August 26, 2010 1:27 PM PDT
Alrrighty then Ezzyrider.. that was just not fair!!
August 26, 2010 1:34 PM PDT
OK Debrajo, let me 'splain it to ya...
My given name is Mike, Rex is the name (actually Rex the Road Dog) I gave to my Road King and my screen name here. So actually I am known by both. Weird though I almost was named Howard by my parents.
So You can call be J, or you can call me JJ but ya doesn't has ta call me Johnson.
August 26, 2010 2:31 PM PDT
Can I call you Howard?? That should confuse everyone!!! I actually knew that your bike was Rex and you were Mike.. but I met Rexbo as Rex and now I don't know what to call everyone!
August 26, 2010 2:37 PM PDT
If you get confused, just ask Steve to help you!
August 26, 2010 3:15 PM PDT
Oh boy .. this just seems to be getting worse.. ah ya.. thanks Lucky I mean Ron!! I need another blond to help me out.. I need adventure girl.. I mean Buffy.. someone help me!!
August 26, 2010 3:52 PM PDT
AdventureGirl to the rescue!!! *lol* I kept calling Rexbo "Rexbo" at Sturgis and he kept politely telling me I could just call him Rex, but I had to adjust to that because I'd gotten so used to calling RexTheRoadDog "Rex" for short. By the end of the week I think I managed to call Rexbo Rex when I addressed him, now if I talk to Mike One on one I can either call him Rex or Mike but if mentioning his name to another CF'er I would now either say Mike or RexTheRoadDog depending on who I was talking to... (is it me or am I sounding like the confusing directions that come with new products that you have to assemble???)
August 26, 2010 4:06 PM PDT
Hey I thought I was Rex ??!!??!!??
I'm the
real flesh and blood Rex.
Beware of imitations!
August 26, 2010 4:07 PM PDT
Can I call you Howard?? That should confuse everyone!!! I actually knew that your bike was Rex and you were Mike.. but I met Rexbo as Rex and now I don't know what to call everyone!

Just don't call me late for dinner.
August 26, 2010 4:18 PM PDT
AdventureGirl to the rescue!!! *lol* I kept calling Rexbo "Rexbo" at Sturgis and he kept politely telling me I could just call him Rex, but I had to adjust to that because I'd gotten so used to calling RexTheRoadDog "Rex" for short. By the end of the week I think I managed to call Rexbo Rex when I addressed him, now if I talk to Mike One on one I can either call him Rex or Mike but if mentioning his name to another CF'er I would now either say Mike or RexTheRoadDog depending on who I was talking to... (is it me or am I sounding like the confusing directions that come with new products that you have to assemble???)
Whoever assembled ya did a nice job of it..
August 26, 2010 4:20 PM PDT
"Yes you and your blue eyes are here.. what are we doing next Rex????"
We could probably make something happen in the valley if it's not too hot.
I may check out the Poker run in Wheatland on Sunday.
August 26, 2010 10:40 PM PDT
August 27, 2010 12:14 AM PDT
hmmm maybe that's why I woke up with a headache *lol* Mmm coffee...
August 27, 2010 12:32 AM PDT
I had 12 Aunts and Uncles on each side of my family, 35 cousins on one side, 37 on the other.. There was only one Howard and I am Jr. Everyone in the family called me Gil. I have been known as Howie in school, Tiny, Bull, and Doc at work even called "Harold" So ------ Howard or hgsc90 or what ever works. I may not look up for HAY YOU..
August 27, 2010 3:39 AM PDT

I am right there with ya!! I am not sure how much more name info I can take in right now.. I need a note pad!! and some corn flakes !
August 27, 2010 7:07 AM PDT
You can say that again Doug! I loved meeting you all! Heck... after Sturgis I started thinking about NEXT summer's road trip so I can see you all again. *lol*
You are in luck, looks like we are going back for next year too! Will c if we can manage a trip a little closer to you one time!For the record we are not letting Deb get away either, you all will be seeing us again!

August 27, 2010 7:09 AM PDT
The name thing kills me lol! I needed a laugh today...home feeling puny,sore throat and headache:-(
August 27, 2010 7:44 AM PDT
The name thing kills me lol! I needed a laugh today...home feeling puny,sore throat and headache:-(
I hope you feel better really soon!!! Drink lotsa water, and try not to think about what to call everyone!!

You and Mal have a great weekend!