Females Riders

  • July 18, 2010 10:59 AM PDT
    The good old days when a man could take off for the after noon and meet up with the guys for evening of fun on their motorcycle is far gone. the reason is that more and more female are venturing into sport everyday, not long ago when traveling you mostly seen the girl hanging on to the back of a male with his head up high and chest outward as he preceded by with pride, i for one must say those was the good old days.
    So tell me what are your comments?
  • July 18, 2010 11:27 AM PDT
    I think the more women riding the better..
  • July 18, 2010 11:38 AM PDT
    The good ol' days made it possible for us women to hold our head high. We've always wanted to move forward and know the thrill of the throttle in "our hands!" Now we can say thank's to you Guys- we've come a long way Baby!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    July 18, 2010 12:08 PM PDT
    I ride very PROUD with my ole lady (Deener) riding beside me... Makes my life a lot easier on the road to load two bikes instead of one. She rides with the best of them...
    • 8 posts
    July 18, 2010 12:53 PM PDT
    ANY bike on the road is worth 10,000 cars, doesn't matter a **** who rides it....IMO
    • 467 posts
    July 18, 2010 8:24 PM PDT
    I grew up riding, and where I live now there are no other female riders. I love riding my own--it has gotten me through many a rough patch. However, there are still days when love being the passenger to my hubby and taking a relaxing ride through the hills--I know he loves it when he has his "backrest"!
  • August 18, 2010 6:01 AM PDT
    my wife and i rode all over hell and half of georgia, when i bought my new 93 goldwing.  we would take off on a weekend, and try to get lost, and then find a new way home!!!  maybe!!!!   but then after god only knows how many miles on the back, she said, i want to be in front now.  so i got her a 535 yamaha, to learn on.  then after a few weeks, litterally,  she said im ready for a bigger one now!   so we got her a 1500 suzuki intruder.  then she took the motorcycle course, and man, the rest is history, as they say!!!   shes been riding alone ever since, and i cant get her on the back of my wing anymore.  she said, i dont trust you anymore!!!!   lol   she only wants to ride her bike,   hell i say more power to her!!!     the more bikes on the road the better!!!   keep on rick
    • 568 posts
    August 18, 2010 6:40 AM PDT
    women who ride are SEXY!!! + the more the merrier!!!
    • 2072 posts
    August 18, 2010 7:07 AM PDT
    I like seeing women riders !!!!!!
    • 413 posts
    August 18, 2010 7:24 AM PDT
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    I like seeing women riders !!!!!!

    YUP!!!...Gotta love the softails!!

  • August 18, 2010 8:41 AM PDT
    i have no problem with a woman riding her own. i get nervous around new riders of either gender, you never know what the hell they are going to do. and some of them just won't damned listen, but i never had a lady give me alot of crap when asking for or receiving advice about a situation faced on the road. we all ride, therefore we all are.
  • August 18, 2010 8:42 AM PDT
    FxrDude wrote...
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    I like seeing women riders !!!!!!

    YUP!!!...Gotta love the softails!!

    Yeah ~ and knowing you two ~ you prolly like them going by on Ducs... heh heh! Well, I guess that makes three... that's when I get the obligatory helmet slap... HAR HAR HAR!

    You go Gals! Pleasure to ride with all Brothers and Sisters!

  • August 18, 2010 8:44 AM PDT
    i have no problem with a woman riding her own. i get nervous around new riders of either gender, you never know what the hell they are going to do. and some of them just won't damned listen, but i never had a lady give me alot of crap when asking for or receiving advice about a situation faced on the road. we all ride, therefore we all are.

    Just don't get caught riding sweeper for a group of Vespas.... God! How humiliating!!! Lane position? What the hell is that?!?! That and ducking the PBR 12 packs the dropped when I cracked the throttle... I had to find an alternate route...

    • 1509 posts
    August 18, 2010 9:42 AM PDT
    I love Women On bikes especially big bikes.

