Time for an Apology to Chocmintz

    • 1780 posts
    September 30, 2010 1:54 AM PDT

    I just wanted to send my apology to Chocmintz for my over reacting of your water pistol post reply. I supose I'm way to thin skined when it comes to trying to eliminated the criminal element in this society. Maybe my work just places me way to close to the low lifes I have to deal with, and I forget to losen up and laugh sometimes.
    Well I know I'm not very good when it comes to admiting I can be an ass sometime.......Now Angel Eyes on the other hand has NO problem reminding me I can be an Ass. Maybe I should have let her write this....LOL!
    Anyway .......Sorry!

    • 5420 posts
    September 30, 2010 2:13 AM PDT
    Hey Dragon, we (and I can speak for many) love you here because of who you are.  There is nothing wrong with taking your job, and the elimination of the criminal element in this society very seriously.  But like you said everyone needs to remember to laugh every now and then...or they will pop!  The group here is no different then having a group of friends to the house, or at the local watering hole...we are here to all help each other enjoy life even with all the BS going on around us.

    I for one am glad you are going to continue to hang out with us.

    • 601 posts
    September 30, 2010 2:58 AM PDT
    Hey Dragon, you are what you are, make neither excuse nor apology for that. Thats why we like you, Chocomintz will get used to your ways. She's from yorkshire, so she has the same sense of humour as us Irish, it can be dark or in your face, and I'm sure like me she will make neither excuse nor apology for that......................like me she'll get used to the fact that when it comes to guns and hoods...............don't fck with the dragon...Lucky said it all above, you're good craic here, and while people may not share your passion....we do respect it.

    As for Angeleyes calling you an ass....................now thats one intelligent woman!!!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    September 30, 2010 3:04 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Hey Dragon, we (and I can speak for many) love you here because of who you are.  There is nothing wrong with taking your job, and the elimination of the criminal element in this society very seriously.  But like you said everyone needs to remember to laugh every now and then...or they will pop!  The group here is no different then having a group of friends to the house, or at the local watering hole...we are here to all help each other enjoy life even with all the BS going on around us.

    I for one am glad you are going to continue to hang out with us.

    Glad your still here Dragon........................

    • 1 posts
    September 30, 2010 3:42 AM PDT
    highrisk wrote...
    Lucky wrote...
    Hey Dragon, we (and I can speak for many) love you here because of who you are.  There is nothing wrong with taking your job, and the elimination of the criminal element in this society very seriously.  But like you said everyone needs to remember to laugh every now and then...or they will pop!  The group here is no different then having a group of friends to the house, or at the local watering hole...we are here to all help each other enjoy life even with all the BS going on around us.

    I for one am glad you are going to continue to hang out with us.

    Glad your still here Dragon........................

       Little ol' ladies like me and Pat (when she gets to know you) truly appreciate your efforts in the elimination of the criminal elements of society.       Glad  you're still here. 


    • 1780 posts
    September 30, 2010 5:40 AM PDT
    Thanks everyone for the kind words.......a weak moment on my part......sorry for all that drama. I'm back and ready to engage!
    Night Dragon
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    September 30, 2010 6:15 AM PDT
    As long as you come back all happy to be here.. life is good!!!
    • 1509 posts
    September 30, 2010 6:53 AM PDT
    Dragon you are a hell of a man to admit our short falls to a public forum. If you didn,t before you have my respect and the respect of other who admire you devotion.
    • 0 posts
    September 30, 2010 7:06 AM PDT
    Nightdragon, I am really glad your still here. You are part of what makes this forum so much fun!
  • September 30, 2010 7:37 AM PDT
    If you try to leave "The Family" we will hunt you down and kick your ass lol! Best plan to stick around you have friends here!
    • 0 posts
    September 30, 2010 7:50 AM PDT
    Ok Dragon Dood..Mighty bloody big of ya to say sorry mate.Secretly I've been trying to get a message through to ya to get your arse back on here. Anyways Mate your not an Aussie but i'll teach you a secret we've been using down here for about 220 years..When talking to Poms dont take to much to seriously lol. The Queen talks we pretend to listen then go have a beer and run our country our way..Just remember mate,ya gotta bloody laugh.....Cheers
  • g
    September 30, 2010 8:25 AM PDT
    aye dragon ur an ass ,but a gid one bro ...lol ur the main man dude .
    • 1161 posts
    September 30, 2010 9:32 AM PDT
    g wrote...
    aye dragon ur an ass ,but a gid one bro ...lol ur the main man dude .

