Lane Splitting......... Yea or Nea?

  • February 6, 2010 12:36 AM PST
    It's not really legal any place in the U.S.A., it's tolerated in some states under the right conditions. Every state has laws on how to pass vehicles that include the use of turn signals so many feet before you cross the line.

    Do you lane split?...........
    • 2072 posts
    February 6, 2010 12:44 AM PST
    It IS legal in California however It it very dangerous (JMHO). Several years ago I was on Interstate 5 going through L.A.(I was in a cage). Traffic was moving about 20 -25 MPH. This guy on an old Honda 350 came cruising up between cars. Traffic came to a complete stop but he kept moving. An old man in a truck decided to open his driver door just as the bike got to him. Guy on the Honda took the drivers door off, really messed up a nice little 350 and ended up in the back of an ambulance with some fairly serious injuries. Up until then I had no problem lane spliting but WILL NOT do it anymore. I've seen too many bikers cut off while lane spliting for me to consider it a safe practice.
  • February 6, 2010 12:47 AM PST
    I never do it just caus of the crazy cagers that would open a door just to piss ya off
    • 6 posts
    February 6, 2010 12:49 AM PST
    Yeah, I've gotta say I'm with BlvdCruiser on that; even if I could do it in Ohio, I don't think it's really worth it. Especially here, we don't get a whole ton of gridlocks so you wouldn't gain that much time or ground if you did. I'd rather wait between the cages than end up under one.
  • February 6, 2010 12:51 AM PST
    I commuted 100 miles a day in jammed up traffic on I-5 in San Diego for 3 yrs. You learn to do it safely. I never saw a motorcycle not doing it. But it's nerve racking!!
  • February 6, 2010 12:52 AM PST
    My problem with it is a traffic lane is designed for one vehicle at a time, if I'm on my bike I don't want a car in my lane, in my car I don't want a bike in my lane either. That require's a few inches of clearance between bikes and cars at the same time. Problem two is you need to cross the dreaded slippery painted lines to do so.
  • February 6, 2010 1:00 AM PST
    Well it is legal in Kalifornia and it's address in the motorcycle handbook. On the multi lanes of the Interstate you ride in betweeen the outside lane and the next inner one. The outside lane vehicles have more room to drive to the left of the lane creating more space for the bikes to go up the lane. The CHP keep the law on the books from what I've heard so that they can do it. I've followed many a CHP before.
    • 1 posts
    February 6, 2010 1:07 AM PST
    I ALMOST never do it mostly cause live in the boonies & usually travel on the 2 lane, hi-crown, secondary roads + don't like having to focus on the vehicles instead of the scenery but if my son in DC tells the truth ALL motorcyclists traveling on the Beltway do it. He is convinced that is the only reason people own motorcycles in the DC area
  • February 6, 2010 1:09 AM PST
    I feel for folks riding bikes in big city traffic, I avoid it like the crabs.
    • 1040 posts
    February 6, 2010 1:12 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 6, 2010 1:27 AM PST
    I saw it being done last summer when I was in CA but I wouldn't do it. There is no place I ride to that I am in that much of a hurry. If I were commuting daily I might do it but probably not. It isn't legal here in PA so there is no option.
    I'm with ya blvdcruiser, IT IS DANGEROUS
  • February 6, 2010 1:30 AM PST
    Raywood wrote...
    Well it is legal in Kalifornia and it's address in the motorcycle handbook. On the multi lanes of the Interstate you ride in betweeen the outside lane and the next inner one. The outside lane vehicles have more room to drive to the left of the lane creating more space for the bikes to go up the lane. The CHP keep the law on the books from what I've heard so that they can do it. I've followed many a CHP before.

    I know it's allowed in Cali under the right conditions but legal? From what I read they still have the passing laws to enforce if someone misbehaves.
  • February 6, 2010 1:39 AM PST
    I have seen way too many bikes get taken out doing it. A few years back saw a dude get pretty messed up when he lost control and started bouncing back and forth between cars. I could not believe a bike cold go end over end in that little space. And yes the dumb azz was going too fast.
    • 5420 posts
    February 6, 2010 1:43 AM PST
    California does allow multiple vehicles to occupy the same lane as long as it can be done without either vehicle obstructing an adjacent lane. So remember it is not Lane Splitting, it is Lane need to be in a lane! Riding the line or swerving from one side of the line to the other as you "Lane Split", can get you a ticket.

    I try my best to leave on time with a good attitude, so I don't have to worry about sitting traffic. But there are occasions where I will Lane Share. Typically if the traffic is at, or near a complete stop. Or if I am with a number of bikes so that we can make our presence known.
    • 2072 posts
    February 6, 2010 1:44 AM PST
    Flatlander wrote...
    Raywood wrote...
    Well it is legal in Kalifornia and it's address in the motorcycle handbook. On the multi lanes of the Interstate you ride in betweeen the outside lane and the next inner one. The outside lane vehicles have more room to drive to the left of the lane creating more space for the bikes to go up the lane. The CHP keep the law on the books from what I've heard so that they can do it. I've followed many a CHP before.

    I know it's allowed in Cali under the right conditions but legal? From what I read they still have the passing laws to enforce if someone misbehaves.

    California is the ONLY state in the US that it IS legal. I have heard that they keep it on the books so the cops can get away with it. Like they need it to be ok for them to do it. We just passed a law against talking on a cell phone while driving but I see cops doing it all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • February 6, 2010 1:48 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    California does allow multiple vehicles to occupy the same lane as long as it can be done without either vehicle obstructing an adjacent lane. So remember it is not Lane Splitting, it is Lane need to be in a lane! Riding the line or swerving from one side of the line to the other as you "Lane Split", can get you a ticket.

    I try my best to leave on time with a good attitude, so I don't have to worry about sitting traffic. But there are occasions where I will Lane Share. Typically if the traffic is at, or near a complete stop. Or if I am with a number of bikes so that we can make our presence known.

    Thats interesting, thanks.
  • February 6, 2010 1:49 AM PST
    I won't lane split. But if I were younger, dumber, had the right bike and conditions, it sure looks like a gas! I keep wondering how much fun it would be when riding rural roads in farm country to whiz under one of those big high-rise crop spraying rigs. Sorry - couldn't help myself. ;-)
  • February 6, 2010 2:02 AM PST
    This is a helpful link full of good info I just found.
  • February 6, 2010 2:08 AM PST
    As responsible riders of two wheels we ask 4 wheel drivers to 'share the road'. I think that also means we share the rules of the road. Let's leave a good name for the rest of the two wheelers on the roads.
  • February 6, 2010 2:13 AM PST
    I wouldn't / haven't done it. I just don't trust people in cars that much!
  • February 6, 2010 2:14 AM PST
    I have done it but you have to evaluate wheater its worth it or not. usually I will wait for the traffic to open up.
  • February 6, 2010 2:21 AM PST
    I have when the lanes are near stopped but have heard cage drivers talk about pinching, cut over the line or slamming, opening the door, if they saw a splitter comming. I watch their mirrors. If they are looking at me, I won't try it..
  • February 6, 2010 2:22 AM PST
    Did a little more hunting and found this..........

    Motorcycles may travel faster than traffic during congested road conditions and can legally travel in the unused space between two lines of moving or stationary vehicles, which is commonly called “lane splitting.”
  • February 6, 2010 5:46 AM PST
    not fond of it either in my car or on a bike. Living in SoCal you see it daily and it is nerve racking, especially the bikes that are very quiet.....they just show up at your door and then they are in front of you.....It would make me brake check every time!

  • February 6, 2010 5:48 AM PST
    put me down for a no vote