January 21, 2012 6:43 PM PST
LOL aint life a beach?? ; )
much as ya love mutts,it aint easy i know to have to in essence turn ur back on an animal sorely in need of some real affection from a human who actually cares about em.None the less,its NOT your responsiblity,the sorry excuse for a roommate that is the dogs owner should never slough off the job on others,roommates or not !!! Tho typically I always have done this sort of duty for my roommates gladly since I enjoy 4 legged creatures ; ) and it was discussed in advance !
try to create an atmosphere for communication,sometimes in life it pays to try the path of least resistance,get the owner involved only as a last resort,i'll bet you can handle it in a manner thats beneficial to all concerned ; ) who knows you may even do a good deed in the process !!
January 22, 2012 1:16 AM PST
So here's an idea...How about talking to your roomy about getting a dog house and kennel or dog run and keeping the dog outside? Not so much avoiding the issue as a peaceful solution. You had said you were having problems with raccoons and they tend to avoid dogs, so you fix two problems at once!
January 22, 2012 1:30 AM PST
Just say no...............
January 22, 2012 1:30 AM PST

with everyone else.
Since you and your other roommate were there first, the owners should have talked to ya'll about the dog before giving her the green light. Sometimes when people are trying to do the right thing, they don't see the whole picture or how it effects others. It sounds to me that if she is blowing smoke up the owners butts then what she is hiding will come out. You and your other roommate should talk to the owner and let them know about the situation with the dog. You also need a plan B to put in place. Remember, They created the problem, they need to fix it.
Hang in there Kiddo,
January 22, 2012 1:52 AM PST
I'm with Bikermedic, take it to the owners with the other roomie. If they don't solve it, start looking for another place.
January 22, 2012 10:42 AM PST
Well, let me just say, that the response is nothing short of spectacular. Not only that, but some of Ya'll have tried to kill two birds with one rock, combining this and the 'coon issue. I really don't know how to show my gratitude, other than to say....THANK YOU! I'm not sure just how to handle the "roommate". It's a damned if ya do, damned if ya don't, catch 22, mutha-f..ka of a situation. (And that's another thing....I been tryin' to quit cussin' so much, and this Miss Thang, she could make a trucker, blush). I know, that the Landlords, (my benefactors), have no "real idea" what this girls deal is, and it won't do me, a lick of a favor, to be the bearor of bad tidings...feel me? So, I'm just gonna ride it out, and grin and bear it. I WON'T be takin' care of her dog, or it's mess. Or her's for that matter. I ain't her personal maid. But I WILL, continue to support and maintain the ideals I had, and the person I am, the day they met ME. I have talked to them, about this, and said MY peace. The rest is up to them. If it goes the way I feel in my gut it will, she won't be here very long. OR...I won't. Either way, I know who I can count on.
Ride Free
January 22, 2012 11:24 AM PST
Hang in there girl do what you think is right.
January 22, 2012 12:43 PM PST
Amen Tweek!!! Thata girl, Her light will shine through. It always does.
January 22, 2012 6:03 PM PST
personally after whats been said here,I wont clean up after anybody person or dog and I'd make certain the dog shat in the owners room. Just sayin...
January 22, 2012 11:34 PM PST
January 23, 2012 12:00 AM PST
Who signed the rent agreement? Throw her out!!!!!!
January 23, 2012 1:50 AM PST
I don't see any reason to punish the dog for the transgressions of it's owner.
January 23, 2012 10:47 AM PST
I would find the dog a new home with a good family and room to play outside.
January 23, 2012 10:54 AM PST
Honestly..i would clean up....find out when she gets paid, and the moment she walks through the door on payday hand her the bill..and make it steep..then stand there with your hand out...she will get the point real quick....
January 23, 2012 11:28 AM PST
so this is america right...shoot the owner and keep the dog....