March 4, 2011 3:15 AM PST
Loud pipes risk rights, this is the new official modo of Daytona bike week!
HOW CAN IT RISK MY RIGHT, if it is my right to ride my bike the way I want! I pay taxes too, I paid taxes to own the bike, I pay taxes to ride it and now you wnat to tell me how to ride it!!!!!!
Because a bunch of liberals have a problem with bikers! Dont even say it's because of the noise, your looking at 4 months out of the year if that, at someone that passes by in three seconds with some noise! This is about some geek liberal that wasn't excepted as a teen, bought a geek bike hoping to be excepted as a man and found himself in the same place that he was as a teen and know tells society if I can ride with low sounding pipes why can't they! I tell you why cause you don't ride! You cruise! You take your little PLANNED cruises and MAPPED out lives and want to apply it to everything and everyone!
I RIDE, I THROW MY LEG OVER MY BIKE AND PRAY THAT GOD WILL BRING ME BACK FROM WHERE EVER I GO BECAUSE I LET THE WIND TAKE ME AND THE ROAD LEAD ME! my pipes scream caution biker at play and they keep me safe! They don't save my life but they protect me better then a stupid glow in the dark vest that no one sees any way!!!!!!!
March 4, 2011 3:30 AM PST
Yea, how do I know this! Why do I say it's a bunch of liberal geeks! Because you try to have a logical conversation or ask a ligitement question and what do you get! These freaking geeks saying it's a small dick issue that are cocks are so small that we have to make noise for people to pay attention to us. If anything I think it's them that have the complex they are so worried about their own size that they have to attack us about ours and think about it, jelious FUCS!!!! Whip it out will see who's bigger!
If this is about noise, why do the always attack the biker? Oh' it's a complex, oh they have small dicks that's why they do it.. I'll tell you why because it has nothing to do with noise it has to do with thier own inadaquitecies and their own complex! But because of that we all have to suffer! And what do a lot of us do, we bend over and take it with this bullshit they we are just making it worse for our selves that we are risking our rights!!!!! No, they are violating our rights! They are putting restrictions on our rights! When you buy a house and pay your taxes you don't want no one telling you what color to paint your home or what music to listen to in your back yard! Yet we let them tell us what handle bars we can use, what pipes, how low we can sit, what we can wear!!!!! This shut pisses me off I just want to ride my ride!!!!
March 4, 2011 3:48 AM PST
LOL good post at least you tell it like it is..i recall a day when just wearing your hair long branded a person as a non conformist rebel..evil hippies..yeah lots of us didnt like being told what we could & couldnt ride,how far we could go & where we could ride or park..or even speak out about injustice against the motorcycling public at large
essentially we were vilified by Hollywood in the 50's not to mention all the other ethnic groups trashed by that cesspool of shet,all to make a buck ..I do disagree tho about the liberal part,you can make generalizations,yet they usually weaken any argument against this sort of nazi behavior by the politico's who need a dead horse to beat..repeatedly....
March 4, 2011 5:16 AM PST
OK I take the libral part back, since it's more likely the conservative groups that would have this issue, LOL! But I think that it's bull that any bike event has that political view on pipes! If the gov has a problem with it let them deal with it! The event shouldn't be taking that view and trying to force it on it's patrons! If it wasnt for us bikers daytonas revenue wouldn't be as good, once a year we bless their state with financial contributions and what do they do, they spit on us! Freak that, they don't deserve my money!
March 4, 2011 7:54 AM PST
They pretty much leave us alone up here in the boonies of Montana!We like it that way!Oh ya we also have a one time registration fee...65 bucks and I dont have to mess w it again as long as I keep the bike!
March 4, 2011 9:36 AM PST
Dag, man that is a sweet life!
March 4, 2011 1:17 PM PST
I totally agree Hoz w/your second post,it goes beyond stupid trying to lay down that sort of bs on bikers,my question is whose right where?? I get to hear jet planes thunder overhead all day long & into the night,not to mention all the smaller aircraft which make a ton of racket,in my mind its like a double standard,hassle the motorcycle guys,their an easy target,dont mess with the plane people cause they gots lot of money,& connections..& Uncle Sam proping them goes beyond silly, another case of govt attacking the easy target loud pipes..LOL..dont feel bad we had Arnold our former gov sign some real crappy laws against motorcyclists rite before he left office,a number of pro rider groups tried to dissuade him,apparently the former gov acted like a biker when it suited him to..yeah he was a real gem of a guy..
March 4, 2011 4:44 PM PST
Sorry to say this, but as a biker's rights advocate I see these anti-loud pipe laws being debated by "the powers that be" across the country. My advice to all is register to vote, and join your state's A.B.A.T.E..
If you don't vote no politician will take you serious, and numbers are important.
