my grandmom

  • March 21, 2012 9:52 PM PDT
    my granny is 89 and is dieing, she has been doing good lately! she told me she want to see her 90th birthday April 2nd. i hope she does! but my mom called me last nite and told me my granny has turned for the worst: ( i love my granny, she the sweetest lil ol lady you could ever meet! so im gonna spend as much time with her as i can! she tells my mom ' ida is suppose to come see me! is she here yet? ' im so sad and dont know what im gonna do without her! my mom is so heart broken too!  im blessed i know to still have my granny in my life! growing up was the best, eating tomato just picked from her garden as a kid was one of my favorite memorys an her homemade fudge. does any one else have a granny thats still with them and do you remember the good time  you had as a kid growing up? today im lost because i know the end is near. : (
    • 9 posts
    March 21, 2012 11:26 PM PDT
    Geez Idamae, I'm sorry. I know how hard this is for you. Keep the faith, and know that GOD is with you and your whole family thru this. And Granny's transition, will be gentle. She has lived a good long life, and she has blessed all of you with her love. And now, God wants her to come home, and rest. Peace, grace and mercy for you all!!!

    Ride Free
  • March 21, 2012 11:40 PM PDT
    My prayers for you, yer mom n yer granny.....

    idamae n tweek? Have you two noticed the resemblence tween you two? ya'll could be sisters...
    • 9 posts
    March 21, 2012 11:48 PM PDT
    Maybe before I cut my hair off (which I now, sometimes regret...) and I think she's a lil' younger. Fortunate daughter.
    But hey, I consider us sister's anywho. And...the hair is growin' back. lmao

    Ride Free
  • March 22, 2012 1:15 AM PDT
    awwww yall are sweet! but i am 50 yrs old tweek! you aint that old girl! are you? and yes my granny has lived a long life! my pop pop was very hard on her when i was growing up! i am now just finding this out! so now i give my granny lots of hugs an love her so much! honestly? im not ready for her to go yet! : ( she is really a beautiful lady and has a soul of a saint! : )
  • March 22, 2012 1:24 AM PDT
    Idamae, I hope she makes her Birthday too! Gals have to have a goal.We never loose anyone if they live with in the heart for they are always with us. In time the pain of the loss will be replaced by the memories that make us smile, she wants it this way for you, but those memories like fudge and freshie fresh tomatoes will bring the smile and warm ya to the soul. warmest wishes to you all.
  • March 22, 2012 1:44 AM PDT
    thank you T : ( im hoping she makes it too! ohhh girl ! i just wanna hold her and tell i love her, life is to short an your right! she will forever be in my heart! we sit and talk alot, she said i was always the wild one like her sister hahahahaha and that she could tell when i was lil girl that i'd have a hard time rooting myself to one spot! lol could never sit still! : ) on my way to see her. thank you all for your kind words! love you guys for being here for me!
    • 395 posts
    March 22, 2012 2:47 AM PDT
    cherish the time you second that we have on this earth is promised.....she has lived a good whole life, she is loved and surrounded by those that will comfort her til the end......i was lucky enough to get to my grandma.......a four hour drive.....i held her hand, told her how much i had learned from her and how special she would always be to me.......she died 6 hours later....i feel in my heart she was waiting for me to say goodbye.....even when those we love pass, they are never truly gone, as long as she lives in your heart...she will always be a part of you.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 22, 2012 4:34 AM PDT
    Our prayers go out for your Grandmother.
    Both my Grandmothers have died, one before I was born, the other when I was quite young.
  • March 22, 2012 4:35 AM PDT
    Grandmothers are important and cherished indeed. When I went to Okla from Calif as a child I lived with my grandmother. In CA we had modern facilities like running water, indoor bathrooms and modern stove to cook on. It was a new world to me to see an outhouse that smelled to high heaven, draw water from a well and watch my grandma cook on a wood stove. Lots of "country" memories like catcing crawdads in the creek with our pant legs rolled up, fresh pies and lots of family around. She was and still is the most dedicated person to her/our Lord and Savior and used to write me letters in her shakey handwriting. I called her a "Holy Roller" because we went to Penecostal and Holiness churches which use to scare me when they did hands on prayers all the old prople looked like the night of the living dead. Quite a site for a small child. When we wasn't attending church somewhere we had church at our house. Guess I should say that now days when I do attend church I go to a Penecostal church. Something about the Holy Ghost Wiggle and the energy is familiar and comforting.

