a false sense of security or not, I like the feeling; Second, it has really just become a natural part of riding for me...I have always lived in a state where they are required, and I just don't feel right on the bike without it; And last, it took me a long time to find all those cool hemet stickers, and I am going to display them

    But bottom line, I don't go around preaching that others should wear helmets, and support my local ABATE in their fight for all riders rights to make their own choice, and I appreciate the fact that no one gives me a hard time for my choice to wear one.

    • 2072 posts
    March 5, 2010 4:24 AM PST
    Have to agree with Lucky 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • March 5, 2010 4:57 AM PST
    Careless drivers have shot down 2 of my motorcycle and 3 of my motorcycle helmets.  I ride defensively but when they are out to get you, you can't stop them.  That was is Small Des Moines IA.  People in the DFW area are more alert. 
    The first time I landed head first on the pavement when I was going 35 mph.  Only injuries were a scratched elbow and strained mussels.  The helmet was destoryed.
    I always wear a helmet.  Full face in the Texas winter and half helmet in the Texas heat.
  • March 5, 2010 5:55 AM PST
    Years ago I rode with a helmet, most of my riding was 120 miles round trip for work daily, regardless of the weather, etc. Now I ride without one, although I have 2 for state requirements. There is so much of a difference riding without one, you see more, hear more, experience more. I keep the helmets in the garage so when my mom or my mother-in-law ask if we have helmets, I can say yes.
  • March 5, 2010 6:13 AM PST
    As a long time street and flight medic, there is no doubt that helmets save lives, just like seat belts. BUT, I choose not to wear one unless it is cold. I wear a beanie helmet in states that make me wear one. I really don't think it should be up to some snivelin shitass somewhere that has never been on a scooter to tell me I have to wear one. Luckily in Texas, we have a choice.
    • 601 posts
    March 5, 2010 6:33 AM PST
    Its law in Ireland to wear a helmet, but I wear one no matter where I am, by choice. I've hit the road a few times and was always glad to have that extra skull to hit the road first
    • 1 posts
    March 5, 2010 7:10 AM PST
    When we go to a nationalized health care system your health will become every bodies business. - You will be paying for their care/They will be paying for yours
    When that happens stand back & note how deep they shove their proboscis into your nether regions.

    p.s.: I wore a helmet before it was a requirement & always wear one
    • 75 posts
    March 5, 2010 8:03 AM PST
    I wrote:  Hi MiParamedic;

    I'd love to see a Forum post about the pros and cons of wearing a helmet from a point of view such as yours. I wear helmets about the same as you - in town I'm not opposed to leaving it on the back of the bike, on the highway, always a full face. I think you could provide very relevent information on the topic. Thanks for considering such a post. Have a great day!

    Mike (nofrets1)

    I answered a poll about helmets. Nofrets sent me a message saying something about starting a forum post asking people their opinions on the pros and cons of helmets because of a comment I left on it.

    So lets hear it. Not looking for debate, just opinions, with maybe a little feed back from someone who has seen a number of accidents both with and without helmets. ( No worries I wont post pictures )

     I think we can look at a variety of opinions just by looking at the "Helmets" poll.  I was actually looking for some insight from first-responding medical professionals (like MiParamedic) about their experiences dealing with motorcycle accidents and those riders that wear helmets verses those that don't.  I live in a state where we can choose whether or not to wear a helmet.  Like I stated above, most times I do, some times I don't.  Am I at more risk in the city verses the highway with a helmet on?  ...without a helmet?  I've heard of folks breaking their necks from impact while wearing fullface helmets... I've also heard of people surviving the accident but losing a portion of their face because they chose a half-helmet on the day they they had the misfortune to face-plant in the intersection.  I've been body-surfing on the interstate with and without a helmet and have been very lucky to walk away from each.  Others have not been so lucky.  So...
    Any first-responders out there want to share their insights? 
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 5, 2010 8:36 AM PST
    Re-loaded from the first time this came up in forums. Check out all of the previous responses. There are some interesting arguments in there

    See do you wear a helmet

    Here ya go. One of my serious PEEVES. FREEDOM OF CHOICE! I am greatly opposed to the govt trying to tell me or any other adult what to wear or when to wear it just because some liberal do-gooder wants to impose their ideas on everyone else. Whether it be a motorcycle helmet, seat belts, ski helmet or bicycle helmet. And, as for others being stuck with medical bills, that won't happen with proper medical insurance. The Govt should worry more about financial execs ripping money out of our bank accounts and calling it boners (mis-spell intentional). And further more... OK OK OK just shut up Mike and answer the question. I CHOSE NOT to wear one and would defend to the end your choice to wear one. And don't get me started on what that DOT sticker means.
  • March 5, 2010 12:19 PM PST
    I have had 2 accidents in 40 years both time wearing full face helmets. I still have a head and a face, if I wasn't wearing them I would be a faceless babbling idiot. When I don't wear one I know the risk, so I usually wear at least a half helmet. Everyone has a choice on how to live or die on the road, just remember that it is now if you will go down it is when, the more you ride the higher the odds so do what you can to reduce the risk so you can enjoy more riding. Off the soap box now!
    • 1509 posts
    March 5, 2010 12:50 PM PST
    I believe It should be manditory to have all riders wear head gear "."

