• 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 2:07 AM PDT
    As ya'll get to know me, one thing you'll find out is that I love to cook.  And I love to cook a LOT!!!  So, I thought I'd start a forum here and find out what everyone likes to cook and eat and maybe even share some recipies and photos.  Now that one is a little hard for me,  because I don't use  recipies when I cook, I just cook...

    My specialty is Cajun food.  I've spent 20 years on and off in Louisiana and eventually will return when the time is right.  My ex-husband, Edmond (capttank on here) and my husband Ron (tattooman) are both Coonasses.  Well, Ron's a half-ass really, since his Mom's not a Coonass... lol!!  Once Ron's parents are no longer with us, and I hope that's a very, VERY long time, Ron and I will return to the bayous of SE Louisiana to live so we can be close to Edmond's family. 

    In his own right, Ron is a damn good cook too, even outdoes my jambalaya and I didn't think anyone could do that, lol!  I also make some killer BBQ wings, at least that's what my husband says!  If ever we end up at a meet, I'd be more than happy to make them or a huge pot of my gumbo!

    One of the main things I love to cook though, is wild game.  I love to hunt and fish and prefer that over store food.  Buffalo and venison are my favorite but I'll eat just about anything other than armadillo, possum, or skunk, lol!

    So, jump right in and post pics, recipies, or whatever!
    • 601 posts
    August 27, 2010 10:17 AM PDT
    I'm pretty limited in the kitchen, but I manage to throw the odd breakfast together....
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 27, 2010 10:20 AM PDT
    After looking at that album you put up and am so freaking jones-ing for some peach cobbler. Thanks!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    August 27, 2010 10:37 AM PDT
    I love to cook too! When we are out at rallys it is so fun to feed everyone. I am not sure what my favorite thing is to cook.
  • August 27, 2010 11:20 AM PDT
    Turkey Corn Chowder

    1 cans of cream of potato soup
    1 1/2 cup milk
    1 sm can mexican corn
    1 sm can sliced carrots
    2 tablespoons dried chopped onion
    2 or 3 slices American cheese
    1/2 cup Turkey breast or ham
    1 tble spn celery seed (optional)

    Throw together in 5 minutes heat and serve with sweet cornbread.
    Do not cover it will make the milk separate.

    Great for summers
    • 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 12:38 PM PDT
    Come on over, Rex!

    Rory, ain't nothing wrong with a good bowl of flakes... corn or otherwise, lol!

    DebraJo, what kinds of foods have you had at Rallys? gumbo would be really easy to make, just need a HUGE pot!

    Race, I've never had corn chowder, turkey chowder, or anything but clam chowder and I hated it! BUT, I'm always up for trying new things, what's it taste like because the recipe sounds pretty good!
    • 8 posts
    August 27, 2010 12:41 PM PDT
    My wife Beki is the best cook in the world, nothing better then her Gumbo with shrimp, chicken and sausage!! No OKRA tho!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 27, 2010 12:44 PM PDT
    Gumbo would be great at a meet & greet. Our CF friends Extreme and his better half  Bon Bon made some absolutely fantastic Etouffee in Kentucky last June. And the boudin and quail was great also. And so was the Jerk Chicken and Pork made by Bulldog. We ate very well!!!!!!! Top it off with a bottle of Boones Farm (Orange I think) or the Woodford Reserve and I was in heaven.
    • 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 12:45 PM PDT
    So I shouldn't make the wings anymore then? 
    • 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 12:50 PM PDT
    Rex, I'm making Crawfish Etouffee (if i can find the dang crawfish!) on Monday for Ron's Dad's birthday!   He'll  be 84 years old and he's one of the most amazing people I know!  He's a fullblooded CoonAss and I LOVE cooking for him!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 27, 2010 12:55 PM PDT
    WOW sounds like an amazing guy. Wish I could help remove some of that etouffee...HAHAHA

    Weird though, I just finished reading a chapter in Charles Kurault's book about New Orleans and the real cajuns. Added it to my list of places to see (again).
    • 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 1:00 PM PDT
    Rex, if ever you're in Louisiana, look up my ex-husband Edmond (capttank on here), he's from WAY down the bayou, more than just Cajuns, but CoonAsses!  The culture is a lot different than northern Louisiana, and way different than New Orleans.  People still speak the French (but each bayou has a different dialect), still live without electricity and running water, and in some places, are illiterate by choice.  The old traditional food is a lot different than what you get in restaurants too, it's not spicy, it's flavored.  Nothing I hate more than ordering "Cajun" food that's got nothing but Cayenne Pepper, bleah!

