September 21, 2012 4:34 PM PDT
WOW Rex, not to take anything from your scary experience but I had similar event.
Renee and I were riding to solvang for the day with some buddies on their bourgets and big dogs, harleys and a honda, the honda had to honor the 50/50/no eyes riding rule.
We were on the section of the 118 in north san fernando valley going through porter ranch section. It is always breezy in this one section before the hill to santa susana pass. rey and I were in the number 2 lane and my buddies were staggered in the Number 3 lanes. there was a young girl in a car on our left almost even with me.
All of a sudden I see my buddy on his bourget swerve to the left almost crossed the line. he was 40 ft ahead of us. As you can imagine I braced as fast as I could for the blast. now here is the lucky part, the young girl to my left saw what had happened and she backed off almost immediately, The wind hit the fattys solid wheles and we were in the right side of her #1 lane. We had no choice in the matter. As the young girl later passed us we acknowledged her with a big hugh way and a verbal thank you. she nodded back in acceptance.
Thank gosh she had the insite and or knowledge to see and react in time.
After we got past the pass the wind died down and I could relax a little, I heard my wife ask if the Hog Pro (wheel company) was open and I said nope not today. the next sat we went down and she picked out and ordered new 5 spoke wheels. (sweet)
When we got to the next stop on the ride we all had a big laugh, but I wasnt laughing when it happened, none of us were, in fact it took 6 hours with the heat gun to shrink the streched out pucker marks out of my leather seat.
One thing I do not like is hi-gusting winds.
We never heard what the gust speed was that day, we were all just considering ourselves lucky that day.