August 23, 2010 6:29 AM PDT
Oh boy, I have done appliance repair, plumbing, heating. I worked as a machine operator, making glass bottles. Machine operator making cardboard boxes. Auto repair, self-employed in woodcraft business. Construction, building houses. Put up pre-engineered steel buildings. Building maintenance, in restaurant. Machine operator, on steel brake lines, fuel lines, etc. for automobiles. Between a motorcycle crash 36 years ago, and all these jobs, the body is kinda worn out, so I am retired on disability now. So the only thing I can do now, is sit.....sit on the seat of my Low Rider, and ride.
August 23, 2010 6:40 AM PDT
First of all my profile pic is not actually me. I just like it because it's light hearted and fun.
But I do own a pinstriping/custom graphic/screenprint/embroidery/vehicle wrap and sign shop rolled all into one called Graphic Concepts located in So. Cal.
I've done many things such as secretary work, bodyshop manager, billboard painter, real estate agent but none really kept my interest like pinstriping. I have no patience in life (that's my husband's job) except for my work. I can get lost in a project for hours upon hours and not even realize the time has rushed past.
I found it funny when a customer would drop by with a 12 pack and just watch me stripe. (that's stripe not strip) You can get mighty creative on those late nights. I would be the first to admit a 12 pack isn't much pay, just a way to motivate some creative thinking. The 12 pack days are long gone and I'm computerized now. But I still pick up the brush often and get lost in a project.
I've worked in a "man's" world most of my life. I've been told that women don't do some of the things that I wanted to do like pinstripe, manage bodyshops, martial arts, race cars, fly airplanes or ride motorcycles. When I was younger a guy made me cry telling me "I'll never be anything in this town" because of my job choice. It"s that same man 15 years later who calls me to fix someone elses work. And I do...with a smile on my face.
To be honest I don't get along with most women. I don't understand most of them and hate being in a large group of women. I feel extremely out of place and they seem to be competitive in some of the wierdest ways. I like women who likes to get tools for Christmas or instead of getting diamonds understands that for me, getting a new motor for my race car is just as good if not better.
My most valued job is wife, mother and grandmother. Married 23 years, 3 children, one granddaughter and one grandchild on the way. (We love taking our granddaughter (9) on rides with us when she's visiting for the summer).
I believe the surest way to be successful is to do something you enjoy for employment.
Life is good, life is short....make the most of it.
August 23, 2010 12:12 PM PDT
Hey - Badirish - if you got a bottle of Jamesons in front of you - ya'll can't be too bad. Had a few friends over Saturday - single fella brought over a bottle of Jameson's - I'd like to say we drank it all - but there's a few sips left for the old prof. Jack of all trades - been there, still doing it. Do handyman jobs for friends and neighbors, been doing it all my life - comes from being an old shop teacher.
August 24, 2010 4:35 AM PDT
I repair heavy equipment. I also operate it, but much prefer to repair it. I have worked primarily in the oil industry repairing equipment on oil rigs, both in the gulf and on land. Used to be great work, with a great wage until everyone in the trade heard about it and came to Texas for a good paying job. Now the jobs are fewer and farther. I just got done working in Houston for almost a year. That was tough since my home and family are near Dallas. I would leave every Sunday night and share an apartment with a co-worker in Houston, and then home to the family every Friday as soon as work was done. But I just recently got a new job just outside of Dallas and get to live at home!!!
August 24, 2010 7:22 AM PDT
I am a transportation agent for 2 flatbed trucking companies. Live to ride!
August 24, 2010 10:55 AM PDT
I am retired now, but before that I did a number of things that were all related to young people. I have been a counselor, a teacher, a day care operator, and community activist. I do miss workng with the kids, but wouldn't trade all this free time for anything !
August 24, 2010 11:36 AM PDT
Wow!!! Hello everyone! A bunch of different walks in life, but all on the same path it seems! Great to meet everyone (I just got off work so I'm slow about responding, sorry!) and hope to meet some of you on the road someday!
August 24, 2010 1:31 PM PDT
Most recently I am enjoying being a mom and studying to be a vet assistant. I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals in general but most specifically dogs and even more specifically the American Pit Bull Terrier. I do my best to help with placing abused/neglected/abandoned dogs in new homes, I've been a foster mom, and I've also done transports. I also tend to get in the faces of pet shop/puppy millers/puppy brokers who sell badly bred pups full of health issues to ignorant people. Pisses me off and I have been known to call them on it. Walmart nearlu banned me for calling them REPEATEDLY on the way they keep their fish (esp. bettas since I used to breed them) in tiny dirty tanks.
I'd say I have too much time on my hands but it's difficult to find jobs in this part of Ohio though so I'm happy we're moving to AZ where we'll have a few more opportunities.
August 25, 2010 4:27 AM PDT
I design and decorate weddings.
August 25, 2010 5:03 AM PDT
besides drinkin beer and trying to make people laugh or trying to have them put a bucket on there head, im a supervisor at an oil refinery workin 13 hr shifts 5-7 days a week.....i've owned my own business doing custom pinstriping and airbrushing along with vinyl lettering. been doing it for over 30 years now....just got my som doing the pinstriping as well now....its an dieing art now and not too many people are doing it any more
August 25, 2010 5:12 AM PDT
Taco, I thought you were a retired womanizer to?
August 25, 2010 5:15 AM PDT
Taco, I thought you were a retired womanizer to?
LOL......i am but....thinkin about commin out of
August 25, 2010 5:17 AM PDT
Yea I tried it but like I stated...Got am to old and ugly. My ego could not take it so I had to admit it! LOL!!!!!!!!!
August 25, 2010 5:37 AM PDT
Yea I tried it but like I stated...Got am to old and ugly. My ego could not take it so I had to admit it! LOL!!!!!!!!!
LOL....i know what ya mean brother.....i guess i will stick to my beer then.....and stair at boobies then...thank god for dark sunglasses

August 25, 2010 5:40 AM PDT
Taco, I thought you were a retired womanizer to?
LOL......i am but....thinkin about commin out of
I have only one word for that
August 25, 2010 5:59 AM PDT
Taco, I thought you were a retired womanizer to?
LOL......i am but....thinkin about commin out of
I have only one word for that
hahaha she would take my bucket from me if i did
August 25, 2010 8:20 AM PDT
I'm a Crisis and Emergency Prepardness Manager for the private sector. I'm also trained in risk management, business continuity planning, search and rescue, as well as basic human and life safety. When I'm not running around putting out fire I'm a lot like Taco.. I love my BEER!!!
August 25, 2010 8:25 AM PDT
I'm a Crisis and Emergency Prepardness Manager for the private sector. I'm also trained in risk management, business continuity planning, search and rescue, as well as basic human and life safety. When I'm not running around putting out fire I'm a lot like Taco.. I love my BEER!!!
hell yeah TEX

August 25, 2010 8:33 AM PDT
I'm a Crisis and Emergency Prepardness Manager for the private sector. I'm also trained in risk management, business continuity planning, search and rescue, as well as basic human and life safety. When I'm not running around putting out fire I'm a lot like Taco.. I love my BEER!!!
hell yeah TEX

I'm right there with ya brother... oh yea grab me another cold one whlie your up
August 25, 2010 9:14 AM PDT
i am the resident temporary cripple and don't do much these days, but try and recover from a badly broken leg so i can ride again, mainly....
i also like beer and boobs... a lot, so i guess i'm in good company here! eh eh
oh, and if i'm not too distracted by the above i DO try ta write, now and then...