Thoughts on Independence Day

  • July 1, 2011 1:19 PM PDT

    Thoughts on Independence Day

    Some came at the head of armies; others, in the chains of slavery. Some fled the tyranny of despots, the terror of war, or the pangs of famine. For many reasons, they came. They scratched a living from the wilderness. Some fought for a new way of life while others fought to preserve their native culture. Yet, immigrant or native, poor or powerful, they forged a nation, and earned the right to call themselves Americans. They toiled in the coal mines and cotton fields, on whalers, and skipjacks and riverboats. They forged iron into steel, laid rails, carried mortar, and fired bricks. They plowed and hammered and welded and sawed. From their labor and sacrifice came this great nation, a land where freedom is more than a word, where government exists not to rule, but to serve.

    They struggled for their survival against enemies from afar, at places burned forever in our national memory, Valley Forge and Belleau Wood, the bloody beaches of Normandy, the frozen reservoir at Chosin, the jungles of Vietnam, and deserts of Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Sometimes there were struggles within, as well. In the fields of Gettysburg, the snow at Wounded Knee, and the streets of Birmingham they strove with one another. Yet from the crucible of conflict, emerged a national conscience that will neither tolerate tyranny, nor abide injustice. The one great legacy of their struggles is that we are all Americans, endowed with the blessing of liberty and the opportunity to participate in our own government.

    There is a cost to this, however, and sometimes its price is severe. Understand this. Freedom is not free. Neither is it ever paid for in full. It is ours for the present, purchased at a terrible price by the tears of countless mothers, the sweat of countless laborers and the rich, red blood of countless patriots. Though it is our heritage, we do not own it; but hold it ever in trust for those who will follow.

    This week, as you celebrate our nation’s birthday, please take a moment to reflect in gratitude on the many special gifts with which we are blessed. You, and I, and all of us together, we are America. We are unique among the nations of the earth. We may argue among ourselves at times. We may struggle on our path to find the right, but as God gives us the strength and wisdom, we will always find the way. Never forget, we are Americans, and in the end, we will all stand together, strong and proud and free.

    -Rex A.
    WIA 4 July 1967




    • 6 posts
    July 2, 2011 1:08 AM PDT
    Well said, thank you.

    Our government needs to read the last line of paragraph one....
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 2, 2011 4:13 AM PDT
    Well Said Rexbo. And I salute your Purple Heart! Earned on a day celebrated by many for all the wrong reasons.
  • July 2, 2011 4:38 AM PDT
    AMEN brother!!!!
    • 1161 posts
    July 2, 2011 5:52 AM PDT
    • 566 posts
    July 2, 2011 6:39 AM PDT
    Happy birthday America !!!
    • 9 posts
    July 2, 2011 7:11 AM PDT
    Well I don't know how anyone can say it better than that...
    Let freedom reign....
    Thanks, Rexbo, you rock!
    Ride Free
    • 202 posts
    July 2, 2011 11:09 AM PDT

    • 202 posts
    July 2, 2011 11:11 AM PDT
    well, i was trying to post a video from you tube, but i don't think it worked... here's the address... check it out!
  • July 2, 2011 11:51 AM PDT
    Makes me proud to be an American and a member of this group. God Bless America
  • July 4, 2011 5:27 PM PDT
    Hope you all had a great holiday!

    • 3006 posts
    July 5, 2011 6:20 AM PDT
    Great post!!! & May God bless ya for your sacrifices,and all the others who went before,we still honor these dreams of freedom.
  • July 5, 2011 8:09 AM PDT
    Thank you for posting awsome
  • July 5, 2011 2:19 PM PDT
    What a great post.

    I rode down to my hometown for the holiday weekend and had the opportunity to attend the dedication ceremony for their new Veteran's Memorial. You couldn't ask for a better way to spend an afternoon. The Memorial itself is spectacular - one panel for every conflict men and women from our little town have participated in, bricks inlaid with the names of our veterans, black granite benches, the whole works.

    Even better was the ceremony. One moment stood out above all others. A senior official with the Wisconsin VFW asked if those who had lost family members in our nation's wars would please come up and say a few words. Several folks did, after which the official turned the mic over to the MC for the next speaker. But while they were making the exchange, another man came walking towards the podium from across the nearby street, and the VFW official took back the mic to allow the man to speak. He was overcome with emotion, but finally managed to say that he'd never gotten to know his father because he'd lost his life in WWII. It really brought home to me the sacrifices that have been made, not just by those who have served, but also by their families and loved ones.

    Best 4th of July I have ever spent, and putting 1,000 miles on the bike to make it happen just added icing to the cake. Thank you to our veterans and to the many people who have given so much to make our country great.
    • 1780 posts
    July 7, 2011 2:33 AM PDT
    Rexbo my Brother that was so well written, it moved me in a moment of tears. Thank you for the service you gave to our Great Nation.
    Ride Safe...Ride FREE
    Night Dragon
  • July 10, 2011 10:42 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    Rexbo my Brother that was so well written, it moved me in a moment of tears. Thank you for the service you gave to our Great Nation.
    Ride Safe...Ride FREE
    Night Dragon

    It was my honor and privilege, Sir.

    Glad you enjoyed the essay.