Lane Splitting......... Yea or Nea?

  • February 6, 2010 6:01 AM PST
    There is a provision for it in Montana...the dont call it lane splitting on the books but you can do it under the right circumstances.That being said I live in Montana so I just am not willing to risk it just to get through a little traffic in be fair our traffic would not ever qualify as traffic at all in any major city in the country! When I lived in LA,Ca. I did do it at stop lights sometimes but I was young and bullet proof....It does seem to piss people(cagers) off though!
  • February 6, 2010 6:04 AM PST
    Oh and I just remembered, Idaho, and now Montana I think will allow you to proceed through a stop light after a "resonable" period of time if your bike does not trigger it to chance...I have not tested that one out yet!
    • 601 posts
    February 6, 2010 7:14 AM PST
    Always gets me when riding in the states, over here its normal. You can fail your motorcycle test for stopping in traffic. Motorcycle cop told me one time that a bike is at its safest between lanes and the law here recognizes that fact. I was splashed once by some clown opening his car door to dump a cigarette, court made him pay my damages.Funny incident one time in the U.S, I was riding from San Diego to L.A for the first time, when i hit this 8 lane highway at 4pm, in Ireland we only got 2 lanes. so I pulled into a petrol station to pluck up some courage. A police car pulled in behind me and asked was everything O.K, so I told him I was a bit nervous of the traffic as we don't see that at home, no problem he say's just ride like you would normally i won't be too far behind you....well an invitation is an invitation, he pulled in behind me in Bartels H.D an hour later, face as white as a sheet. He reckoned i had broke the law about 60 times over 30 miles and prayed to God he would never again meet an Irish biker.
  • February 6, 2010 7:39 AM PST
    In Oregon it's against the law, however In California I guess it's ok
    I ride down to Sonoma once a year to visit my sister n I lane split
    once I cross the Oregon/California boarder I heard it was leagle
    In California?
    RandyJoe......Ride Fast Safely...
  • February 6, 2010 7:40 AM PST
    dont believe its legal in ny,but put me down for no,its too dangerous
  • February 6, 2010 7:42 AM PST
  • February 6, 2010 7:42 AM PST
    nope, not me... way too many people here in NC are doing way too much when they're driving as it is... all it takes is one second's lack of attention, and I'm a grease spot!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 6, 2010 10:30 AM PST
    rory1 wrote...
    Always gets me when riding in the states, over here its normal. You can fail your motorcycle test for stopping in traffic. Motorcycle cop told me one time that a bike is at its safest between lanes and the law here recognizes that fact. I was splashed once by some clown opening his car door to dump a cigarette, court made him pay my damages.Funny incident one time in the U.S, I was riding from San Diego to L.A for the first time, when i hit this 8 lane highway at 4pm, in Ireland we only got 2 lanes. so I pulled into a petrol station to pluck up some courage. A police car pulled in behind me and asked was everything O.K, so I told him I was a bit nervous of the traffic as we don't see that at home, no problem he say's just ride like you would normally i won't be too far behind you....well an invitation is an invitation, he pulled in behind me in Bartels H.D an hour later, face as white as a sheet. He reckoned i had broke the law about 60 times over 30 miles and prayed to God he would never again meet an Irish biker.

    Great story Rory!
    You Crazy Irishmen...  and my daughter is marrying one in April.

    • 601 posts
    February 6, 2010 10:39 AM PST

    Great story Rory!
    You Crazy Irishmen...  and my daughter is marrying one in April.

    You should be down on bended knee thanking God !....that kinda makes us cousins. Best of luck to your daughter ......she may need it


    • 513 posts
    February 7, 2010 12:38 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    rory1 wrote...
    Always gets me when riding in the states, over here its normal. You can fail your motorcycle test for stopping in traffic. Motorcycle cop told me one time that a bike is at its safest between lanes and the law here recognizes that fact. I was splashed once by some clown opening his car door to dump a cigarette, court made him pay my damages.Funny incident one time in the U.S, I was riding from San Diego to L.A for the first time, when i hit this 8 lane highway at 4pm, in Ireland we only got 2 lanes. so I pulled into a petrol station to pluck up some courage. A police car pulled in behind me and asked was everything O.K, so I told him I was a bit nervous of the traffic as we don't see that at home, no problem he say's just ride like you would normally i won't be too far behind you....well an invitation is an invitation, he pulled in behind me in Bartels H.D an hour later, face as white as a sheet. He reckoned i had broke the law about 60 times over 30 miles and prayed to God he would never again meet an Irish biker.

