Posted in the topic
best all around bike in the forum
Biker Chat
June 13, 2023 1:00 AM PDT
VonZipper said:
looking for some thoughts and ideas to look at, breed of bike is not really my concern.
I ride stripped down, light machines. Spent the last 12 or 14 years on a Sporty. Only bike that handled the way I like. Well then Harley came out with the Slim. I was working for Honda Motorcycles at the time. One came in on trade. Its in my stable now.
The only things I added were a windshield, a better seat, loud pipes, and cruise control for $600.
Its my last bike. Some day I may feel Im too old to ride, or Soccer mon or Diesel Dan will take me out.
It is the best cruiser Ive ever rode.
Now you made me remember how rough seats were on early Slims

Def a good choice to switch it out(one of my buddies has 2017 one and they kinda fixed it now). My first mode was a "gear" box back in like early 2014, I was into solo camping a lot back then. I remember I specifically wanted it to fit a one man sleeping bag and a small axe from a local
outdoor stores. Good times!
This post was edited by jeebo at June 13, 2023 1:00 AM PDT