    Eventually, Ron and I will be back down there, hopefully not for a long time though.  I miss the food at having what I need available at all times, but we make do with what we have here.

    Ron's dad is an amazing man, three war veteran, WW II, Vietnam, and Korea.  Not many of them left.  He's the man I dedicated my song "Bring Me Your Tired" to in my introduction thread and in my video section.

    Sheesh, now I'm  

    Going to my corner...
  • August 27, 2010 1:20 PM PDT
    You (Beki and Mike) are funny!!! Mike ~ Boones Farm Orange?!? Holy guacamole man ~ I thought that stuff disappeared after my high school days ;-)

    Good luck on this Beki ~ I tried it some time ago ~ got a few recipes, but it kinda faded away... looks like you're already having better luck ~ must be your 'psychic powers'.... HA HA!

    Cheers! It is Friday!!! Hallelujah!
    • 8 posts
    August 27, 2010 1:22 PM PDT
    I can make a heck of a good Jambalaya to go with the Gumbo!! I use shrimp, chicken, and Sausage (Andouille) If I have it. There is a little butcher shop in Salina that makes it and I buy them out if I can.

    And to go off of topic for a bit, Did I do that? Yes I did.... My Dad and Mom are the best people in the world, they sacrifice for others, love others and give people the benefit of the doubt, and they have loved me when I didnt love myself... There now I had my off topic time also lol!!
    • 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 1:29 PM PDT
    My Gumbo Recipe

    It's not "traditional," because I can't explain how to make it the old way, but this is the best I can do. Would be easier if I could just video tape it, because each person makes it differently and there's not been a time where I've made it the exact same way!

    Mind you, I cook for anywhere from 5 to 10 people and there are ALWAYS leftovers, gumbo tastes even better the second day!

    You'll need:

    At least 10 lbs of chicken breasts (or thighs) cut into bite sized portions
    20 lbs of sausage cut up
    5 lbs of shrimp

    3 large onions (2 1/2 for the roux [diced] and 1/2 for the gumbo [chopped])
    5 stalks of shallots (aka green onions) diced
    Garlic (at least 5 cloves or 1 cup of you buy it in the jar) pressed
    2 Bell Peppers (doesn't matter which color) chopped

    Cajun seasoning
    Poultry Seasoning
    Rubbed sage
    Parsley flakes
    Chicken Bouillon Cubes

    On high heat, brown two and a half large onions in canola oil. Just as the onions turn clear, add 1/4 cup of flour. Brown flour and onions together until almost black, then add about 10 cups of water.

    Add chicken and sausage and vegetables then season to taste.

    I usually use 1/4 to 1/2 box of salt and at least 8 of the chicken bouillon cubes (gives it a richer flavor without spending a lot of time on the base)

    You'll need to "taste test" it throughout the cooking process (which takes about six hours) and add as you like. Bring it to a boil one time then let it simmer for about five hours.

    If you want a stronger, headier base flavor, you can add roux from a jar. I use Savoie's Roux (just follow the directions) because to me it has the best flavor.

    Now don't forget your rice either!

    I rinse mine, at least 6 times in hot water, to get the starch out so the rice won't be sticky.

    Ten minutes before the rice is done put the shrimp in the gumbo and let it boil. Once it's boiled, turn the gumbo off and let it settle down. Skim the grease (from the sausage and browning oil) and bring to a boil. Repeat that process and it's ready.

    And don't forget the file'!
    • 223 posts
    August 27, 2010 1:32 PM PDT
    Louisiana Bread Pudding

    Just remember, a lot of this is "to taste," but it worked pretty good tonight, lol!

    1 loaf of bread (I toast mine)
    2 cups of water
    6 eggs
    4 cups sugar
    2 cans Pet milk
    2 sticks oleo
    5-6 TBS Vanilla extract
    1 box raisins
    2 TBS Cinnamon
    1 TBS Nutmeg

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees

    Butter 12" x 17" x 2" baking pan and tear toasted bread into pieces and place evenly throughout pan. I like to sprinkle the raisins in layers so they're all through the pudding.