    Great story Rory!
    You Crazy Irishmen...  and my daughter is marrying one in April.
    See we are taking over!..RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!   

    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    February 7, 2010 1:05 AM PST
  • February 7, 2010 6:07 AM PST
    Hell no..Just too dangerous with all the idiots on 4 wheels....
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    February 7, 2010 6:35 AM PST
    When we went to LA area to the Cyclefish meet and greet, we hit that horrid traffic down there, we did a bit of lane splitting and it made me very nervous. Here where I live the only traffic is at prime rush hours.. So we really don't have much practice at it. Mostly we ride the beautiful back roads of Central California.
  • February 7, 2010 7:33 AM PST
    Well, it is illeagal here in Virginia! You can't even ride two abreast here! To do lane spliting you really have to trust the traffic. Don't know that I could do that!!
  • February 7, 2010 8:17 AM PST
    hey I used to do it all the time. But I'm getting older,and now before I do it I think about it a little more. So I say yes when I am by myself. But I never do it if someone is following me
  • February 7, 2010 8:25 AM PST
    Hell YES, I split lanes. It's the only way to get through traffic in CA.

    "Have a Spine... Ride the Line"
  • February 7, 2010 8:59 AM PST
    i did it in my younger sportbike days, late 80's, people then would swerve and narrow the hole and such, clipped a few outside mirrors, just not worth it anymore, besides they hear me coming and get out of the way
  • February 24, 2010 11:43 AM PST
    I commuted about 1000 miles a week in California traffic. Once the traffic nearly comes to, or comes to a halt, I had no problems just putting it in second gear and going between the lines of traffic. Usually about 25 to 30 MPH. Once the lines of traffic get moving again, it's easy to get squashed by Rikki Racer thinking a lane change is in order. Just have to keep your head about you and watch EVERYTHING on both sides. After doing it for awhile, it becomes second nature.
    • 21 posts
    February 24, 2010 11:47 AM PST
    Well.....It's illegal in NJ and NY but I have to say, I'll go for it when there's traffic - and in NYC it's most of the time! 
    • 513 posts
    February 24, 2010 7:59 PM PST
    HijinxApparel wrote...
    Well.....It's illegal in NJ and NY but I have to say, I'll go for it when there's traffic - and in NYC it's most of the time! 

    Took you a while to see this one Jay! 

    • 21 posts
    February 24, 2010 8:00 PM PST
    Dyna wrote...
    HijinxApparel wrote...
    Well.....It's illegal in NJ and NY but I have to say, I'll go for it when there's traffic - and in NYC it's most of the time! 

    Took you a while to see this one Jay! 

    HA HA!! I know - I've been slacking!!!!  


    • 513 posts
    February 24, 2010 8:04 PM PST
    Some dope at the week-end asked me what "spliffing lanes" was about, I think he had over indulged in too much of something! LOL!
    • 21 posts
    February 24, 2010 11:04 PM PST
    ha ha!!! That's hysterical!!!!
  • February 25, 2010 1:40 AM PST
    I never have, never will. Have worked on a few who did though.
  • February 25, 2010 1:50 AM PST
    I didn't think I ever would either, but I ended up working down in San Fran in '01 and when the traffic backed up and came to pretty much a stop I would spit the lane. I was very cautious and courteous. But I saw other bikes just roaring through the traffic even when the traffic was doing 45 + mph, I though that was crazy. It just kinda got to the point that when it's 90 + degrees out and you are stuck in traffic, you just wanna keep on moving.