Accent’s from around the world

  • g
    January 16, 2010 5:33 AM PST
    she shid get off her fat lazy hoop n do some work .
    • 5420 posts
    January 16, 2010 5:34 AM PST
    SingSing wrote...
    Im frum foity thoid n thoid avenoo myself.....Noo Yawk Citi!

    I was raised just across the rivva in Joysie City

  • g
    January 16, 2010 5:36 AM PST
    dont u just love her !!,lol
    • 1780 posts
    January 16, 2010 9:08 AM PST
    Bloody hell picking her nose ....with a white glove on....that's class

    Night Dragon
    • 513 posts
    January 16, 2010 9:40 AM PST
    Accents are great. that is a cracking story nightdragon, mind you the english accent won't work in Ireland or scotland, more likely to get you beaten up.....mind you a texan accent will work wonder with irish girlsLOL
    We have 32 counties in our little country and each one of them is different.
    rory1's accent is from the southern counties and is a sing along accent that drops womens panties at a hundred yards.
    Mine is a bit like Colin Farrell's accent but unfortunately I don't have his looks or his money and much to my dismay my accent causes the same panties that rory1's song drops to go right back up again.....well with Irish women anyway.....LOL
    Accents from the north of Ireland are damn well near impossible to understand.

    Now lots of accents are very sexy, the French accent is really nice but I have to say the one that stops me in my track is the Spanish accent, think Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. I wish I had learnt Spanish in school instead of French.

    Now when for a stateside accent, I do have a favorite, I got to say I love the Texan accent. When I was a young man of about twenty, I met a girl from Texas from Dallas, who was blonde, boobs the size basket balls and an accent that just sucked me in. Unfortunately it was not to be, she married a German and went to live in Hamburg and he told her "Ich verbiete Ihnen, den kleinen Kobold böse reden" which means "I forbid you to talk to the little angry leprechaun" which when my friends found out called me the angry leprechaun when they want to slag me.
    • 513 posts
    January 16, 2010 9:51 AM PST
    Actually, just thinking of something else.

    We have a ruby tournament here called the grand slam.
    In it is Ireland, Scotland,Wales,England and France.
    When the matches are on the following is what happens.

    When Ireland play:

    Scotland---- lots of drinking, nine months later births go up by 1/2 a percent.

    Wales-------lots of drinking, nine months later births go up by 1/8 of a percent

    France--------lots of drinking, nine months later births go up by four percent.....every year!

    England--------lots of drinking, nine months later no increase at all in births but at the time nearly two hundred percent increase in Irish hospital accident and emergency (ER) attendance.

    That is accents for you.......LOL!

    • 910 posts
    January 16, 2010 10:51 AM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    SingSing wrote...
    Im frum foity thoid n thoid avenoo myself.....Noo Yawk Citi!

    I had to read that twice before I understood what the heck you said.


    hahaa, I understood it first time through but then again I'm from Boston and I pahk my cah in hahvad yahd so New Yawk is easy for me to decipher. ;-)
  • January 16, 2010 11:03 AM PST
    Y'all got way too damn much time on yer hands! I finally found the hammer and I'm going back to work on the Electra-Glide... Summer is coming at me too darn fast...
    • 1780 posts
    January 16, 2010 9:46 PM PST
    Dyna wrote...
    Accents are great. that is a cracking story nightdragon, mind you the english accent won't work in Ireland or scotland, more likely to get you beaten up.....mind you a texan accent will work wonder with irish girlsLOL
    We have 32 counties in our little country and each one of them is different.
    rory1's accent is from the southern counties and is a sing along accent that drops womens panties at a hundred yards.
    Mine is a bit like Colin Farrell's accent but unfortunately I don't have his looks or his money and much to my dismay my accent causes the same panties that rory1's song drops to go right back up again.....well with Irish women anyway.....LOL
    Accents from the north of Ireland are damn well near impossible to understand.

    Now lots of accents are very sexy, the French accent is really nice but I have to say the one that stops me in my track is the Spanish accent, think Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. I wish I had learnt Spanish in school instead of French.

    Now when for a stateside accent, I do have a favorite, I got to say I love the Texan accent. When I was a young man of about twenty, I met a girl from Texas from Dallas, who was blonde, boobs the size basket balls and an accent that just sucked me in. Unfortunately it was not to be, she married a German and went to live in Hamburg and he told her "Ich verbiete Ihnen, den kleinen Kobold böse reden" which means "I forbid you to talk to the little angry leprechaun" which when my friends found out called me the angry leprechaun when they want to slag me.

    Bro just love to read your post....makes my day

    Night Dragon
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 16, 2010 10:09 PM PST
    OK Dyna, so where is Liam Neeson from??

    Here is my English female voice story...
    When I was stationed at Tinker AFB I was the shift chief for our maintenance group. That means I answered the phone. EVERY night this SWEET SWEET English female would call and ask to speak to her husband, who was part of our crew. For months I fantasized about how Sweet and beautiful she had to be, and how  on earth a sweet girl like that could be married to such a troll. I am sorry but I can not describe him any other way, he was a troll.
    One  day I was in the checkout line at the BX and I heard that SWEET voice right behind me. My heart raced, I began to sweat. Do I turn around and look? Do I just keep looking ahead and forever keep my fantasy? Well curiosity won the skirmish and I turned around. She looked like his ugly brother. I was devastated...

