February 7, 2010 9:59 PM PST
Wow lads calm CALM !!!

I don't find the patch or sticker or wallets with this loge on it upset me at all.
I don't read to much into it as it is just somebody who is trying to say he rides hard or at least thinks he does.
Certainly I don't think a bike thief is going to advertise the fact that he is one.
Having had a bike stolen from me and never seeing it again means I have nothing but contempt for bike thieves but there are far worse patches that are sold that would offend me more but if I let them upset me too much I would spend all my time fighting the world and I done that already and have no intention of doing it again.
If it really ticks you off as RandyJoe said "don't buy it" and if you are at the bar and somebody has one, ask him why and see if he can give you an honest answer.
Speaking a somebody who was told by another biker at a bike event that wearing an RIP patch for Fred Hill was stupid and insulting to bikers see here
thames-valley-region.mag-uk.org/Pages/fred_hill.htm, a man who died while fighting the helmet law, have to say it made me really ticked off.
People have different reasons for wearing stuff, have a chat to them and find out what it is, having said that I would not wear one because I don't like them, I prefer the other one "ride like the devil is chasing you", but I ain't got one of those either!

February 7, 2010 11:14 PM PST
I have a sticker which says "biking and sex i can enjoy without being good at them" as for bike thievs, i had mine stolen two weeks ago with $1700 damages done. The thief will learn to walk again ....maybe.