Summer Bod

  • February 15, 2010 7:18 AM PST
    weighed in -1 pound this week YAY !!! Thinking about joining the gym to tone up some of these wanna be muscles.

    BTW  in reading thru the posts I have to say....... ALL YA'LL ROCK!!!  Congrats to ALL !!
  • February 15, 2010 6:28 PM PST
    Thanks AG and DJ.  Just a wierd moment for me...will post pics for the before and after.  I just have never experienced the way I am currently feeling and am trying to psycho-analyze myself which is driving me even crazier...thanks for the support     Kristen
  • February 15, 2010 11:53 PM PST
    Kris! You are beautiful and HOT!!!! Congrats to you, it IS alot of hard work, both mentally to correct your thinking and physically to get 'er done! You should be VERY proud of yourself, we all are

    And on THAT note... i"m not feeling it today AT ALL. Practice whatcha preach, eh?
  • February 16, 2010 12:11 AM PST
    Kris, you have not only lost a lot of wieght but also have dropped a few years off of you! I don't have to tell you why the guys are looking (you're hawt!) and the women are just glad to see you accomplish something grand. People are nice in general and always want the best for others... at least the biker crowd I run with!
    Enjoy yourself and bask in the compliements you are getting. You deserve them all...

    My 2 cents worth!
    • 910 posts
    February 16, 2010 12:13 AM PST
    Amazing transformation I can see it even though you have more clothes on in the "after" shots! You are a knock-out! For the psycho-analysis, don't force it too hard. That kind of conditioning happened over many years so don't expect it to resolve over night. But that's just another way of Saying what DebraJo already did.

    Did you check out the link to that show I posted? The one episode I managed to catch had the girl looking in the mirror and telling her reflection she was beautiful and she loved her (but the emphasis was on really meaning it).

    The other thing they did, and you might want to try this, is to take some sexy boudoir photos. They were classy and tasteful and alluring. Have that done and you can't help but see yourself as a desireable woman...

    Just a thought...
    • 910 posts
    February 16, 2010 12:16 AM PST
    ThePup wrote...
    Kris, you have not only lost a lot of wieght but also have dropped a few years off of you! I don't have to tell you why the guys are looking (you're hawt!) and the women are just glad to see you accomplish something grand. People are nice in general and always want the best for others... at least the biker crowd I run with!
    Enjoy yourself and bask in the compliements you are getting. You deserve them all...

    My 2 cents worth!

    I agree! You do look younger too.
  • February 16, 2010 2:20 AM PST
    Kris! You are beautiful and HOT!!!! Congrats to you, it IS alot of hard work, both mentally to correct your thinking and physically to get 'er done! You should be VERY proud of yourself, we all are

    And on THAT note... i"m not feeling it today AT ALL. Practice whatcha preach, eh?

    See steph, that is what I am talking about.  I know that I should be proud and I am, just don't know why I am in the current thought process.  I guess it is true what they say about the number of muscles used to frown vs. smiling.  I am always positive...just not the past few days.  So please, yes, practice the preaching, ;p  I think you are amazing too! 

  • February 16, 2010 2:22 AM PST
    ThePup wrote...
    Kris, you have not only lost a lot of wieght but also have dropped a few years off of you! I don't have to tell you why the guys are looking (you're hawt!) and the women are just glad to see you accomplish something grand. People are nice in general and always want the best for others... at least the biker crowd I run with!
    Enjoy yourself and bask in the compliements you are getting. You deserve them all...

    My 2 cents worth!

    Geez...with a comment like that can I give you a dollar and you give me some more?  LOL.  I appreciate it.  Just my mindset that needs to wrap around what everyone else sees to feel it too.  I will get there...
  • February 16, 2010 2:27 AM PST
    AdventureGirl wrote...
    Amazing transformation I can see it even though you have more clothes on in the "after" shots! You are a knock-out! For the psycho-analysis, don't force it too hard. That kind of conditioning happened over many years so don't expect it to resolve over night. But that's just another way of Saying what DebraJo already did.

