Recent Entries

  • The Gator

    It's been a while since I have posted in this fine page! So, I'll share a memory from the 70's... Funny as hell and still makes me grin to think of it. The Gator I was hitchhiking from Florida to the west coast in the early 70’s and was making good time. I was used to ‘camping rough&rs...
  • The Water Monitor

    The Water Monitor   Back in the late 80’s, maybe the early 90’s I decided I wanted a Water Monitor lizard. “The Asian water monitor is a powerful and intelligent reptile that has a prehistoric appearance straight out of Jurassic Park. It is also one of the largest lizard spe...
  • 127.7 MPH?

    Here is the latest from Jake and a personal memory he needed to get on paper.  This is a story from the late 70's and yes, it really happened lol. Sometimes fact is more entertaining than fiction. 127.7 MPH? Jake Walker   As I rolled into Phoenix, the sun was escaping behind the horiz...
  • Moose

    There was a time in my younger life when I lived off of my bike. Everything in the world that I owned was carried on my Iron-Head Harley Sporty. I landed in El Paso TX for a while and stayed there for a little over a month. Just enough time to earn Road Money so I could be on to the next Great Adven...
  • The Taser Incident

    The Taser 2 When I was in my 20’s, I was living in a duplex that was ‘Biker Central’ for the neighborhood. There were bikes parked out front, choppers and stock and all different makes. I was a frame carpenter and was ‘between jobs’ when this happened. I bought a tase...
  • Why Do People Need to Believe in God?

    Why Do People Need God? Edgewalker My early dealings with God were simple, transparent and temporal. So many prayers; for good grades, peace from schoolyard bully’s predation or parental wrath.  Church and Sunday School were a staple of Sunday morning, when the adults went to services a...
  • Tips and Rules for Group Rides

    It's that time of year again. I have gone back over last year's Rules & Tips, added and subtracted, made it an easier 'read' and cleared out the chaff. Please read, comment and let me know what you think. #1. COMMUNICATION IS MOST IMPORTANT! Don't know? ASK! Anythin...
  • Running from the Storm.

    Running From the Storm   Long ago, in a far-away place called Tucson there was a small dive named 'The Mint'. It was on Grant, just west of Dodge and I would stop there after work and down a cold brew or three because I only lived about 8-10 blocks away.  The bar had 'ai...
  • The Guiding Edge

     This story is an original fictional account. I own the copyright and all rights therein. This is the continued story that was originally titled 'Blood Breath and Brains'. Thanks for reading and please comment!   The Guiding Edge Jake ‘Edge’ Walker   Jake was mopping u...
  • When I Ride... a poem

     When I Ride By Jake Walker     Steel and leather wrap me. Black and Chrome, they greet me. The tang of fuel and the hint of oil Remind me of my recent toil.   My mind recites the Starting Ritual. A mantra for a motor, by now habitual. Flip the gas and retard the spark...
  • Satan

      Satan By Jake Walker   It was getting late and the desert sun was blistering my eyeballs, hitting me full in the face as I blasted down the freeway. The heat had increased and my thirst was checking in, so I dropped off a random tight sweeping exit and just followed my nose to the ne...
  • The Patch

    This is a true story. I have changed the names to protect my ass. Hope you enjoy it, let me know! The Patch By Jake Walker   Jack was bored. Bored, flat broke and had a torn-down bike taking up space in his living room because he was waiting for parts. He was used to it, living the ‘R...
  • Colors, Part 2

      Colors                                                &n...
  • Dammit Dammit Dammit!

    Ya know, sometimes things just kinda gang-up on ya, don't they? Now, this ain't no dam snivel-fest... I know where to find sympathy in the dictionary... It's somewhere between sh*t and syphilis, right? "No use whining cuz everbuddy gots 'der own problems" right? So, I guess I'm just sharing the lo...
  • Walking the Edge VI

    Dead Drunk by Jake Walker   “Hey you!” Jake checked the dark mirror and mentally kicked himself for not hearing the low squeak of the bar door when it opened. A short but thick man stood facing Jake’s back and just by his stance, Jake knew this man was a fighter. Sloped sh...
  • Walking the Edge V

    A Brief History of the EdgeWalker   Dad was discharged from the USMC in 1952. After that, he was outlaw 1%er & mom fell in love with him and his party ways & party days. They ran together for a year, partied hardy and then I happened. Dad settled down as much as he could, got a steady job ope...
  • Walking the Edge IIII

    The Arizona desert can be a deadly place to a rider with no transportation. The indifferent sun engulfed the stranded leather-clad rider with suffocating heat and the constant wind gusts drove hot sand into every crevice of both machine and rider. Shimmering heat waves and mirages thwarted any attem...
  • Walking the Edge III

    Some Reasons Why I Ride... A body can do a lotta thinkin when it's on a cruise...When you are ripping down the tarmac with a grin on your face. I get into a limbo head-space once I get outta town, letting the miles click away under the front tire. Worries of today just don't seem to have the grip o...
  • Walking the Edge II

    OK, I call this one "The Day I Dropped It". I was in a hurry. Back then, I was always in a hurry. Had to be at work before 6 am. Had to pickup the kid by 3 pm. Always stopped to pickup my nightly 12 pack of brew and then blasted for the house. Had to beat the ol lady home so the kid and me could ha...
  • Walking the Edge

    Welcome to my first attempt at Blogging! I wish to thank the Friends that have suggested it (you know who you are!) I will be putting stories, pics, riding tales and short stories I have written. Remember, everything I write here is protected by copyright laws. I write short stories as a (small)...