August 19, 2010 3:07 AM PDT
Dan, we went right through Cedar City on the way to Sturgis, and spent our first night just north of you in Beaver, UT. Wish I would have thought about it in advance, we could have made plans to meet up. Next year for sure.
August 19, 2010 7:00 AM PDT
It was great to meet you Mike from Milwaukee!
IT was truly great meetin you, Debrajo. I had a great time and we should meet again!

Mike from Milw.
August 19, 2010 7:02 AM PDT
Glad you two are home safe! Sounds like quite a trip.
Mike, it sure was great meeting you too. You are a good guy:-)
Too bad i didnt get to see more of ya. but its always locked in memory. great to have met you.

Mike from Milw.