    Did you check out the link to that show I posted? The one episode I managed to catch had the girl looking in the mirror and telling her reflection she was beautiful and she loved her (but the emphasis was on really meaning it).

    The other thing they did, and you might want to try this, is to take some sexy boudoir photos. They were classy and tasteful and alluring. Have that done and you can't help but see yourself as a desireable woman...

    Just a thought...

    So buffy...I like the more clothing thing.  When I was heavier I felt like I needed to show the assets to feel I feel that I just need to be me and the rest will fall into place.  Not to mention, I live in Maine, it is winter, and the average temp is less than 20 degrees, lol.  Maybe with a tan this summer I will have better, less dressed after shots, haha.  I actually looked at the website last night...haven't digested it enough to have an opinion yet.  I will take sexy photos when I feel that way, otherwise to me it is almost like a facade, if that makes sense.  Thanks for being such a great support!!!  

    • 910 posts
    February 16, 2010 3:00 AM PST
    kris10den wrote...
    AdventureGirl wrote...
    Amazing transformation I can see it even though you have more clothes on in the "after" shots! You are a knock-out! For the psycho-analysis, don't force it too hard. That kind of conditioning happened over many years so don't expect it to resolve over night. But that's just another way of Saying what DebraJo already did.

    Did you check out the link to that show I posted? The one episode I managed to catch had the girl looking in the mirror and telling her reflection she was beautiful and she loved her (but the emphasis was on really meaning it).

    The other thing they did, and you might want to try this, is to take some sexy boudoir photos. They were classy and tasteful and alluring. Have that done and you can't help but see yourself as a desireable woman...

    Just a thought...

    So buffy...I like the more clothing thing.  When I was heavier I felt like I needed to show the assets to feel I feel that I just need to be me and the rest will fall into place.  Not to mention, I live in Maine, it is winter, and the average temp is less than 20 degrees, lol.  Maybe with a tan this summer I will have better, less dressed after shots, haha.  I actually looked at the website last night...haven't digested it enough to have an opinion yet.  I will take sexy photos when I feel that way, otherwise to me it is almost like a facade, if that makes sense.  Thanks for being such a great support!!!  

    I see we have a differene when it comes to the clothing thing. For me clothes are my personal protection. I feel safe hiding in big oversized tops with leggings under them. Heck, if I could manage my day from inside a pototo sack I'd give it a go.

    Going to FL in the summer was an internal struggle for me. Going to a beach in a bathing suit at my size? Forget it! I've been avoiding that for years.  But darn it, it's hot in FL in the summer... long sleeves were unbearable (I tried though). I realized pretty quickly that I had to suck it up and wear summer dresses. That was my compromise, I wouldn't do shorts & a tank top because of my middle section and butt/thighs. The sundresses were close enough to big t-shirts in that they hid a lot of the parts that I was embarrassed over. Only they revealed my arms (hate those too)..  

    And of course being in FL I couldn't avoid the beach either. Had a freind fly down from NY to visit me for a month while I was down there and she was a total beach bunny... I just kept telling myself it was ok, because the people seeing me didn't know who I was and I was never going to see them again. You won't catch me near a beach back at home until I reach my goal. *lol* 

    I'm safely back home in winter time on a college campus where wearing my comfort clothes fits in perfectly with my environment. I'll keep working on the body that's hiding underneath and hopefully by the time it warms up in this region, I'll be at a point where wearing more revealing attire doesn't make me freeze up like a dear in the headlights.
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    • 19067 posts
    February 16, 2010 3:07 AM PST
    Buffy I know you and have spent some good time in your company. Even though I am old enough to be you dad I think you are a sexy lady just the way you are.
  • February 16, 2010 3:26 PM PST
    OK Buffy...I have to agree with Rex. You are beautiful!!
    • 910 posts
    February 16, 2010 7:08 PM PST
    I love you both for saying so... Guess I need to practice a little of what I preach.
    • 212 posts
    February 16, 2010 10:42 PM PST
    I know how you feel Buffy, I would like to hide in clothes too. I'm not that comfortable in skimpy clothes even when I was skinnier. Hopefully we will look like bombshells by the end of this diet thing. I have only lost 2 lbs. since I started. IT SUCKS!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 16, 2010 11:05 PM PST
    To the Ladies here...I am only gonna say this once.

