February 2, 2010 11:47 PM PST
Not just bikes, theft in general. Thieves don't steal just material they take the hours spent earning the right to posses an item. Usually thieves get diddley-squat for the stolen material, The tool that cost you $100 might yield $5 - $10 on the street. The dresser you put $20K in might part out for $2K
Sometimes they steal a hunk of your heritage. My old-man left us damn little but he gave me his prized railroad watch & I gave it to my son when he was commissioned. When my son was out to sea a thief broke into his apartment, took the watch, some C/D's, etc. When the thief realized the police were on to him he ditched the watch in the Chesapeake Bay. - Son lost his heritage & thief got nothing. (Did nail the bastard tho-, son had logged the serial #'s of his guns & police sent an alert to the pawn shops.)
Besides "Ride It Like You Stole It" is really trite & boring
February 3, 2010 1:14 AM PST
Different interpretations of the phrase, to me it means Don't look back, leave all your daily business behind, look ahead and enjoy the wind in your face.
February 3, 2010 10:29 AM PST
ok Flatlander...we just have to agree to disagree....this is an open forum. still, i hope the marketers take notice of how stupid this slogan is when ya freally think about it. thats all from me..ive exhausted this topic...
February 3, 2010 10:40 AM PST
My sons race dirt bikes in the desert and I always associate that phrase with desert racing. Like haul ass man! I think I'm with you, I don't really like the meaning for the biker crowd. I understand feeling like you have been insulted, I personally don't feel insulted, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe we can come up with a new saying, something like Ride It Cause You Love It!
February 3, 2010 11:03 AM PST
They used to hang cattle rustlers and horse thieves.

Yes ,it is cheap and the rope can be recycled for more days of justice lol! That is a very green approach come to think of it, they should bring it back!

February 3, 2010 11:30 AM PST
My sons race dirt bikes in the desert and I always associate that phrase with desert racing. Like haul ass man! I think I'm with you, I don't really like the meaning for the biker crowd. I understand feeling like you have been insulted, I personally don't feel insulted, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe we can come up with a new saying, something like Ride It Cause You Love It!
Thanks Lady....i see we're on the same page..
February 3, 2010 12:19 PM PST
My sons race dirt bikes in the desert and I always associate that phrase with desert racing. Like haul ass man! I think I'm with you, I don't really like the meaning for the biker crowd. I understand feeling like you have been insulted, I personally don't feel insulted, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe we can come up with a new saying, something like Ride It Cause You Love It!
Thanks Lady....i see we're on the same page..

February 3, 2010 12:25 PM PST