July 21, 2010 3:42 AM PDT
how come a lot of threads recently turn into a BOOZE discussion?! LOL

(see the profile pics 'un)
well, the infection seems ta be all but killed, i'm still waiting fer the go-ahead ta put weight on the leg again, and drop te 1 crutch only.
went te a party the week-end, with the newly formed club (ask Dyna fer this 'un), sweet jeeebus did i need a PISS-UP badly...
BEER, BEER, and more BEER

, then a bro came up with SHOTS of VODKA with GRENADINE and TABASCO: frigging yummyy if ye ask me, and they worked well as UPPERS while they lasted, i'm not too familiar wid VODKA, but i loved them...
ty Dyna and all the bros and siss, fer a beautiful hoolay!
ezzy 'bones'
July 21, 2010 3:54 AM PDT
Glad you had a good weekend Ezzy. Also glad to hear the infection is losing the battle. As for the threads going booze related, see how we are. Lol It sounds like your spirits have improved, and that sure is good to hear brother.
July 21, 2010 8:18 AM PDT
how come a lot of threads recently turn into a BOOZE discussion?! LOL

(see the profile pics 'un)
well, the infection seems ta be all but killed, i'm still waiting fer the go-ahead ta put weight on the leg again, and drop te 1 crutch only.
went te a party the week-end, with the newly formed club (ask Dyna fer this 'un), sweet jeeebus did i need a PISS-UP badly...
BEER, BEER, and more BEER

, then a bro came up with SHOTS of VODKA with GRENADINE and TABASCO: frigging yummyy if ye ask me, and they worked well as UPPERS while they lasted, i'm not too familiar wid VODKA, but i loved them...
ty Dyna and all the bros and siss, fer a beautiful hoolay!
ezzy 'bones'
Not to mention ye finished off the Mojitos

Was a pleasure to see you in good form Ezzy.
And now that you have a club to lean on and look after you the better. Was great fun though, looking forward to the next one.
July 21, 2010 8:36 AM PDT
Not to mention ye finished off the Mojitos
Was a pleasure to see you in good form Ezzy.
And now that you have a club to lean on and look after you the better. Was great fun though, looking forward to the next one.
i thought those mojitos finished off ME! LOL
July 21, 2010 8:50 AM PDT
No was not them, it was ugly's short that finishes everything
The boys were great on the guitar, I have not had a laugh like that in ages, hope the next is REAL soon....although somebody was missing!!!!!
July 22, 2010 2:32 PM PDT

Sorry to hear of your plite. You could write a book to help other Bikers to have the courage to share their frustrations with others as a way of healing their mind and heart, I'm sure the CF floks would love to be quoted in your book for their help and inspiration in helping you vent and be comforted by your very large family of Bikers that understand the frustration you are going thru. Their experiences and yours could just help another biker in your possition to keep their sanity and be strong thru their healling. As it sounds like the CF family has done for you. You sound much better and seem to have a better out look going on. Family is good. Prayers are good to and I am putting you in my prayer circle so your healing will be faster and your heart will be happier and stay possitive. Your strength so far has been awesome. Keep it up! Hugs! Suzi