This is my first bike after being hit head on by a re-peat DWI Offender who crossed over into my lane of traffic while on my bike the first night up in Milwaukee for Harley's 100th. Was not expected to live and suffered many Traumatic Injuries to the left side of my body, then not knowing if I would ever walk or get out of a dam wheelchair. The coward Louis Osbaldo Saldivar (B.I.H{Burn In Hell})(Carpentersville, Ill) who hit me later committed suicide leaving not only to suffer from all of my many very traumatic injuries, but responsible for all of my medical care as well. In a flash, everything I had worked so hard for was gone. Long story, but I would not let them take everything and had to take out my 23 years of my Government Service Retirement and before it was all taken I bought this bike in my 6th year after my wreck not even knowing if I would ever be able to ride her. I just knew I would be happy pulling her out of the garage from time to time and rattle my neighbors windows. Researched it and had a Pingle Push Button Shifter put on and got to make my first ride on the 7th anniversary of my wreck and home in time to ride in our State H.O.G. Rally Parade. It was a dream to feel the wind upon my face once again. I am disabled as a result of the wreck along with being a Disabled Marine Corps Veteran and afraid because of my income and having so many problems

with the bike that I may have to get rid of her

. Riding was the only thing I had left.