Haunted mansion

  • December 27, 2010 2:35 AM PST
    This is a photo I took this morning in front of Vaile Mansion,built in 1881 by  Colonel Harvey and Sylvia Vaile.It has been said that after Sylvia's death she has been seen looking out a front room window.I live 3 blocks away and drive by the mansion almost every day,but so far havent seen any ghost.
    • 1780 posts
    December 27, 2010 3:47 AM PST
    I see a new post here thanks to jake.........
    Who actually believes in ghost, and has anyone seen one????
    Well I will follow up on jakes post (which by the way is one cool looking house) ....When I was about 12 I got up in the middle of the night to hit the can, and as I entered the hallway leading to the bathroom there he stood. An Old man, somewhat transparent, but I could make out his face real well. I didn't reconized him but he looked right into my eyes, and he just stood there for a minute looking at me, and then kind of floated into my Brothers room. I didn't tell my parents or Brothers about this until I was about 35 years old. I think I forgot to Pee that night.
    So for the record ....Yep I believe in Ghost.
  • December 27, 2010 4:39 AM PST
    Funny this question came up. I have been experiencing "unusual" things since I was a child. I have had so many experiences my life is sometimes like a Stephen King movie. I hear it runs in our family. My first real sighting was at a graveyard when I seen a woman dressed in the 1800's looking down at a grave site. When I asked my sister if she sees the woman in grey we turned around and she was gone. My brother and I use to hear the doors in our hallway open slowly and shut one after the other. We used to bring our friends to our house to show them but it never happened when anyone else was around. Then when I was in my mid twenties I rented a room and used to come home after being out and felt someone watching me. I would open my eyes and see an older man standing at the foot of my bed. I though I had "over did it" and was seeing things. But after repeatedly seeing him on many occasions I knew he was really there. I was home one day by myself watching TV when I heard a womans voice say "get out of the house". It didn't go with the program I was watching and turned down the sound. Again I heard her voice but she was sounding anxious.."get out of the house" I said out loud "no, I'm here alone" (being the stubburn woman I am) Then in almost a panic I heard her voice again "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" At that moment I felt something come down the hall and rub up against me (like opening a hot oven). Over the back of the couch, out the door and only to return for my things. When I came back my landlord and his mother was sitting in the kitchen and I told him I was moving because he had something in his house. His mother looked at me and said "You seen him didn't you?" My son thinks I'm crazy, tell him you seen him" I told her I'm not sure what it was but it didn't want me there and I was leaving. Just another day in my life.

    I also had a ghost stalker that took me about a year and a half to get rid of. It got to the point where I had to call the "Big Gun" in (God) to have him help me deal with what I go through. I asked him if it was something not of his will to remove it and if it was his gift to teach me how to control it and use it for the better. I always, always experience unusual things as well as my children. Not sure what it is but I've got a pretty good grip on it now days and don't let "them" bother me or interupt my life.

    And you ask me if I believe in ghost? I would have to say I have no choice.........
    • 86 posts
    December 27, 2010 5:32 AM PST
    I'm not sure what to think. I am very interested in the TV shows TAPPS, Ghost Adventures, Etc. But I've watch the show physic kids. Its hard to dispute that one. No way those kids are making that up. So I believe but have not experienced anything myself.
    • 223 posts
    December 27, 2010 12:21 PM PST
    Our house is full of them, I've been a believer since I was a child. Our dogs play with them, we see them and hear them all the time. Never doubted a day in my life.
  • December 27, 2010 1:13 PM PST
    My friend, brother and elder came last year to smudged, and smoke our home. I felt and saw one take flight. I used to catch them out of my peripheral vision from time to time. At times feel them when they walk through... Yup we are not alone..
  • December 27, 2010 2:17 PM PST
    Have I seen one??? Not 100% sure. Do I believe in them?? I believe something is there, call it a spirit, a phantom, a ghost, whatever. Never telling anyone, I swear I can hear my mother telling me to be careful every once in a while.
    • 1780 posts
    December 28, 2010 3:15 AM PST
    Holly crap this is making chills go up my back....!!!!!!
    • 580 posts
    December 28, 2010 9:18 PM PST
    sjsak1 wrote...
    Have I seen one??? Not 100% sure. Do I believe in them?? I believe something is there, call it a spirit, a phantom, a ghost, whatever. Never telling anyone, I swear I can hear my mother telling me to be careful every once in a while.

    Me too Sisak1 - not sure but certain I have guardian angels looking out for me - Reckon they're my two mums who both passed years ago
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    • 19067 posts
    December 29, 2010 12:11 AM PST
    Following NightDragons lead here is one that happened this AM.
    Soon to be published on my trip blog http://scratchin-the-itch.blogspot.com />

    Gremlins?  Poltergeists? Vandals?

