
  • September 15, 2011 7:03 AM PDT
    Hey BOOF  just saw that the new aussie passport has 3 genders to choose from  Male,Female and Indeterminate does that mean you can bring your Pet Roo with ya when you guys come back next year ?  Webby        
    • 2072 posts
    September 15, 2011 7:51 AM PDT
    IF that is true can you just imaging WHAT G will be traveling with !!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    September 15, 2011 8:03 AM PDT
    What is it with these english speaking ferigners and animals???
    • 0 posts
    September 15, 2011 8:58 AM PDT
    Yes its true....Im shaking my bloody head.We have a bloody big redheaded mess of a sheila prime minister who has gone soft on queers and trannies and the like.The opinions and policies of our current government are not necessarily the policies and opinions of the Australian people..Hey you mob arent the only ones who can have dickheads and wankers running your country.These useless bastards are going so bad in the opinion polls they are trying to bank on the queer and tranny vote..It wasnt so long ago that these bastards were to scared to stick their heads up coz they'd get kicked off.Im sitting back watching my country turn into a soft cock piss weak liberal queero joke of a place where normal people are in the minority now days.I DONT FRIGGIN LIKE IT..Cheers BOOF
    • 130 posts
    September 15, 2011 9:18 AM PDT
    It just seems like a very poor idea the times being what they are.
  • September 15, 2011 9:44 AM PDT
    For some reason Boof the US seems to be the ones to make strange changes in the way our country runs with crazy laws I guess your country beat us to it. I am sure we will follow suit in the near future. Webby
    • 9 posts
    September 15, 2011 5:21 PM PDT
    Politically Correct. You can thank whoever it was, that became the first, conscientious objector, to start this downward spiral into (sorry for the vernacular, ladies) PUSSYDOM! There was one in everyman's army, on every continent in the world. Most Arabic countries would just shoot such men on principal. No guts, no glory, no life.
    As for the rest of the world, it became a matter of course to let these fellows off the hook, service wise. That started
    a trend so inane, of arbitrarily accepting weakness, that entities such as Amnesty International were founded. Because if those men couldn't get "taken" off duty, they would go AWOL. And once caught, and brought to military
    tribunal, they would inevitably end up in Leavenworth. And A.I. just couldn't let that "injustice" stand.
    Now, in today's army, if you whine, long enough and loud enough, they just give you a section 8. You don't even
    have ever had to have seen combat, to claim PTSD. There are many doctors, more than willing to rubber stamp that diagnosis. It pays very well. A majority of the young men in today's army, are superior soldiers, IN A VIDEO
    GAME. But you put them any where near actual combat, and they start crying for Momma and sucking there
    thumbs. And they are also mostly drug addicted, (marijuana) alcoholics. Hence, the highest number of suicides among returning combat veterans, in the history of all foreign wars. I wouldn't be talking about this if I hadn't seen it firsthand. On several occasions, with friends sons coming or going. But I digress. What we're talking about here,
    is how normal it's become to accept human frailty, and allowing almost anyone to serve, instead of holding them up to a higher and tougher standard. Like we used to. Hell, they'll take you now, even if you fail a drug test...
    F' ing pussy's! Our willingness to overlook this stuff, is gonna come back to bite us in the ass.

    Just food for thought....

    Ride Free
    • 2 posts
    September 15, 2011 6:40 PM PDT
    Tweek wrote...
     A majority of the young men in today's army, are superior soldiers, IN A VIDEO
    GAME. But you put them any where near actual combat, and they start crying for Momma and sucking there
    thumbs. And they are also mostly drug addicted, (marijuana) alcoholics. Hence, the highest number of suicides among returning combat veterans, in the history of all foreign wars.

    There are so many things wrong with that statement, I don't even know where to start. A majority? Really? That whole statement just makes me shake my head. Tweek, you seem like a nice enough person but, what do you think qualifies you as someone who can analyze PTSD in combat vets?

    • 0 posts
    September 15, 2011 9:27 PM PDT
    When I returned from the gulf(yes I am another crazy vet..Y'all didnt know that did ya).I was given a pat on the back and sent back to my home base just up the road from my home..Two years later this ptsd thing was agetting kicked around..After 17 of mymates had topped themselves in ever new creative ways they got around to askin if I was bloody ok.Shit aye I guess I was Im still here..Ptsd adhd whatever y'all wanna talk about I've seen the bloody mongrel bastard end of it and carried alot of bloody good men because of it..My Vietnam Vet mates took me on board and taught me how to deal with alot of this shit and now as Istand before you I can honestly say I have kicked it arse and come through the other side..Ok I drink alittle more and fight a fair bit harder than the average bloke but i earnt my right to do so.....CHEERS BOOF
    • 9 posts
    September 15, 2011 10:31 PM PDT
    StBobber wrote...
    Tweek wrote...
     A majority of the young men in today's army, are superior soldiers, IN A VIDEO
    GAME. But you put them any where near actual combat, and they start crying for Momma and sucking there
    thumbs. And they are also mostly drug addicted, (marijuana) alcoholics. Hence, the highest number of suicides among returning combat veterans, in the history of all foreign wars.

    There are so many things wrong with that statement, I don't even know where to start. A majority? Really? That whole statement just makes me shake my head. Tweek, you seem like a nice enough person but, what do you think qualifies you as someone who can analyze PTSD in combat vets?