    • 580 posts
    September 30, 2010 10:48 AM PDT
    Dragon - I'm really glad you're back because for the most part your posts make me laugh and I love that you're not afraid to challenge things. Also it's so obvious that you have been well and truly missed by all. No apology needed but I greatly appreciate it anyway. Also I too am sorry if I offended because it was certainly not meant. As Rory said Yorkshire humour is very dark and sarcastic and I'm absolutely no exception to that rule. Case closed please - new day. Welcome back and BIG hugs (o:
    • 1780 posts
    September 30, 2010 4:10 PM PDT
    chocmintz wrote...
    Dragon - I'm really glad you're back because for the most part your posts make me laugh and I love that you're not afraid to challenge things. Also it's so obvious that you have been well and truly missed by all. No apology needed but I greatly appreciate it anyway. Also I too am sorry if I offended because it was certainly not meant. As Rory said Yorkshire humour is very dark and sarcastic and I'm absolutely no exception to that rule. Case closed please - new day. Welcome back and BIG hugs (o:

    I'm with ya on this....let's start from sratch here, and get back to the business of being a family again.
    • 1780 posts
    September 30, 2010 4:18 PM PDT
    I just composed to coolest I quit letter ever. Ever call your Boss an ASS without him relizing it. I did ask him if he sent in three empty cream corn cans to receive the Management course he took. This moron thinks nobody but him knows how to think. Well he has just steped the Dragon's last nerve, and this is the start of me calming down and spending time with Angel Eyes, like everyone said. I already feel better just talking about it. Kind of like Crammer on Sinefelt with he went a day without underware......I'm out there Jerry and I'm loving it!!!

    Move to come
  • September 30, 2010 4:32 PM PDT
    Got a few to spend while waiting for machinery repairs. Looks like I've been missing LOADS of stuff!

    Chocmintz, it's not being across the pond that caused the issue. It's being like many who haven't had the experience of being in lethal situations ever, let alone often. Sometimes monthly, weekly or even daily depending on the environment. And there is nothing wrong with what you said. My brother ND, and I don't throw brother around lightly, has the extreme "pleasure" to be dealing with the emotional oscillations that come with knowing on any given day it may be his day because he voluntarily wades through the homogenized froth that slides over the rim of the human gene pool, complete with progenous slime trail.

    When you survive a lethal situation, one where another human being is intent on ending your life, it creates an emotional trigger. PTSD has it's base in this physiological neuro-function. And then when that scenario is closely mimicked it creates the extreme emotional response of the original incident.

    Now when you take that emotional trigger and have it's slack taken up, day in and day out, when you look into the eyes of the thug rolling by who wouldn't hesitate to leave you pumping out on the pavement if the risk was mitigated by his perceived gain of committing such an act; It keeps you in a constant state of hyper vigilence. It's irritating at the least, and can ruin relationships along with consuming your personality.

    One thing for certain is that when you are in the throws of it, or have just taken your gun off but were unable to take the anxiety of it off too, it leaves you mentally blistered and raw.

    I've had people make light of me in similar ways, though it was more of a personality attack. And it enraged me that they had no idea of or respect for the fear and pure anguish those experiences cause and what it takes to self counsel your way through them. Years later I realized that I was really enraged by the fact that I did know that fear and anguish, and that metallic taste in your mouth when that mortal terror takes you by the spine and wrings your gut out. I wished I had never felt it and longed for that blissful ignorance of having never "seen the elephant".

    I think you just caught Dragon "in the moment". He's back, with class, and I can't wait to show him my marshmallow shooter.......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
    • 0 posts
    September 30, 2010 4:36 PM PDT
    A wise man once said" when the battle stops so should the warrior". Hang on a second I said that.. Let me rephrase that.. A drunken Aussie bloke once said........ you get the bloody idea....Cheers
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    October 1, 2010 1:07 AM PDT
    MAN I love this Group of People!!!!
    Is there any wonder why this site is the best? All of the fascinating people here are what does it for me!
    • 1780 posts
    October 1, 2010 2:09 AM PDT
    DEFCON wrote...
    Got a few to spend while waiting for machinery repairs. Looks like I've been missing LOADS of stuff!