    Do Do Doo Do, Do Do Doo Do, think Twilight Zone...
    Something strange happened this morning and I mean strange. I use an “Uninterruptable Power Supply” for my computers. Basically it is a large battery powered AC supply to keep my AC clean and allows me to shut down properly in the event of power loss. It will beep when the AC input is low or gone. At 5:45 this morning I was awakened by that loss of power alarm. I looked out the window to see if the RV Park was dark but the park lights were on. Hmmmm.
    OK, I thought, maybe it is just low power. I got out of bed and fumbled to find my glasses in the dark and read the voltage display. It indicated no input. Side note; Roz’s water tank is leaking externally (waiting for new to arrive at the local RV repair shop) and I wondered if maybe the heating element shorted. Could it be a tripped main breaker?
    Pulling on my T-shirt and cut off shorts I stumbled outside to check the breaker panel. Here is the strange part, my AC cable was unplugged. That is a 30 amp heavy cable and not easily unplugged. So how did it become unplugged? I decided to continue the investigation when it is daylight (I also invited my friend Mr. Baretta to join me - the vandal part). I plugged that large connector back in (it took a definite effort to insert it in the receptacle) and all is fine now.
    The daylight investigation showed nothing. I even took Riley near the AC panel and no smell was of interest to him so for now it remains a mystery…


    • 580 posts
    December 29, 2010 12:42 AM PST
    That's definitely a Twilight Zone moment Rex!!!! Not sure I'd have gone out even with Mr Baretta!!!

    PS Jake - meant to say that Mansion is absolutely awesome. What a wonderful example of gothic architecture.

  • December 29, 2010 1:15 AM PST
    We have had strange goings on in our house from time to time.Our tv will change channels on its own.The channel would change,we pick up the remote and change the channel back,seconds later goes back to the channel it switched over to.We figured it was the remote,so we took the batteries out, but the channel still changed. This has happened on 3 or 4 different occasions.We laugh it off,guess our ghost doent like what we watch on tv.After we switched from having cable to a dish and bought a new tv I figured our ghost would not be changing channels anymore,but a few weeks ago we went back to batteling the ghost a tv program,oh well.
    • 1780 posts
    December 29, 2010 3:53 AM PST
    Angel Eyes and I have actually spent the night in the very room in Hollywood where Janis Joplin killed herself with an overdose of drugs. All I can say is in the middle of the night I ask Debby did you turn on the TV and she said no I through you did. Not Me........Holly shit....Holly shit.....it must have been Janis....Yeps
    True story
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 2, 2011 6:01 AM PST
    Ghosts, Yip.............. Believe in them and have one in our house..... An Apt I used to live in han a ghost of an old man. First time he made his presents was when the GF and I were in the shower. No kids at home, middle of the day, all doors and windows locked including the bathroom door. All the suddin I hear something. I look out the shower and the faucet in the sink is on full blast.   Saw him many times, in the kitchen, in the yard... We went to Montana for a wedding in the 90's and there he was 85 mph running next to the car.... He zipped off a head of us. Last time I ever saw him. We ahave a ghost in our house, havn't go a good look at him. We hrere him up stairs walking around once in a while. The picture below was taken a couple months ago on there camping trip. They arrived late and got camp set up in the dark. They took the pic with a cell phone. They looked at the pic and decieced they wern't staying. Packed up and left..... A few months later Deener and I were on a ride with friends. The picture came up in conversation. A ladie with us looked at the picture and told us that the ghost in the picture had died in the spot were the pic was taken. She died in 1890 something as her parents were taking her to the doctors... 
    • 1 posts
    January 2, 2011 6:22 AM PST
    Don't believe in ghosts but Harvey Vaile lived big enough, accomplished enough & seemly loved enough to alter  the landscape of a big hunk of Missouri. - Even if he is no longer around his accomplishments are & you cannot escape them.

    http://ghostvigil.com/7-vaile/history.htm />
    • 223 posts
    January 2, 2011 6:37 AM PST
    We have several in the house that we live in now. The most prominent is a little boy somewhere around 5-8 years old, it's hard to tell. He's in a type of short pant outfit, like a little sailor suit, but without the flap on the back. He's a little tow head and he's only spoken once. He stays downstairs between our dining room and what I call the "fireplace" room that are separated by pocket doors (our house was built in 1889 and is one of the oldest in town). When I worked nights, I could just about bet he'd be standing there at 0430 when I walked in, waiting to greet me. He'd smile then dissipate into nothing.

