January 25, 2010 10:59 PM PST
I recall a dude that was crucified ... he had long hair and looked pretty scraggly! I tend toward the spiritual side and avoid organized religions. I find that it helps me avoid the prejudicial, judgmental, hating, finger-pointing folks who are more apt to be into the "I'm right and you're wrong" philosophy. Unfortunately, by making my statement here, I am making myself susceptible to finger-pointing. As I have learned: I am only repsonsible for MY words, actions and reactions. I can't change anyone nor do I attempt to. Nor do I take things personally.
Before I act, speak, or react in any situation, I ask myself, "If everyone in the world was going to do/say what I'm about to do/say, would this be a kind/loving/happy world to live in?" Cuz we are all connected to each other and affect each other.
Blessings, love, serenity and joy to all my riding brothers and sisters!