my grandmom

    • 658 posts
    March 31, 2012 7:35 AM PDT
    idamae, So sorry to read the news. I rode down east to spend some time with my  parent's this weekend. You helped me make the time with the updates your post. As you know, she is in a better place and the illness is gone. Fill the hole in your heart with the sweet memories that you and her shared. Time will heal the wound but it will never scar over. She lives on in you.
    Take care Dear. My prayers are still with ya as always.

    • 2 posts
    March 31, 2012 9:46 AM PDT
    Deepest condolences;
    You got to say a proper Good-Bye and she got to leave in the company of loved ones, damn few get to do either.

    Say a prayer, have a drink, pet a dog & hug who could use it, then head out proud - You did well
  • March 31, 2012 1:50 PM PDT
    Bikermedic wrote...
    idamae, So sorry to read the news. I rode down east to spend some time with my  parent's this weekend. You helped me make the time with the updates your post. As you know, she is in a better place and the illness is gone. Fill the hole in your heart with the sweet memories that you and her shared. Time will heal the wound but it will never scar over. She lives on in you.
    Take care Dear. My prayers are still with ya as always.

    thank you! im glad i could help you make time with your parents! i visit with my mom alot or as much as i can! thank you for your prayers! bless your heart! much love to you
  • March 31, 2012 1:53 PM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    Deepest condolences;
    You got to say a proper Good-Bye and she got to leave in the company of loved ones, damn few get to do either.

    Say a prayer, have a drink, pet a dog & hug who could use it, then head out proud - You did well
    thank you! the thaught that i had painted her nails before she passed made me happy because it made her day for me to do that! and you know i did all those things! im still a lil sad but im ok today! thank you an much love to you sweety
  • March 31, 2012 2:05 PM PDT
    you know alot of people go through life not knowing their grandparents or their own family.... i was abandoned as a child an adopted at 5 yrs old. never knew my real family, met them when i was 15 yrs of age...... wow what a let down they were! i realized that its not blood that make you family! its love and the ones who are there when you skin your knee or fall of your bike or crash your mini bike into a tree and when you have a happy or sad moment! my family are the ones that raised me with love, kindness and a firm hand when i needed it! hahahaha and i did need a firm hand more then once! anyway my granny and my mom use to tell me they got to pic me to be their child and grand child and that they were the lucky ones! well i am the lucky one who got to be so blessed to have them be my family! so remember tomorrow is not garanteed and yesterday is gone! dont wait to tell someone you love them, and dont wait to give them a hug an a kiss! thank you my dear friends for being here for me.... im so blessed to have met you all! 
  • March 31, 2012 4:45 PM PDT
    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Idamae.
    Love & Prayers!!
    • 3006 posts
    March 31, 2012 5:29 PM PDT
    Wish I could give ya a big hug,I bet ur Granny was darn proud n happy to have you as her grandaughter,and I am sure she is smiling down rite now on youYour words about family and what constitutes one is right on the money!! reminds me of a favorite saying of mine,Home is where the Heart is Loved,Sounds like you had a good home & family, something no person should do w/out !
    stay safe n enjoy the ride !
  • March 31, 2012 11:19 PM PDT
    PaulaL12562 wrote...
    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Idamae.
    Love & Prayers!!
    thank you sweety, im ok now! my granny is at peace
  • March 31, 2012 11:25 PM PDT
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    Wish I could give ya a big hug,I bet ur Granny was darn proud n happy to have you as her grandaughter,and I am sure she is smiling down rite now on youYour words about family and what constitutes one is right on the money!! reminds me of a favorite saying of mine,Home is where the Heart is Loved,Sounds like you had a good home & family, something no person should do w/out !
    stay safe n enjoy the ride !
    your right brother! i am lucky to have the love i was raised with...... i hope my granny is proud of me! i was always the grandchild that had a bad streak in her but my mom an granny never got mad at me! they said one day i would grow up ha i havent yet! hahaha  bless your heart your so sweet! thank you so much! you dont know how much it means to me........ im thankful for my friends here on CF have a nice day! im going to church....its been a good while since i'v been in one!
  • April 2, 2012 9:35 AM PDT
    well everyone i made it through my granny's funeral! i said my goodbyes..... it was a beautiful service and she's at peace now......... im okay now... its time to move on and be happy...... thank you all! ps i found out during the service that my granny use to love to ride harley davidson motorcycles as a young girl! wow that was awsome to find out! idamae... no more tears........ a new day has begun......