    By the way ladies, I also learned a leson that day that I have Never forgotten. Beauty really is inside, not on the cover.
  • g
    January 16, 2010 10:16 PM PST
    liam neeson ,guy ace ,just watched rob roy last week ,again ,also gangs of new york just b4 xmas ,and batman ,all liam nesson film ,guys great ,hard one that rex ...... id say has irish not sure north south thow ? but when hes in rob roy he does a gid scottish accent ,so im no sure ???
    • 513 posts
    January 17, 2010 7:18 AM PST
    Liam Neeson is from County Antrim in the north.
    Where he is from they have a soft accent.
    He is a great actor and a gentleman who has done alot for actors from Ireland.
  • g
    January 17, 2010 7:24 AM PST
    was in northern ireland for about a month ,in belfast ,bangor ,newtonards ,balamena ,nice place to visit
  • January 17, 2010 7:32 AM PST
    Y'all: You all, youse guys, you...

    And now that my sweet y'all has been challenged, just wait! I'm used to texting pals locally in my voice rather than proper english, so I'll start typing messages the way I'd speak it now too.
    Y'all can learn how to speak in a southern U.S. drawl, or atleast see how we do it down here!
    But if I'm siitting with pals, talking and drinking and having fun, you will begin to hear the accents of all the places I've lived nd all the people I've lived with.
    I love this site, Y'ALL!
    • 0 posts
    May 8, 2011 7:39 PM PDT
    Just stumbled across this bloody post.Dragon old mate your a bloody pisser.Fancy puttin on a bloody mongrel pommy accent to pull shiela's.You musta been quite the lad back in the day mate.When i was living in upstate NY a few years back I jerried that the locals could understand about 2/3's of bugger all of what i was sayin.I went for a friggin haircut and the shiela in the barber shop looked at me like i asked for a root,the shiela i was livin with fixed it sorta.I walked out and she said"where ya goin?".I said the dippy bitch couldnt underfriggin stand what I asked for how the bloody hell is she gonna know how I want it cut".Sturgis last year was funnier than shit.For the first few days most of the poor bastards just nodded pollitely and agreed with my a hell of a bloody lot.Most YANKS Recon I talk to quick swear to much and talk bloody loud as buggery.I put it this way i'll cya at Sturgis and 10'l get ya bloody 20 youse will hear me before ya bloody see me...CHEERS BOOF.
  • May 9, 2011 1:16 AM PDT
    Right on Steph!!!

    Y'all come back now, ya heahhh?
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    May 10, 2011 4:54 AM PDT
    Folks like to vacation here on Pennsylvania's north coast, most of the vacationers speak Mup-Ear.

    Q Where are you from.

    A Mup-Ear from Pittsburgh.
    • 846 posts
    May 10, 2011 5:28 AM PDT
    Since this poped back up I had a good laugh aeading all the theads. Since I'm a New Enlandea for out side of Boston and have spent moe then a few summea in Maine. I can aelate as most peopla get a kick out of what they call my accent. If you noticed all the r's are missing as we don't pronounce them as in pak the ca in haved yad. Thanks for the laugh on a othea wise sh**y day.
    • 1780 posts
    May 18, 2011 8:51 AM PDT
    There are different ways to speak with an English have the Queens English, which is a bit uppity, and then if ya want to talk like the Beatles from Liverpool you have to somewhat mumble a bit.
  • May 19, 2011 2:55 AM PDT
    Here in South Carolina you combine our Southern twang with being rated 49 th worst in public education we dont even know what we are saying half the time. lol I love this site
    • 1780 posts
    May 19, 2011 4:38 AM PDT
    Back when I was working for the Feds, I was talking to a guy from England, and he kept saying I think there thowing me a Red Herring. I'm thinking what the hell does fish have to do with why I called him. After a while by how he was using this in a sentence, I came to understand that "throwing him a Red Herring" ment someone was blowing smoke up his ass so to speak.
    Hey if anybody out there know that this means something please let me know.
    • 58 posts
    May 19, 2011 5:18 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    Back when I was working for the Feds, I was talking to a guy from England, and he kept saying I think there thowing me a Red Herring. I'm thinking what the hell does fish have to do with why I called him. After a while by how he was using this in a sentence, I came to understand that "throwing him a Red Herring" ment someone was blowing smoke up his ass so to speak.
    Hey if anybody out there know that this means something please let me know.

    hat's exactly what that means.  

    • 9 posts
    May 19, 2011 7:19 AM PDT
    I was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. I lived in Dayton, and went to school in Cincinnati. The further south in Ohio you get, there is a marked twang spoken. Then I lived in Atlanta and New York City, both short term, but very diverse accents. When you jumble all of these get me. And I have baffled the best. It never fails, when I am out in polite society. Someone will inevitably ask, "Tweek, where the hell are you from"??? And when I drink alcohol, OH MY! And there was a time, when I too dabbled in an English accent. Got me some free drinks every time. LOL Dragon's right tho, you really need to research before ya play that role....
    • 638 posts
    May 24, 2011 12:11 AM PDT
    I was born in Houston TX but my parents moved back to Lafayette LA before I started talking so I never had a Texan accent. Instead I developed the dreaded Cajun accent. Everyone in my family sounds like the guys on Swamp People. It kills me to watch a movie that takes place in south Louisiana. The actors butcher the dialect. I on the other hand had to lose the accent completely. Not that I'm ashamed of my heritage or roots by any means, but it is a lazy language with mixed french and broken english. I prefer not to have an accent in my line of work. I work with guys from all over the world and the U.S. and I notice after spending a few weeks I start to pick up a redneck accent. My wife says it's time to come home at that time. By the way...she is from County Cork Ireland but has a coonass dad. When she screams at me in Gaelic, I just leave the house for a few hours.
    • 9 posts
    May 24, 2011 12:21 AM PDT
    My folks are from Mississippi (Dad) Boston (Mom) and my father was a lifer in the Air Force so we moved all over the US and the Far East. When I visit my Boston side of the family they tell me I have a deep southern accent, when in Ms. They make fun of my yankee accent.... Now that I live in Fla. it's sounding too NY to me...LOL