    My grandmother is now 96 years old and has alztiemers and we have to remind her of who everyone is. I often thank God for putting her in my life and having her instill the love of him. She often said in her letters that she couldn't wait for her "new body" and to meet Jesus. I have a picture of me sitting on her lap as a child that I have a cross hanging on to remind me of the gift she has given me.

    Grandmothers are wonderful and I pray for your grandmother's recovery so you can enjoy more special memories with her.
    • 3006 posts
    March 22, 2012 6:18 AM PDT
    Good postLets all hope she makes her BDay ! Count your blessings,many of us never knew our granparents at all.For my part,met my granma once,she stayed w/us for abt 3 mo's visiting,I recall my Dad climbing the walls LOL
    I was all of 11, then she went back home,and passed a few years later.She was 83.? My other Gparents had passed before I was even born.
    Its awesome to hear that you had a great relationship with her,I'll bet she loves you dearly !! I'll keep her in a prayer for ya's
    stay safe n enjoy the ride
  • March 22, 2012 9:17 AM PDT
    Sorry to hear this Ida...Hope she does make 90 if that is her wish...If you can get yourself there do so...

    I lost 3 out of 4 of my Grandparents while I was still a small kid and the other one by age 10 so never really knew any of them...sounds like you have a good one...get there and stay there as long as you can, I never know what to say to people at times like this, I generally am the blunt and direct jerk that people expect from the likes of me...thinkin of ya...
    • 1161 posts
    March 22, 2012 9:36 AM PDT
    I all so hope she makes it. Our elders in this country are second class Citiziens and get very little respect from young people. They are to be enjoyed and listened to and help when they need it. I have lost 5 out of 6 of mine and never got to know 1 of them. Sending prayers for you and your family.
  • March 22, 2012 11:29 AM PDT
    cherish the time you second that we have on this earth is promised.....she has lived a good whole life, she is loved and surrounded by those that will comfort her til the end......i was lucky enough to get to my grandma.......a four hour drive.....i held her hand, told her how much i had learned from her and how special she would always be to me.......she died 6 hours later....i feel in my heart she was waiting for me to say goodbye.....even when those we love pass, they are never truly gone, as long as she lives in your heart...she will always be a part of you.
    thank you my friend! you are so sweet lola!
  • March 22, 2012 11:31 AM PDT
    RaceAngel wrote...
    Grandmothers are important and cherished indeed. When I went to Okla from Calif as a child I lived with my grandmother. In CA we had modern facilities like running water, indoor bathrooms and modern stove to cook on. It was a new world to me to see an outhouse that smelled to high heaven, draw water from a well and watch my grandma cook on a wood stove. Lots of "country" memories like catcing crawdads in the creek with our pant legs rolled up, fresh pies and lots of family around. She was and still is the most dedicated person to her/our Lord and Savior and used to write me letters in her shakey handwriting. I called her a "Holy Roller" because we went to Penecostal and Holiness churches which use to scare me when they did hands on prayers all the old prople looked like the night of the living dead. Quite a site for a small child. When we wasn't attending church somewhere we had church at our house. Guess I should say that now days when I do attend church I go to a Penecostal church. Something about the Holy Ghost Wiggle and the energy is familiar and comforting.

    My grandmother is now 96 years old and has alztiemers and we have to remind her of who everyone is. I often thank God for putting her in my life and having her instill the love of him. She often said in her letters that she couldn't wait for her "new body" and to meet Jesus. I have a picture of me sitting on her lap as a child that I have a cross hanging on to remind me of the gift she has given me.

