Sturgis anyone???

    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 6, 2011 3:58 AM PST
    As of today the prices for tent camping is:
    Broken Spoke $119.00 Aug 1-14
    Glencoe $150.00 Aug 1-14
    Buffalo Chip Aug $265.001-14 Aug 6-14 $205.00 Aug 8-14 $165.00
    • 0 posts
    January 6, 2011 6:00 AM PST
    I reckon were gonna give the chip the arse for camping..See what acts they have and buy tickets for the bloody night..Bugger the dust and dodgey shitters ,I'm gettin to bloody old for that shit...CHEERS BOOF
    • 58 posts
    January 6, 2011 6:16 AM PST
    No Sturgis for me; is way too rich fer this poor biker!
    • 9 posts
    January 6, 2011 7:46 AM PST
    RufCut wrote...
    No Sturgis for me; is way too rich fer this poor biker!
    You've got six good month's to save and plan. And you can always catch a ride with somebody if necessary. Alot of folks trailer most, if not all of the way,
    and would be happy to help. Just ask around and make some inquiries. RIDE FREE
    • 9 posts
    January 6, 2011 7:46 AM PST
    RufCut wrote...
    No Sturgis for me; is way too rich fer this poor biker!
    You've got six good month's to save and plan. And you can always catch a ride with somebody if necessary. Alot of folks trailer most, if not all of the way,
    and would be happy to help. Just ask around and make some inquiries. RIDE FREE
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    January 6, 2011 10:36 AM PST
    RufCut wrote...
    No Sturgis for me; is way too rich fer this poor biker!

    Actually a person can do Sturgis on a buget. Some of the campgrounds outside of sturgis have cheap camping. Here is one for example  ; It's $20.00 a night or $125.00 for 10 nights... Call some of the smaller campgrounds, they will give you all the info you want.... You can also find camping in town in someones front yard. The big camp grounds charge alot because of the bands ect......  The wife (Dener) and I camp most places we go on the road.... KOA's are great. Clean, Showers and a store.. The KOA's around Stugis are filling up quick, Mt Rushmore KOA still has some room left. If it is something you want to do, I would start surfing the web and get some  ideas on what it really might cost. I think you can do it cheaper then you think..
  • January 6, 2011 11:58 AM PST
    The bar at the county line will let ya pitch a tent for showers or anything like that but free place to sleep w lots of beer next door LOL.
    • 33 posts
    January 18, 2011 5:37 AM PST
    Alright...I have another question for you Glencoe regulars. I have gotten a lot of info about camping. I found out about "Catered Camping". This is a company that will set you up with all your camping gear. This is a two man tent, lawn chairs, cooler, sleeping bag, comfort bed and flashlight. They set it up and take it down for you for a whopping $599.00 and $250 deposit. This is a heck of a price to pay not to have to haul my gear across country.
    What do you all do. Do you bring your gear or rent it?
  • January 18, 2011 6:32 AM PST
    I have never done the catered deal because of the cost. and besides you can ship your tent, sleeping bags and all your other gear directly to the larger camp grounds and then all you do is pack it all up and ship it home. You will probably end up buying them a new tent anyway because of the weather that usually blows thru the area. I have never brought a tent home from sturgis without some kind of damage to it. I stay in hotels on my way to sturgis so this works great for me and the Mrs. We love to camp but just don't want to do it for two weeks in a row, call me a sissy i guess.
    • 33 posts
    January 18, 2011 7:27 AM PST
    Yeah....I keep hearing about this weather too. Rain doesn't bother me but I do have a severe dislike of softball sized hail! lol I really don't have a desire to tear my bike up.
    • 21 posts
    January 21, 2011 11:24 PM PST
    Hoping to make in 2011 - Have been a few times - best rally I've been too - stayed at Chip and had a blast - definately a rally not to miss -
  • January 22, 2011 1:14 AM PST
    Would luv to make it, but probably won't. To much on my plate...Vegas in April...Deals Gap in May, DC and the Wall in the summer (I will not change that one this time), and a bunch of side trips. Definately gonna do some beach runs also...
    • 58 posts
    January 22, 2011 2:14 AM PST
    No Sturgis for me. Just got the final answer on last year...1/3 cut from year before and this next year not lookin so good yet either.This yer wil be a ArkLaTexOk year.
    • 33 posts
    June 23, 2011 12:43 AM PDT
    Hey everyone! I am just revisiting this thread becasue we are getting close to Rally time! I am planning on leaving Alabama on the 30th or 31st of July. I hope to get to Sturgis/Glencoe on the 2nd of August to get some early riding and site seeing in. You guys that are staying at Glencoe, what are your arrival plans? I am planning on camping in section 8 as advised so I can meet some new friends and ride the area with some experienced folks who know the area and the good sites! Let me know some schedules! I'm pretty stoked about the life journey!! I have been wanting to do this since I was 17 and I am finally making it happen! Counting down the days! Ride safe everyone!
  • June 24, 2011 3:25 PM PDT
    Dualsport wrote...
    Hey everyone! I am just revisiting this thread becasue we are getting close to Rally time! I am planning on leaving Alabama on the 30th or 31st of July. I hope to get to Sturgis/Glencoe on the 2nd of August to get some early riding and site seeing in. You guys that are staying at Glencoe, what are your arrival plans? I am planning on camping in section 8 as advised so I can meet some new friends and ride the area with some experienced folks who know the area and the good sites! Let me know some schedules! I'm pretty stoked about the life journey!! I have been wanting to do this since I was 17 and I am finally making it happen! Counting down the days! Ride safe everyone!

    I made my first Sturgis rally last year and had a ball.

    Probably won't get there this year though.

    Ask Claudia to tell you where the good local food is.

    Best Indian Taco I ever had at Cheyenne Crossing.