    Chocmintz, it's not being across the pond that caused the issue. It's being like many who haven't had the experience of being in lethal situations ever, let alone often. Sometimes monthly, weekly or even daily depending on the environment. And there is nothing wrong with what you said. My brother ND, and I don't throw brother around lightly, has the extreme "pleasure" to be dealing with the emotional oscillations that come with knowing on any given day it may be his day because he voluntarily wades through the homogenized froth that slides over the rim of the human gene pool, complete with progenous slime trail.

    When you survive a lethal situation, one where another human being is intent on ending your life, it creates an emotional trigger. PTSD has it's base in this physiological neuro-function. And then when that scenario is closely mimicked it creates the extreme emotional response of the original incident.

    Now when you take that emotional trigger and have it's slack taken up, day in and day out, when you look into the eyes of the thug rolling by who wouldn't hesitate to leave you pumping out on the pavement if the risk was mitigated by his perceived gain of committing such an act; It keeps you in a constant state of hyper vigilence. It's irritating at the least, and can ruin relationships along with consuming your personality.

    One thing for certain is that when you are in the throws of it, or have just taken your gun off but were unable to take the anxiety of it off too, it leaves you mentally blistered and raw.

    I've had people make light of me in similar ways, though it was more of a personality attack. And it enraged me that they had no idea of or respect for the fear and pure anguish those experiences cause and what it takes to self counsel your way through them. Years later I realized that I was really enraged by the fact that I did know that fear and anguish, and that metallic taste in your mouth when that mortal terror takes you by the spine and wrings your gut out. I wished I had never felt it and longed for that blissful ignorance of having never "seen the elephant".

    I think you just caught Dragon "in the moment". He's back, with class, and I can't wait to show him my marshmallow shooter.......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    My Brother DEFCON dude you do have a way with words, and I love to read your post. Oh yea bring out the Marshmallow's and I will bring the fire.....from which ever end ya want and we will have a camp out......LOL
    Night Dragon breathing smaller flames now.....thanks everyone!

  • October 1, 2010 8:05 AM PDT
    Yeah baby, the asylum is secure again with all the crazies back inside where we belong! One big happy family again lol! Good to have you back Dragon!
  • g
    October 1, 2010 9:24 AM PDT
    bunch o fannys ........
    • 580 posts
    October 1, 2010 10:54 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    I just composed to coolest I quit letter ever. Ever call your Boss an ASS without him relizing it. I did ask him if he sent in three empty cream corn cans to receive the Management course he took. This moron thinks nobody but him knows how to think. Well he has just steped the Dragon's last nerve, and this is the start of me calming down and spending time with Angel Eyes, like everyone said. I already feel better just talking about it. Kind of like Crammer on Sinefelt with he went a day without underware......I'm out there Jerry and I'm loving it!!!

    Well done you and I really hope that you enjoy some time to chill with Angel Eyes and your nearest and dearest and to recharge your batteries.

     Can you tell me where to buy the cream corn cans cos I also know someone who could do with them tokens

    Defcon - a marshmallow shooter - how cool is that.  Do they come out toasted?   Now that would be awesome - can I have one please

    Big hugs guys

    • 1066 posts
    October 2, 2010 5:58 AM PDT
    I have many friends here in my little ol hometown, that I have either grown up with, or known for 20 plus years. I really have to say that my friends on CF fit right in the same groove as the ones here at home. I kind of wish we all lived closer, but all of us in the same town, or county could get real scary for the rest of the folks. I used the term friends on CF, and that don't fit. I meant my family on CF, even you Dragon, just yankin your chain brother.
    • 1 posts
    October 2, 2010 4:15 PM PDT
    Hollywood wrote...
    I have many friends here in my little ol hometown, that I have either grown up with, or known for 20 plus years. I really have to say that my friends on CF fit right in the same groove as the ones here at home. I kind of wish we all lived closer, town, or county could get real I used tbut scary for the rest of the folks. all of us in the same he term friends on CF, and that don't fit. I meant my family on CF, even you Dragon, just yankin your chain brother.