Went to church today..was told my biker leather n bandana werent

    • 190 posts
    January 6, 2010 10:39 AM PST
    Hope im not breakin any threads rule- Not really a 'religious' thread per se but its sorta kinda funny in a way..
    So, Im ridin earlier today and thought i'd pass by a local baptist church along the way. Wasnt really 'planned'.
    So i entered and took my seat way in the back so as to not draw any attention to myself. Gotta laugh when i realized i was gettin my share of dissaproving glances from the straight cut set, all prim and proper like and...(truth be told, forgive meGod, but kinda 'square'). I was reallly into the word bein preached until the preacher bumped me outta the spirit with certain underhanded snide comments about 'dressing appropriately' for church. That was kinda uncool,i thought. I seem to recall the bible mentioning a wild haired dude named John the Baptist wearing a camel hair tunic and eatin bugs. And im sure the fisherman werent fishin in tuxedoes. man, some people gotta get a clue about what the Big man upstairs wants and expects of us-and not our wardrobe. there...thats my two cents. Just unloading. sorry...
  • January 6, 2010 10:47 AM PST
    Not all churches are like that...visit "Crossroads Baptist Fellowship" in Lebanon, TN...we ride in all the time, even have a Biker's Against Child Abuse chapter there!
    • 190 posts
    January 6, 2010 10:59 AM PST
    cool kimberly. i kno biker churches exist. this was just me followin alice down that rabbit hole and gettin lost on the dark side of the moon..lol. some people r in for a rude awakenin..lol. thanks though..
    • 1780 posts
    January 6, 2010 11:03 AM PST
    Sing Sing I go to a biker church.....the preacher has more tat's than i do. Hey man the word is the word no matter what you wear to the place of worship.
    Enought said
    • 190 posts
    January 6, 2010 11:09 AM PST
    yeah, you're right. I guess theres no accountin for some people though. i didnt sweat it though......
  • January 6, 2010 11:20 AM PST
    I thought a church was for everyone? If they judge on your dress, I think they are ungodly.
    • 190 posts
    January 6, 2010 11:31 AM PST
    Yeah....who cares.......your right,though...
    • 1040 posts
    January 6, 2010 12:12 PM PST
    My nephew is the Pastor of The Cross and Crown Family Worship Center (Pentacostal) in Theodore, Al. Just plain ol hard workin country folk along with the bikers and anyone else of any color or finacial status who desires to attend. He wants ya;ll all to come cause he like leading souls to the lord. I don't attend as much as I might should but do so on occassion and I can tell ya this; it don't make no difference who ya are, what ya look like, or where you come from, everyone is welcome. If your in the area then check it out if ya have the inkling to do so.
    • 513 posts
    January 6, 2010 12:28 PM PST
    You would imagine with the way religion is getting a hammering these days that they would be glad just to have bums on seats.

    Anyway do they not know about bikes in the bible.......

    Moses' Triumph was heard all over Egypt and everybody knows God rides a Harley!

    SingSing, no matter who judges you for what you wear or how you look, it is more a reflection of their lack of character than anything to do with you.
    In my daughters school, one of her classmates was told by her parents not to associate with her because of the fact that I am a biker and that there must be drugs and prostitution blah blah blah, the usual kind of bullshit, and these parents are God fearing regular church going people who obviously don't listen to a word of their own religion.
  • January 6, 2010 3:55 PM PST
    Sing Sing, I've shared that same experience...In my mind, I always envision Jesus and his crew as somewhat the biker type...in away. I always remember the scripture about coming boldly to the throne of God, its sad that we have those in churches that would think that God could give a dump about what we wear, Makes me want to be all that much more kinder and understanding. Just the wrong place brother, try somewhere else.
  • g
    January 6, 2010 10:15 PM PST
    tell him,her ,them ,to poke it .
  • January 7, 2010 1:56 AM PST
    Shoulda reminded the preacher that the main man he was preachin about wore a sheet, sandals and some thorns on his head. Not to mention a certain line in the bible about judging not lest ye be judged. Might be worth a trip back just to see how 'Godly' this congregation is.
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 7, 2010 2:14 AM PST
    Wow...... Maybe the Man in the front of the room needs a couple of reminders

    Matthew 7:1-5
    “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

    John 7:24
    Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

    Luke 6:37
    “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

    Romans 2:1-3
    Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?

    Matthew 7:1
    “Judge not, that you be not judged.