    We found several stuffed toys in the attic when we moved in and my daughter found an old teddy bear that she cleaned up and gave to my mother-in-law for her birthday. Mom collects them so it was a really cool present for her. Until it upset the little boy. After she gave the teddy bear to Mom, he was no where to be seen when I'd get home. Ron was sick and in and out of consciousness and all of a sudden, he told me to get the bear back. He said the little boy had told him he wanted his bear back. I didn't have to think twice, the boy had never come upstairs before, so we went to Mom's and told her what happened and she told us to get the bear back to the attic and NOW!!! I still see him on occasion when I leave for work at 0330 now that I'm on days, he just stands there and smiles at me. Haven't found out who he is yet, but we're researching.

    We've had only one "not so nice" entity in our house so far and he was a transplant somehow from our old house in Salina. We brought our shower curtain from the old house and while I was in the shower one day, I heard my husband open the door and walk in to use the bathroom. He told me, "It's just me..." so I kept washing my hair and ignoring him like I usually do. Then he said something like, "I just want to stay in here..." and I got a cold feeling. I said his name a couple of times and he didn't respond, so I peeked out the shower curtain and no one was there. I got out, dried off and went downstairs, but Ron and the kids were all gone. I was alone in the house and it was RON'S voice. We got rid of that shower curtain as soon as he got home. Haven't had any problems since.

    We have a very active house. Someone in our basement likes the lights on all the time. We rarely go down there and there's only one way in and when we leave, we shut the light off, close the door, and lock it so the animals can't push it open and get down there. Our house is very old and there are spaces that we can see beneath the floors and it never fails, I get across the house to the staircase to go upstairs and I can see the basement light is back on again. At this point, I just leave it alone. The lights have never burned out either and we've been here for a year and a half.

    I have lots of stories, lol! They've been following me around since I was a kid, some are cool, some are annoying, but I do try to listen to what they have to say.
    • 9 posts
    January 2, 2011 11:46 AM PST
    High Risk,
    The cell phone pic, one question, if the couple took this with "a cellphone", how is there a copy of it? Who's cell was it? And if you look really hard, it looks like there is an angel over the females left shoulder. Weird, but suhweet...I am totally into the paranormal. Ride Free
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 2, 2011 1:57 PM PST
    Tweek wrote...
    High Risk,
    The cell phone pic, one question, if the couple took this with "a cellphone", how is there a copy of it? Who's cell was it? And if you look really hard, it looks like there is an angel over the females left shoulder. Weird, but suhweet...I am totally into the paranormal. Ride Free

    There was a group of 5-6 people from work that went on the camping trip. A lady took the picture just after they got there tent up.  The picture was sent to me via the cell phone in a picture message.

  • January 2, 2011 2:13 PM PST
    RaceAngel wrote...
    Funny this question came up. I have been experiencing "unusual" things since I was a child. I have had so many experiences my life is sometimes like a Stephen King movie. I hear it runs in our family. My first real sighting was at a graveyard when I seen a woman dressed in the 1800's looking down at a grave site. When I asked my sister if she sees the woman in grey we turned around and she was gone. My brother and I use to hear the doors in our hallway open slowly and shut one after the other. We used to bring our friends to our house to show them but it never happened when anyone else was around. Then when I was in my mid twenties I rented a room and used to come home after being out and felt someone watching me. I would open my eyes and see an older man standing at the foot of my bed. I though I had "over did it" and was seeing things. But after repeatedly seeing him on many occasions I knew he was really there. I was home one day by myself watching TV when I heard a womans voice say "get out of the house". It didn't go with the program I was watching and turned down the sound. Again I heard her voice but she was sounding anxious.."get out of the house" I said out loud "no, I'm here alone" (being the stubburn woman I am) Then in almost a panic I heard her voice again "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" At that moment I felt something come down the hall and rub up against me (like opening a hot oven). Over the back of the couch, out the door and only to return for my things. When I came back my landlord and his mother was sitting in the kitchen and I told him I was moving because he had something in his house. His mother looked at me and said "You seen him didn't you?" My son thinks I'm crazy, tell him you seen him" I told her I'm not sure what it was but it didn't want me there and I was leaving. Just another day in my life.

    I also had a ghost stalker that took me about a year and a half to get rid of. It got to the point where I had to call the "Big Gun" in (God) to have him help me deal with what I go through. I asked him if it was something not of his will to remove it and if it was his gift to teach me how to control it and use it for the better. I always, always experience unusual things as well as my children. Not sure what it is but I've got a pretty good grip on it now days and don't let "them" bother me or interupt my life.

    And you ask me if I believe in ghost? I would have to say I have no choice.........

    Awesome story i kinda wish i could see them like you and YES i do beleive in them .iI love the pic of the house.