    Grandmothers are wonderful and I pray for your grandmother's recovery so you can enjoy more special memories with her.
    thank you sweety! yes grandmom are the back bone of many familys!
  • March 22, 2012 11:33 AM PDT
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    Good postLets all hope she makes her BDay ! Count your blessings,many of us never knew our granparents at all.For my part,met my granma once,she stayed w/us for abt 3 mo's visiting,I recall my Dad climbing the walls LOL
    I was all of 11, then she went back home,and passed a few years later.She was 83.? My other Gparents had passed before I was even born.
    Its awesome to hear that you had a great relationship with her,I'll bet she loves you dearly !! I'll keep her in a prayer for ya's
    stay safe n enjoy the ride
    dont make me cry!!!! yes we have a awsome relationship! thank you blurple
  • March 22, 2012 11:34 AM PDT
    all of you are so kind! thank you so much!
  • March 22, 2012 11:37 AM PDT
    Seakers wrote...
    I all so hope she makes it. Our elders in this country are second class Citiziens and get very little respect from young people. They are to be enjoyed and listened to and help when they need it. I have lost 5 out of 6 of mine and never got to know 1 of them. Sending prayers for you and your family.
    i pray she makes it! but she's not breathing on her own an im scared for her! : ( thank you for being so kind! i love all of you! you guys rock!
    • 580 posts
    March 22, 2012 11:49 AM PDT
    Idamae I hope she does make it for you both. You can't beat that special bond and having you with her will reassure her of the great love you share and will surely help her along her journey. Big hugs
  • March 22, 2012 9:53 PM PDT
    chocmintz wrote...
    Idamae I hope she does make it for you both. You can't beat that special bond and having you with her will reassure her of the great love you share and will surely help her along her journey. Big hugs
    amen! you so right! thank you!
    • 2 posts
    March 24, 2012 9:34 AM PDT
    Sorry for what you are going thu-. - The fortunate part is that you get to say the goodbye that you always wanted to but were too embarrassed to utter.

    Did not get to spend enough time w/ my maternal grandmother. She lived in an incredibly remote area of the already remote Manitoba prairies. - Conditions were about like RaceAngel describes, no electricity, gas or running water & 1/4 of the time hitch up the horse to get anyplace but, damn, aside from the times w/ my bride they were the best damn times of my life. - Tough lady, didn't need a politician to make her the peer of any male.

    Advice from an old man - Pay not a whit of attention to those who say really dumb things such as "She is gone already" or the really sensitive "She is a vegetable"
    I have held three people while they passed and I have no doubt, not the faintest shadow of a doubt, none at all, that they wanted to be held until the decided to leave on their own terms.
  • March 25, 2012 6:56 AM PDT
    i wanna thank you all for responding and for your support! i went and visited my granny an painted her nails hot pink! lol she loved it an it made her so happy! but she gotten worse an we dont know how much longer she will be around! april 2nd is her 90th birthday, she's waiting to turn 90 and then she said she will let god take her home : ( i love my granny so much!!!! and im gonna miss her an the stories of her childhood and the memories we made will always be in my heart! im sorry but today im hurting.... thank you guys! much love to you all!
  • March 25, 2012 6:58 AM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    Sorry for what you are going thu-. - The fortunate part is that you get to say the goodbye that you always wanted to but were too embarrassed to utter.

    Did not get to spend enough time w/ my maternal grandmother. She lived in an incredibly remote area of the already remote Manitoba prairies. - Conditions were about like RaceAngel describes, no electricity, gas or running water & 1/4 of the time hitch up the horse to get anyplace but, damn, aside from the times w/ my bride they were the best damn times of my life. - Tough lady, didn't need a politician to make her the peer of any male.

    Advice from an old man - Pay not a whit of attention to those who say really dumb things such as "She is gone already" or the really sensitive "She is a vegetable"
    I have held three people while they passed and I have no doubt, not the faintest shadow of a doubt, none at all, that they wanted to be held until the decided to leave on their own terms.
    thank you! i hold her all the time! im always kissing an huggin her! i want her to know she means the world to me and i love her forever! : (
  • March 26, 2012 6:17 AM PDT
    How she doing Honey???
  • March 26, 2012 9:51 AM PDT
    Jetman wrote...
    How she doing Honey???
    she is not doing good! went and visited her, did her nails, she loved it!  but my mom called and now the morphine is not working, she has a nurse there all the time now! we dont think she"s gonna make it to her birthday.......... she has went down hill in two days!  her body is wore out and her mind is forgetting everything, : ( bless her heart! all my brothers an sisters are taking turns staying with my mom an granny. my mom is so sad. but granny will be in a better place soon...... thank you for asking sweety! but im ok! i'm a strong woman! thats how my mom and granny raised me.......