March 23, 2011 8:18 AM PDT
It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday in June old riding buddy Arthur Ray Kornegay, a fellow named Jerry (I think) and I were riding back into town after a long day at a pig-picking at the Brotherhood MC's club house. Needless to say we were well oiled for the ride (an action I no longer endorse)...riding three abreast, having a good ol' time, a carload of young ladies behind us enjoying our attention. As we approached an intersection with a gas station on the corner, the light changed to red. We pulled up to the light, still side by side, and I immediately failed to place the foot to the pavement, an action that resulted in me falling into Arthur Ray who, in turn, fell into Jerry causing Jerry to meet the pavement. Applause erupted from the gas station, hysterical laughter from the carload of "no longer impressed" young ladies, and horns being blown from cages throughout the intersection. Various terms of endearment began to flow in my direction as we picked ourselves up and regained control of the scooters. As I looked across the intersection, much to my dismay, sat one of the cities finest, looking at us, shaking his head in disbelief, and then looking away as if saying, "I don't want any part of this circus act!" The light changed to green, we took off, the girls passing us, blowing kisses our way and still laughing, and the police officer driving off into the opposite direction. Needless to say....I did not live that one down for a long time and had to buy many, many beers...and had to stop alone, either behind the others or in front of the others until I redeemed myself.
Man I miss those guys........
March 23, 2011 9:08 AM PDT
Very funny. Stuff like that happens to me all the time...there is this ever-present force that follows me around to remind me I ain't as cool as I think I look!
March 23, 2011 11:04 AM PDT
oh good....I'm not alone then!
March 23, 2011 11:27 AM PDT
I helped a guy pick up his bike at an intersection one night a longtime ago. I remember he was WASTED, probably shouldnt have been riding, but hell, I was driving a car and was probably as wasted as the biker. I am very anti drinking and driving/riding now days, that story on another occasion.
March 23, 2011 12:05 PM PDT

Well told!
March 23, 2011 7:56 PM PDT
I was at a party a while ago drinking jack an full of bad manners..I decided to take the old ironhead down the bottle shop and grab another bottle..All good came in a bit bloody hard on the front lawn and layed the old bugger down sliding into the picnic bench..Everyone was shocked and asked what was goin on..I just pulled the bottle out of my vest took a swig and said"buggered if I know I just got here myself"
March 24, 2011 3:41 AM PDT
LOL Mac.. reminds me of a similar experience,riding up to some friends in a large grassy picnic area,came in too fast,realized I was sliding in on the grass,dumped her like 5 ft away went sailing over the front bars and ended up nearly in their laps.

So much for the kool entrance..!!!
March 25, 2011 2:33 PM PDT
Stuff like that ONLY happens when you have people there to laugh at you !!!!!
March 28, 2011 1:50 AM PDT
March 29, 2011 3:56 AM PDT
Excellent story Mac!! shit like that happens- i was at a rally over the summer- and an older gentleman was hot roddin his old shovel head up and down the road- well as it were he too had one to many i think as he goosed the throttle while attempting a u turn to make another pass- and the bike had other plans- we helped him up AND his bike- nothing broken cept his pride i guess- but shit does happen!
April 16, 2011 5:53 AM PDT
Police motorcycle storie. Just chased and fought with a thug in the woods that had just punched partner in the face. Thug arrested in handcuffs in the back of a patrol cage. Me new police motor officer on Harley FXRP trying to look cool started motor grabbed handfull of throttle and let it rip. Forgot kickstand was down and attempted to lean to the left. Sparks loud scraping me screaming and not looking cool at all. I hit the curb and force of impact tore my grip from the handl ebars. Now im going about 25 mph across citizens front yard with boots under handlebars. I hit a large bush and went over the handlebars breaking my right pinkie finger. The wrecker driver, thug in the back of the patrol cage, and partner with bloody nose are crying they are laughing so hard. Lt. shows up calls me a pussy for wanting to get my hand checked out. His exact words were I thougt you were a Marine before you were a cop you pussy. Lt. grabs pinkie and pops it back. Tail between my legs for a month
April 16, 2011 6:31 AM PDT
Great Stories, needed a good laugh this morning..