    Ephesians 4:29
    Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

  • January 7, 2010 2:52 AM PST
    Some people are just ignorant and can't be changed or taught. I came out of the Church kitchen one Sunday afternoon after 2 hours of washing dishes. Went down the street and sat down an had a smoke. I was wearing my riding gear. Had a "Blue Haired" little Ol'Lady from the Church ride by and call me "Biker trash". I don't think she recognized me without my Apron. I embarassed her appropriately the the following Sunday when she came into the kitchen where I was volunteering, AGAIN!!! By the way, the Pastor RIDES! Go figure....
    • 1 posts
    January 7, 2010 3:23 AM PST
    bikersarge1 wrote...
    Some people are just ignorant and can't be changed or taught. I came out of the Church kitchen one Sunday afternoon after 2 hours of washing dishes. Went down the street and sat down an had a smoke. I was wearing my riding gear. Had a "Blue Haired" little Ol'Lady from the Church ride by and call me "Biker trash". I don't think she recognized me without my Apron. I embarassed her appropriately the the following Sunday when she came into the kitchen where I was volunteering, AGAIN!!! By the way, the Pastor RIDES! Go figure....

    Hey Ron, If I lived closer, I'd go to your church.

  • January 7, 2010 3:33 AM PST
    A lot of us have patches on our vests that say "these ARE my church clothes" and if the congregation doesn't like it then that's their problem. Judging others is not the 'fruit' of a true believer.
    • 190 posts
    January 7, 2010 5:56 AM PST
    man, you people are alright in my book.; I appreciate all your support. Gotta admite though i did derive some sort of enjoyment outta upsettin the crewcuts in the front pews. In fact, tell ya what i a-gonna do..Im gonna keep on goin to that there church in all my full blown biker regalia-leather vests emblazoned with my patches, Bike chain choker, rings on ALL my fingers and my Jesus was A Biker bandana and sit smack dab in the front row center pew and just absorb it all-Come what may! Now im not tryin tom make light of my Lord's house but if im gonna sit down at his dinner table i wanna sit down right in the center...Should be an interesting Sunday afternoon next week....keep you all posted...
    • 1 posts
    January 7, 2010 10:08 AM PST
    My church is so glad to see anybody come in they would probably drag you downstairs for donuts & coffee.
    • 75 posts
    January 7, 2010 10:34 AM PST
    SingSing... I'd make it a point to go back to that church as often as I could with as many riding buddies as possible. Go armed with every verse Highrisk provided. A Christian singer named Todd Agnew sings a song titled "My Jesus." Here is a short excerpt:

    cause my jesus would never be accepted in my church
    the blood and dirt on his feet might stain the carpet
    but he reaches for the hurting and despises the proud
    and i think he'd prefer beel street to the stain glass croud
    and i know that he can here me when i cry out loud...
    ... i wanna be like my jesus
  • g
    January 7, 2010 9:08 PM PST
    bikersarge1 wrote...
    Some people are just ignorant and can't be changed or taught. I came out of the Church kitchen one Sunday afternoon after 2 hours of washing dishes. Went down the street and sat down an had a smoke. I was wearing my riding gear. Had a "Blue Haired" little Ol'Lady from the Church ride by and call me "Biker trash". I don't think she recognized me without my Apron. I embarassed her appropriately the the following Sunday when she came into the kitchen where I was volunteering, AGAIN!!! By the way, the Pastor RIDES! Go figure...

    see ,them glasgow rangers fan ,they'r all over the place !.america must be over run with blue haired auld ladys !!.

  • g
    January 7, 2010 9:21 PM PST
    think ive seen her !!.
  • January 7, 2010 9:57 PM PST
    Sing Sing , you come on out here (where it's warm LOL) and you can ride to church with me, Wednesday eves in Troy is all biker Praise Chapel , doors are open 24/7 to anyone who wishes to enter. Sunday am at Nazarene Church in Libby , 2/3 biker, church sponsers a rally in July and we all feel like what you wear on the inside matters more then what ya wear on the outside. We will pray for the people of the church you attend there.
  • January 7, 2010 11:54 PM PST
    The ground is level at the foot of the CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • January 8, 2010 3:07 AM PST
    ... My heart breaks when I read accounts like this, BUT is comforted in that MOST of you have a sense of humor and an understanding that "the building is NOT the church, or the relationship we can know in Christ"...
    ... I've heard it all before --- in over 40 years --- been kicked out of lots of churches, or told "... I'm glad someone's reaching out to bikers & vets, but if you get one 'saved' in this town --- don't bring them here !" I SO want to ask them why they're even in ministry ! It's NOT about vain "religion" ! We can teach those churches a LOT about "brotherhood" and "fellowship in unity" and "freedom" --- if they had "ears to hear or hearts to comprehend"...
    ... There ARE some great biker-friendly churches & fellowships out there ! Seek and Find ! God IS Good & Faithful / He says he'll have a "remnant" people --- it's a humbling blessing to be counted among the "chosen few"
  • January 8, 2010 3:20 AM PST
    I thank the Gods every day for letting me be a biker n ya know what? I've had 2 ass kickin crashes "not my bad either" n the last one in August 09 witnesses are still shakin heads wondering how the hell I was alive after slammin the ground head first n gettin up n walking to my trashed out VTX 1800.....Hells ya ya'll God don't care what ya do how ya dress or what ya ride...Ya just gotta be good! Yes?