    As long as they remember what time dinner is to be served!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    oh fred you are going to get are asses kicked.

    not mine i didn't do it.

    ted you are a wimp.
  • August 23, 2010 8:51 PM PDT
    women riders are great, and like highrisk mentioned it takes alot of the weight off your scoot when mama has her own bike with her own junk packed on it
  • August 23, 2010 11:46 PM PDT
    Women riders are nto preventing you from taking off for the afternoon and meet up with the guys for evening of fun on their motorcycle. It's just that now, we can take off with the ladies, or alone if we chose, on our own motorcycles and do the same thing...and still be back home in time to have dinner on the table, if that's what we chose to do...lol...
    • 1066 posts
    August 24, 2010 12:22 AM PDT
    Let me tell you about the TWO LADIES I have ridden with. My wife still rides with me, and that's cool. I had the PLEASURE, and I do mean PLEASURE of riding with CreativeHDMama And Sky on our trip to Bowling Green. I had not Met them before then, let alone ride with them. MafiaMama as we Lovingly call her, has ridden for 1 year. Sky has ridden a little longer, she has 3 years in the saddle. Well folks, I would much rather have been with them, than the Bunch of IDIOTS I rode with on a Poker Run this past weekend. And all of the riders I was with were GUYS, with the exception of one Lady, who is a friend of mine. It makes it much easier to Praise my CF Sisters, because I love both of them. They are TRULY GOOD RIDERS, and I will walk past a bunch of guys to Ride with SKY and CREATIVEHDMAMA. KUDOS to these Ladies.
    • 23 posts
    August 25, 2010 4:02 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    I grew up riding, and where I live now there are no other female riders. I love riding my own--it has gotten me through many a rough patch. However, there are still days when love being the passenger to my hubby and taking a relaxing ride through the hills--I know he loves it when he has his "backrest"!

    hats off to you. Learning to ride quite litterally saved my life.

    I'm damn lucky to be a woman ride. I get the best of both worlds, and feel bad for anyone who hasn't been able jump on the back and just take it all in. However, I'd never give up the option to be on my own. I love riding, and I a damn good rider. I've had just about every guy in our club ride next to me, and each one has said that he'd ride next to me any day. I usually ride suicide unless we are riding above 55mph. As for my husband getting out and meeting the guys for a brew? If he's got time to do that without me, then he'd better start mowing my lawn. HAHAHA!!!
  • August 25, 2010 4:23 AM PDT
    Women riders are nto preventing you from taking off for the afternoon and meet up with the guys for evening of fun on their motorcycle. It's just that now, we can take off with the ladies, or alone if we chose, on our own motorcycles and do the same thing...and still be back home in time to have dinner on the table, if that's what we chose to do...lol...

    THAT gentlemen is your new reality and I for one LOVE riding my own.  Embrace it.  We still can manage to be both a rider and your woman :-)  I have not met a man that didn't dig it! lol

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 25, 2010 12:38 PM PDT
    Equal but different. Ladies who want the bars in their hands are cool, ladies who want the back seat are cool too. I love em all!!!!
    • 352 posts
    August 25, 2010 1:18 PM PDT

    The best place for a female rider for me is on the back of my bike - I like the twin back rest

    J/K - or am I...

    I love seeing babes on bikes - I have ridden with several (including my wife) and always enjoy it. Hell I even let the wife ride mine - and that don't happen very often at all. 

    Keep the rubber on the ground

  • August 27, 2010 3:31 AM PDT
    I'm happy to see anyone enjoy being on two wheels on the road.
  • October 15, 2010 6:28 AM PDT
    I love riding my own, but that doesn't mean if I had a man who rode that I would expect to go out with him every time he went riding. That also doesn't mean that I wouldn't ride on the back of his every now and then either!
  • October 17, 2010 1:59 AM PDT
    You people that don't like the fact that there are more women riders today are gonna hate my guts.. I am the guy that encourages then to ride.. teaches them to ride..  goes with them to pick out their bike.. Harley's are the brand of choice.. last count 12 ladies on the road..
  • October 17, 2010 6:15 AM PDT
    SweetSoftTail wrote...
    I love riding my own, but that doesn't mean if I had a man who rode that I would expect to go out with him every time he went riding. That also doesn't mean that I wouldn't ride on the back of his every now and then either!