March 11, 2014 1:53 PM PDT
I have a 2006 Electra Glide, the battery died this winter completely and now the security system has tripped. The hazards flash and the security key flashes on the dash.
The Key Fob wont work, but honestly I have never used it before so I have no way of knowing if it is functional.
I contacted the previous owner and he stated that he never switched the security code from the dealer. So i then contacted the dealer and they stated that they use 1-1-1-1-1 on all their bikes. When I tried that to enter the code I cant get the odometer to go blank to enter in the code manualy, and when the key flashes "quickly" as described in the manual, I enter the code but the system wont recognize that either.
I tried to discover the security code manually but without the key fob working the proper sequence isn't possible according to the manual.
Is there any other options to try???? I really don't want to replace the ECM for 500 dollars.