    Be comfortable with who you are and DO NOT hold yourselves up for comparison to what Coprorate Advertising deems beautiful. If you are Beautiful on the Inside you WILL BE Beautiful on the Outside.

    Only worry about size if it adversley affects your health because I want to look at all of ya for a long time.

  • February 17, 2010 6:22 AM PST
    I have been there. one time at 288. I have  not been heavy all my life, I have been fat. I decided to do me a favor and drop the weight not by pounds but by waist size. dropped 8 inches from tight 44 to 36 by taking care of me. I became my own friend. quit saying "YA BUT" feet are too hands are giant size....i lost my hair...I don't have a six...ETC.

    Girls and guys when someone pays a compliment, SMILE AND THANK THEM......Feel good about what they see and say to you.. Enjoy the strokes of kindness.. You can cut youself down all day with "YA BUTS" and it will hurt all day. When I say you are Hot, Beautiful, Sparkling, Glowing and more they are honest and straight. Carry those words and enjoy them.. It helps and makes all the efforts easier and life a lot happier.

    If some one does throw a cut at you,, Say STICK IT !! THEY Think I"M HOT....And So Do I !!
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    • 1516 posts
    February 17, 2010 6:55 AM PST
    hmm.. you ladies make me think something is wrong with me.. I am obviously not anything close to thin and have been known to wander around without much clothing.
  • February 17, 2010 7:41 AM PST
    DebraJo, i'm with you. I feel sexy when I'm naked, even when I don't feel I'm the right size etc. Because if my clothes don't fit great i feel pretty crummy about myself and my appearance, naked everything fits just right
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    February 17, 2010 7:57 AM PST
    Thanks Stephanie.. I agree totally..
    • 2072 posts
    February 17, 2010 10:26 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    To the Ladies here...I am only gonna say this once.

    Be comfortable with who you are and DO NOT hold yourselves up for comparison to what Coprorate Advertising deems beautiful. If you are Beautiful on the Inside you WILL BE Beautiful on the Outside.

    Only worry about size if it adversley affects your health because I want to look at all of ya for a long time.

    Rex, could not agree more. I have been with "full figure" women that were a ball to be with and I have been with ones with "runway bodies" that were so full of them selves I could hardly wait to get rid of 'em.  I have always said... It's whats on the inside that makes a woman sexy !!!!!!!!!

    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 11:58 PM PST
    Good Friday morning everyone!! It's that time again. Hopped on the scale and am happy to be -1... it's sloooooow going, but it's going. Total to date: -7
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    • 1516 posts
    February 19, 2010 12:34 AM PST
    good job Buffy.. any week that is a minus is good!!!!!!
  • February 19, 2010 12:38 AM PST
    Holding steady, having trouble appreciating the image in the mirror though.
    Hey, are we ladies already aligning our schedules closer to each others? lol
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    February 19, 2010 12:41 AM PST
    Right on Rex, Good job Buffy, Nothing wrong with you Debrajo, Like Rex said, As long as we are comfortable with yourselves, Thats what its all about. Enjoying life one moment at a time...
    • 910 posts
    February 19, 2010 12:41 AM PST
    Holding steady, having trouble appreciating the image in the mirror though.
    Hey, are we ladies already aligning our schedules closer to each others? lol

    hahaaa, wonder if that works via internet. I believe you and I are close.