When talking to a local elected official, and when I tell them my county alone has 600 A.B.A.T.E. members, they vote, so does their family and friends, the politician is all ears.
March 4, 2011 6:47 PM PST
I don't understand those people who say that loud pipes are just loud and don't save lives. For those people, please follow me here. Why do police cars, ambulances and fire trucks have loud sirens? Is it because they thought it would just be cool? No, that's not it. It's because they know that they go through intersections and they want people to hear them coming so they don't get sideswiped and killed! They know that a loud noise will get people's attention and make them aware of their presence. Hmmmmm. So, if we want loud pipes because we think people will be alerted that we are there so we don't get sideswiped and killed, then we are wrong; we just want to look or sound cool. I know that when I hear a bike with pipes, I turn and look. Maybe, I am just special.
I don't buy their bullcrap excuses for trying to dictate this issue. I have heard plenty of four-wheel cages with loud pipes and I don't see a movement to outlaw them. Give me a break. Quit hiding behind bullshit and tell us the real reason so that we can deal with that phobia on an honest level.
Ohhh and so that I don't get accused of hiding behind bullshit reasons on my side of the issue, I do think loud pipes sound cool and I do think that they are part of the freedom that comes with the biker lifestyle but, I also believe that they save lives. If I can get one person to hear me and take note so as not to kill me, then isn't it worth it? Maybe not to them (even though they will tell you in public that every life is important, what is said in private behind closed doors is a different story - biker trash) but my life is important to my kids and the rest of my family and friends and brothers on the road.
Let's hear a "Hell yah!" if you agree.
Biker trash (father of 5, son, ex-husband- money bags, brother, uncle and friend)
March 5, 2011 3:48 AM PST
Having a low tolerance for noise I will say that at times some bike noise gets to me BUT I also accept the noise as part of the lifestyle. My bike is modestly quiet until I get into it, then he speaks with authority. I agree that loud pipes will save lives but with freedom comes responsibility. The fool who is setting at a light or in a parking lot making noise to just be heard will get a thumb down from me. The rider who opens it up while riding down a city canyon at 3 AM also gets the same. Keep them loud but show some respect to others. It is not a ME world.
Good Point UtahHogRider.
March 5, 2011 4:32 AM PST
This silly little phrase I heard makes some sense: "When in town keep it down, when on the highway ride it my way".
March 6, 2011 10:38 AM PST
Rex, Rev I totally agree! Rev, I think writing something up showing the outdated EPA law and a compromised suggested law and having it sighened in every event and forum and then presenting it to congress might help.
I mean a lawnmower is 90db vs a motorcycle at 83db does that make sense??? My biggest grief with the fed EPA laws is that it doesn't allow change, I have to stay with the standard EPA OME pipes, I can't put on short pipes even if they db were under the EPA standards, even if it had a inner muffler and bafel just becuase they are not EPA certified in other words the government is not making money off of it!
Also I don't understand why they even do any check points if I already passed inspection, they don't do that with cars if they have an inspection sticker! Only time is if they know with out a doubt it has a actual equipment defect!
March 6, 2011 12:40 PM PST
From talking with some of the elected officials I've been dealing with for years, the biggest complaints they are now getting from citizens are the crotch rockets high pitched sound.
A.B.A.T.E. and other biker rights groups are fighting to keep motorcycle laws away including noise restriction.
Guess what group of riders are less likely to join above mentioned groups.
I'm not trying to make anybody mad, but it's the facts.
March 6, 2011 2:35 PM PST
Are u saying our biggest problem and largest obstacle are the crotch rockets! Because from all the YouTube videos u would think it's from the crusiers and chop bike groups.
March 6, 2011 3:53 PM PST
Man it's just a cheap shot at bikers and people enjoying their rights because most cops are too chicken-$hit to go out and enforce real laws!
March 6, 2011 6:10 PM PST
Are u saying our biggest problem and largest obstacle are the crotch rockets! Because from all the YouTube videos u would think it's from the crusiers and chop bike groups.
I'm telling it like it was told to me about what folks are complaining about.
As far as who joins the rights groups this is a fact, I've spent years, time and my own money trying to get them to join A.B.A.T.E.!
March 6, 2011 11:54 PM PST
Yeah those a$$holes are always making us look bad, the crotch rocket riders, always pullin wheelies in traffic, hell just yesterday I saw one going onto an on-ramp pulling a wheelie as he merging into traffic, I mean, what the fuq is that about? I'll leave them to Darwin's theory, I have no sympathy for any of them.
What they did in Seattle was even MORE messed up, a group of crotch rocket riders were blazing down I-5 and being pursued by a State Trooper, some how they managed to get the *** high sided and then these idiots come back and taunt the guy!?!?! Uhhh he's got a camera, just because the car is upside down doesn't mean the camera isn't rolling! They caught the dude no problem. Some of these guys make the clubs look fun.