    If I or any of us are in a vehicle and are involved in an accident with a motorcyclist and they expire from injuries sustained in the accident how will you deal with it.

    I have been a fire fighter for 30 years in a small city, I do no EMS can't deal with it. I was involved in 2 rescues from fire seans that the person did not survive took months, to sleep again and years to forget it. I watched an 8 year old girl get hit by a suv. If you only knew what it was like to feel the pulse disapear while you are try to help, and then bury because she was a friends daughter every august 18 has never been the same for 10 years.

    Please don't put me or any one else through theese emotions they suck, and don,t hide behind the motcho antique ideology that the freedom fealing is amplified. Its not been there done that got the tee shirt and scars to prove it.

    My Opinion
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 5, 2010 1:10 PM PST
    Well Sheds I sure am glad you do not write the laws!!!!
    Your opinion is justified and that I respect, just DO NOT tell me what to do!
  • March 5, 2010 2:57 PM PST
    Sorry Mike, I misunderstood what you said in the message.

    Thepup states that he has read helmets olny help in accidents below 30-35 miles and hour. When figuring out the kinetics of trauma, when it comes to both blunt force and penitrating trauma the formula that is used is Mass x Velocity squared.

    So a 5 pound head hitting the pavement at 20mph would be figured out as 5 x 20 squared. SO the mass involved in trauma isnt as important as velocity. So in therory your helmet would be more important at higher speeds, IF the head was our only point of concern.

    Outside of motocross I have actually worked very few motorcycle accidents where I could point to a helmet and state " that saved your life " and the ones whre I could were YOUNGER riders. And they didnt involve another vehicle most of the time.

    Now if people would push proper clothing as much as they push helmets...... There is where a huge difference could be made. Here in Michigan as long as your wearing a helmet they dont care if your in shorts and flip flops
    • 1780 posts
    March 5, 2010 11:19 PM PST
    It's pretty rare that subjects get this heated on this site, and I think what happen is two different subjects became co-mingled. 1. Do helmets save lives , 2. Freedom of Choice
    My final throughts on this subject.....Yes Probably by wearing a helmet your chances of surviving a crash would be greatly increased in your favor. Do I want a Government agency telling me I HAVE to wear a helment... NO!,

    Night Dragon
    • 1509 posts
    March 5, 2010 11:31 PM PST
    No Heat

    just discussion:

    Everything you do you are regulated.

               Drive a car: must have Insurance, emissions inspection, saftey inspection, seatbelts, and a licence!

              Walk into your house, house must meet saftey standarda Boca code, Electricial standards 
                code,plumbing code, and a residence permit.

    I am far from a liberal socialist and believe goveronment needs to stay out of our lives. something need to be mandated because we will always take advantage of every situation thats human nature.

    Love You All Stay Safe.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 5, 2010 11:38 PM PST
    No offense taken here. More rules does tend to fire me up....
    • 1040 posts
    March 5, 2010 11:41 PM PST
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 5, 2010 11:51 PM PST
    MiParamedic wrote...
    Sorry Mike, I misunderstood what you said in the message.

    Thepup states that he has read helmets olny help in accidents below 30-35 miles and hour. When figuring out the kinetics of trauma, when it comes to both blunt force and penitrating trauma the formula that is used is Mass x Velocity squared.

    So a 5 pound head hitting the pavement at 20mph would be figured out as 5 x 20 squared. SO the mass involved in trauma isnt as important as velocity. So in therory your helmet would be more important at higher speeds, IF the head was our only point of concern.

    Outside of motocross I have actually worked very few motorcycle accidents where I could point to a helmet and state " that saved your life " and the ones whre I could were YOUNGER riders. And they didnt involve another vehicle most of the time.

    Now if people would push proper clothing as much as they push helmets...... There is where a huge difference could be made. Here in Michigan as long as your wearing a helmet they dont care if your in shorts and flip flops

    Not sure you are talking to me but I will explain...
    I resurected the previous forum of "similar" subject matter for anyone to read what was said before. There were over 100 entries in that forum of many different degrees of passion.  'Twas FYI only...