    In a HUGE bowl, mix ingredients together until well blended. Pour over the bread in the baking pan then add more raisins. I also like to sprinkle a cinnamon and sugar mix lightly over the top of the pudding before I put it in the oven. It's hard to say how long to bake it, about 30-45 minutes. I check it by sticking a butter knife in the middle and when it comes out sticky thick, it's done.

    I tried something new last time, a "rum" sauce, which I've never done before. It's an old Louisiana recipe and it came out really good. If you want that, I'll be glad to  post it as well! I used a rum extract with almond extract and it came out awesome!

    • 910 posts
    August 27, 2010 1:47 PM PDT
    I love to cook too, my favorites are things that my son and his friends all like, omelets on the weekends, sweet and sour meatballs, a thick hearty meaty sauce over pasta and my favorite are the thanksgiving feasts.

    • 566 posts
    August 27, 2010 2:04 PM PDT
    Dayummmm !!!! Y'all are makin my mouth water and my stomach rumble. I'm hungry !!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 27, 2010 2:05 PM PDT

    Hey maybe all you good no strike that GREAT cooks can put together a Cyclefish Cook Book???
    If you do I will put my commercial photographer skills to use and illustrate it for you. But there is a method to my generosity, I get the leftovers to eat after all that hard work photographing all those delicious entrees and deserts.

    Come on Buffy, Beki, Tattoo man, Extreme & Bon Bon, and Bulldog. God I hope I didn't miss anyone...

    Oh Yeah Rory1, we need comic relief!!

    Then we (especially me) will need some of the CycleFish medical people to oversee a weight loss program...

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 27, 2010 2:08 PM PDT
    AdventureGirl wrote...
    I love to cook too, my favorites are things that my son and his friends all like, omelets on the weekends, sweet and sour meatballs, a thick hearty meaty sauce over pasta and my favorite are the thanksgiving feasts.
    I can attest !!! I have been fortunate enough to sample some of Buffy's skills in the kitchen. Absolutely Great!

    Wow we have a great family here, all you folks that love to cook and all of us that love to eat. A match made in cyber heaven!

  • August 27, 2010 2:30 PM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...

    Hey maybe all you good no strike that GREAT cooks can put together a Cyclefish Cook Book???
    If you do I will put my commercial photographer skills to use and illustrate it for you. But there is a method to my generosity, I get the leftovers to eat after all that hard work photographing all those delicious entrees and deserts.

    Come on Buffy, Beki, Tattoo man, Extreme & Bon Bon, and Bulldog. God I hope I didn't miss anyone...

    Oh Yeah Rory1, we need comic relief!!

    Then we (especially me) will need some of the CycleFish medical people to oversee a weight loss program...

    Yeah ~ You missed lil ol me, Mike...   HA HA HA!!! I'm taking my leftovers home with me when I leave the sandbox...

  • August 27, 2010 2:32 PM PDT
    Alright ~ that does it... my beer can chicken... you turn your nose up at this, and you insult a great lineage of cooks in the Coop family... HA HA!!!
  • August 27, 2010 2:36 PM PDT
    razncain wrote...
    Rex, I'm making Crawfish Etouffee (if i can find the dang crawfish!) on Monday for Ron's Dad's birthday!   He'll  be 84 years old and he's one of the most amazing people I know!  He's a fullblooded CoonAss and I LOVE cooking for him!!!

    C'est Si Bon!
    • 1161 posts
    August 27, 2010 4:43 PM PDT
    SolarBill wrote...
    Dayummmm !!!! Y'all are makin my mouth water and my stomach rumble. I'm hungry !!!!!

     And I was hungry before I looked this just made it worse.  LOL

    I had an old Army buddy (Jace S. Jr.) he was a Coonass and We took 3 weeks of leave.   We went down and went shrimping for 1 week and came back and had some Great shrimp gombo.  Then his dad (Jace S. Sr.) now gone,  Made something from Pig Intestines (dont remeber what it was called) but DAMN it was good! 
    They also called the French as CajunFrench because of the dilect. 
    But I LOVE 2 eat!   As for cooking I can make eggs and / or flakes with milk.
    • 8 posts
    August 28, 2010 8:57 AM PDT
    That would of been called Boudan (spelling) IT is great stuff, a sausage made out of what ever is around and also rice. I would love to add some to the Cookbook and so would my wife I think. The bad pard is all the things I make the recipe with are in my head along with the measurements lol.