  • January 2, 2011 2:44 PM PST
    Highrisk that is one creepy photo and i would have packed and moved quickly as well. I personally have never experienced a ghost, but my mom's mother who passed away when my mom was seven years old has appeared in front of her several times and will usually try to hug my mom and then tell her that my mom's problems will all be ok.
    This happened a few times that I know of. Once was when my Dad was shipped off to Korea for the war in 1950, and the other time was when she had to Travel to Europe on a Oceanliner with my brother and sister to rejoin my father who had received orders to Germany (Vilseck) after the war. She was young and had never been outside of the state of Mississippi so we have always thought my grandmother was just trying to reassure her daughter and let her know it would be allright.
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 2, 2011 11:57 PM PST
    Wheels ~ Wow, that sounds like a couple of experiences that I had as a child also.... Don't think we are alone
    • 223 posts
    January 6, 2011 6:12 AM PST
    Looks like we have a new one here seeing what kind of mischief it can get into. My daughter was home alone and doors started making noise, she heard footsteps and what sounded like someone talking. Things are being moved, like my wallet and whoever it is, seems to like my Lizard Lips lip balm, lol! Seriously though, I took my wallet out of my jeans and put it on the bed. When I came back, it was gone. I looked all over my room for it, but today, it just showed up on my printer. When I went to get undressed last night, I emptied out my jeans pocket and my "seed" was gone. It's a little seed my husband gave me, well, not little, about the size of an M&M, but the longer you carry it in your pocket, the shinier it gets. His dad has carried the same one for decades. I always carry it in my right front jeans my pocket with my Lizard Lips and last night, it was missing. So, I took my lizard lips and put it in the same pocket I always do in my purse,which was on the other side of the room. When I got up this morning, I was still pretty upset about the seed being gone and when I unzipped the pocket in my purse, there it was... but my Lizard Lips balm was missing! Mail has gone missing then turned up in places it shouldn't be, even shampoo has been turned upside down in the shower. Cranky little bugger is getting on my nerves, lol!

    I've seen them since I was a kid, so there's no doubt in my mind that they not only exist, but co-exist right along side of us. Most of us just choose not to see them or acknowledge them. A friend of mine in Minnesota is a "ghost hunter" and he's coming to my area to visit family this summer. I asked him to come by my house and check it out, just for the heck of it. Not that I want any of them to leave, I just want to know more about them.
    • 0 posts
    January 6, 2011 6:38 AM PST
    Well I dont believe in ghost ,but i do believe in spirits ,Whiskey mainly...Nah fair dinkum my sister and I are really bloody lucky..Our Grand Dad was a ripper bloke,actually he was the nicest bloke ive ever met..When we were kids we used to wash his car for him and he'd pay us with 5 cent pieces..When he died my sister had a dream and he told her he'd always keep and eye on us..Now where ever we go we find 5 cent pieces,my sis found an Aussie 5 cent on a beach in New Zealand and bugger me dead if I wasnt at LA airport when i see a bloody coin on the deck..Yup sure as shit it was an Aussie 5 cent piece.So Alf came to the US of A with me and left me a coin to let me now he was watchin.He sure as shit got his money's worth in Sturgis coz there was some sights to see...We take these Alf(my grand dads nick name)coins and put them on our window sills to keep any bad shit out of our homes....CHEERS BOOF
    • 212 posts
    January 6, 2011 12:22 PM PST
    Awesome house
    • 223 posts
    January 11, 2011 7:52 AM PST
    Sigh... and they get on my nerves, especially lately.  My keys went missing Sunday.  My son asked for them to get something out of the car and that was the last time I saw them.  Fortunately Ron had a spare for the car, so I was able to get to work yesterday.  I looked all over my room, I looked in the bathroom, all over downstairs, my son looked in his jeans pockets, in his coat, in the living room, everywhere.  I looked in my purse, even though I NEVER put them there at home, I looked in my coat, because that's where he got them from and he said he handed them back to me, although he didn't.  So anyway, we looked all over the place for the last couple of days but couldn't find them.  We figured he probably dropped them outside on the way in, and now they're covered with 8 inched of snow.

    My daughter picked up my coat, I wear the same leather year round.  I know what's in those pockets, because I'm the only one who puts things in them.  She reached into the inside breast pocket and my keys were there.  I know they weren't before, because at work yesterday, I went out and smoked a few times and that's where I keep my Zippo.  I also looked for them there, just in case.  I mean, you never know with kids, right?  But, they were there.  And they weren't supposed to be there.  And they weren't there the two previous days before.  I hadn't worn my jacket since work.  And again, I looked in all the pockets.

    Ron said he saw someone new in the house.  A man in a white hat and coat.  I've seen him a few times, I figure he was the owner of one of the hotels that used to be here in town.  Can't say for sure, I'd have to see some pics to determine that.

    But seriously... they need to leave my stuff alone, it's getting on my nerves...