I've been a participant of the said MRO for about 15 years now btw.
March 7, 2011 3:56 AM PST
From personal experience it is the sport bikes. When recently talking to my next door neighbors (not a rider) the topic of bike noise came up. I started to apologize for my contribution as at the time I was running straight pipe (no baffles) on my Sportster. I must say at this point that whenever I was in my own neighborhood I would shift in to a higher gear to cut my noise down. But that still left a deep rumble that could be heard. I was surprised at his reaction that it was not my bike he was commenting on it was our neighbor’s kid across the street who rides a sport bike. That he and his companions would rev their engines at all hours of the night and leave in a screaming mass when leaving. Compared to that my bike was nothing and didn’t even come to his mind when he started the conversation.
So it's different noise for different people I guess. I just think we’re (V twin riders) conditioned to accept the blame when bike noise comes up.
I’ve talked with a few State Police officers in my state. First they were all riders and had exhausts that were not stock (V twin riders). The comment was unless the officer was a complete a$$ that there was no way a State trooper was going to pull me over for my pipes (at the time I was somewhat shocked) and noise.
Most of these noise ordinances that focus on bikes are falling apart in the courts. There are two in my riding area. The first was the city of Boston this one has been on the books for a year or two and as of yet there have been no citation issued. It has been challenged in court but till a citation is issued the judge will not rule on it. This was the basis of the one in North Hampton NH which was modeled in on Boston’s not knowing that it’s never been enforced. This one has had some court challenges and is out on it butt as of now. This one too was never enforced.
Presently it’s the road blocks that focus on only Motorcycles that have me worried.
March 7, 2011 5:32 AM PST
I'm not one that ordinarily points a finger at any certain group, but being honest I'm afraid that a small percentage of riders are going to unravel almost 30 years worth of hard work it took us to get our helmet laws modified in Pennsylvania so that "those that ride can decide", and a plethora of other advancements we have gained.
When I approach one of these individuals to join A.B.A.T.E. the first thing I hear is "I want to wear a helmet".
I then hand them a flier that has A.B.A.T.E.'s accomplishments, and what we are working on, they say "I didn't know about all this" still they don't join.
We have even suggested they can start their own chapters if they don't want to hang with us.
I'll tell ya the truth I'm starting to dread watching the local news during the Summer do to the body count of inexperienced riders on super fast bikes.
March 7, 2011 10:35 AM PST
I agree loudpipes do make a difference when i had stock pipes was forever getting off or being almost run off the road when I got custom pipes it made a big difference I run w/out baffles most of the time and next charity you go on listen to the pipes on the bike of the off duty cop next to you
March 7, 2011 3:04 PM PST
There's nothing I like any better than a Harley with some good sounding pipes on it. But, and you knew there was a but coming. There are a lot of V-twin riders that do everything thing they can to give us a black eye. I rode a poker run last season, and pulled out in the wrong group of bikes. All the way through town, the" BOYS" ahead of myself and a few of my friends, cracked the pipes trying to make as much noise as possible. I don't like to take shots at my own kind, but I was embarrassed to be stuck in the middle of these idiots.
March 7, 2011 10:42 PM PST
I did a few hours in Gettysburg, Pa during the July rally in 2005. Had one family waiting at a street crossing talking to a young daughter about how all the BIG bikes don't need to be LOUD as I paddlefooted down the street in the mass movement through town. That is not the only comment that I heard that day about someone ridding their pipes and after doing the tourist trip it was nice to get out on the four lane and the quiet cruise. As I have been known to say on several times that if I wanted to be noticed by noise then I would have a pocket of fireworks going off to get the attention. I can also ride in a wildlife refuge within feet of animals ad see them up close. Stock pipes are nice and safety yellow can be seen.
March 8, 2011 2:36 AM PST
Maybe it's an image thing? Kinda like cars with header cut-outs? Can be quiet, but nice to make some noise sometimes? I don't know. I'm still running stock pipes and I don't plan on changing out real soon. It's a question that there will never be a definitive answer to.
March 8, 2011 2:51 AM PST
Ha Ha! Not here. Those stock pipes are fixin' to go the way of the Dodo bird as soon as the ice melts off the driveway. Its about freedom and the ultra sexy way that sound makes you feel when you start her up in the AM.
So maybe the passing motorcycle does irritate some people...their screaming/crying kid at the BAR (WTF?)irritates me!
But I deal with it....maybe I should call my Congressman.....
March 8, 2011 11:56 AM PST
If I had to guess, Loup Pipes Risk Rights might mean that if you draw attention to yourself, you might get attention you don't want. My pipes are louder than stock. I try to be careful not to rap the throttle when I'm riding by a liberal...