    I'm not talking about men who actually have PTSD. Who have seen and done things, that would shake anyone's reserve.  I'm talking about the kids coming back, never having seen ANY action. Some so far removed from the frontlines, they're on another continent. Now, if just being in the armed forces is enough to cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, then that's the point isn't it?  They are accepting weak indivduals, who can't handle the orders given them. I don't know if you have children, but I can tell you, the kids today are very immature comparitively speaking.  Our generation at nineteen and twenty something, were prepared for life, before college, or career's and even marriage.  And most of us did all of those things without giving it a second thought.  Kids today are more concerned with what they're getting next, and from who.  Their sense of entitlement is off the
    freakin' charts.  And gratitude is unheard of.  Not by all, but by many.  I know this, because I have a 20 year old, in college.  And I have many friends,
    whose son's HAVE enlisted, and in many cases, I saw the results I spoke about.  And I also have two disabled vet's in my family, and have made
    many trips to the VA with them.  There's no such thing as casual observation in a VA waiting room.  Parents of veterans, and veterans all talk.
    These conclusions are not just my own.  Sorry if I offended you, it's just my observation, after all.    PEACE

    Ride Free

    • 601 posts
    September 15, 2011 11:04 PM PDT
    An Irish guy was emigrating to Australia last year and had passed all the criteria for entry, until he got to passport control. A big immigration inspector asked him " do you have a criminal record sir?"

    His reply..................... " I didn't realise I still needed one ! "
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    September 15, 2011 11:43 PM PDT
    Neil, now that is FUNNY!
  • September 16, 2011 12:58 AM PDT
    Boy, here we go again. Off on a tangent over a comment about passports....God I love this site!!!!
  • September 16, 2011 12:59 AM PDT
    Agree with some, disagree with some. But that's life ain't it??? I'd get my soapbox out of the garage, but to much roofing stuff in the way, so I'll let this one pass. OK, OK, stop the cheering....LMAO!!!!
  • September 16, 2011 1:19 AM PDT
    WOW guess I won't do that again
    • 1780 posts
    September 16, 2011 1:51 AM PDT
    BOOF wrote...
    Yes its true....Im shaking my bloody head.We have a bloody big redheaded mess of a sheila prime minister who has gone soft on queers and trannies and the like.The opinions and policies of our current government are not necessarily the policies and opinions of the Australian people..Hey you mob arent the only ones who can have dickheads and wankers running your country.These useless bastards are going so bad in the opinion polls they are trying to bank on the queer and tranny vote..It wasnt so long ago that these bastards were to scared to stick their heads up coz they'd get kicked off.Im sitting back watching my country turn into a soft cock piss weak liberal queero joke of a place where normal people are in the minority now days.I DONT FRIGGIN LIKE IT..Cheers BOOF

    Back here Trannies are short for Transmissions, like in our cars....LOL

  • September 16, 2011 1:52 AM PDT
    Webby! Keep it up! It's amazing what comes out of posts like that.
    • 1780 posts
    September 16, 2011 2:00 AM PDT
    rory1 wrote...
    An Irish guy was emigrating to Australia last year and had passed all the criteria for entry, until he got to passport control. A big immigration inspector asked him " do you have a criminal record sir?"

    His reply..................... " I didn't realise I still needed one ! "

    Now by damn that's funny !!!!!!!!

    • 1780 posts
    September 16, 2011 2:06 AM PDT
    Now Webby see what you've gone and done........allowed us to express ones oppion without harassment, because we are free to do so in this Great Nation we live in. I say Kudo's to Webby, and this is what this family is all about, talking out subjects without becomming mean about it. Thanks Tweek and StBobber for keeping it cool.
  • September 16, 2011 2:41 AM PDT
    Thanks guys thats what i like about this site and country
    • 2 posts
    September 16, 2011 3:55 AM PDT
    Tweek, I guess I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I read that as you felt the majority of soldiers in combat were faking PTSD to avoid combat and my personal experience tells me otherwise. I wasn't offended just surprised at the comments. No worries.
    • 9 posts
    September 16, 2011 5:01 AM PDT
    No prob. And thanks Webby, I think you can see I'm a little "passionate" about certain things. My diatribes on the state of the union, well, could conceivably take up volumes. But I'm not gonna do that. Something just struck me about the "tranny" thing...and a rollin' I went! And thanks StBobber, things can get misconstrued, it happens. But that is also what I love about this site. We can toss our pennies into the mix! Some agree, some don't.
    IT'S ALL GOOD!!!

    Ride Free
  • September 16, 2011 5:54 AM PDT
    How many BILLIONS of people are on this planet? Shouldn't come as a surprise that a few of them might be a little wired differently. Does it really affect us in any way if someone wears women's clothes, eats a bowl of dicks for breakfast or wants to wack off his willy? Let them declare themselves different, none of my ******* business. If you're homophobic and against gays, it's as easy as just not putting a penis (or vagina) in your mouth (or other orifice) Getting upset over someone else's fetish is as stupid as being bothered by whether your neighbor prefers mustard or mayonaise.
    • 1780 posts
    September 16, 2011 6:18 AM PDT
    OH shit here we go again.......................................LOL
    • 9 posts
    September 16, 2011 10:50 AM PDT
    Wow, I am being misunderstood totally on this post. I have no problem with anyone's sexual orientations. What I do have a problem with are under-qualified, immature, drug/alcohol addicted, mixed up kids, being ok'd to serve in our
    military. And I had a problem with transsexuals being referred to as indeterminate. What is a military supposed to do with that dissemination? We USED to have a standard here in this country to be able to serve. But since 9/11, and thanks to STOP LOSS, and the number of sustained casualties, they have lowered the standards far below what we as a country should tolerate. It's our back's that they're protecting. It'd be nice to know you could trust them all to do the job.
    Addendum: These are my observations, take them or leave them, OK? They aren't meant to get anyone's ire up.

    Ride Free