oK...i'M NOT SURE WHAT color i usuallly use when typings butt I'm trying this drinking thiong at home otay ? n no motorccycle..promise ya can ask my wifee..I mean wife
anyhoo orsomething like that I think yer all a bunch a bikers.......or something llike that....... hay debrajoe thanks 4 da ummmm friends message that means a hells a bunch.....hay ya"llll wanna hear a joke? id rather bee a drunck than a alohlic...ya no why? a drunk dont gotta go 2 all da meetings hahahahahahaa!
ya no what rexroad dog ? you r the ummmmm...my friend..i meeen U support everyboddy brother n tanks i meean thank 4 ur supporty...jest sooo ya"lll knoo my wifeie -----did i spell that rite? ok Gail gots my bike keys n I HATE n I meen HATE driving a round wheel.. akka cage...soo alll my cyclefish brothers/sisiters tahnk u for ur intervenftion....
so o noww I cusss.... by gollly geee whiz commander cheesee..... I do love ya all n it's yer faullt I'm drinnking 2nite cuz ummmm I'm testingg the stayy homee safe drinking thing n I like itt...ooookkkkyy I chughed a 1/2 pint of my mistress """""Black Velveyt""" n then I drank 2 24floz off colarado H2O "coors light n I actually feeel like this ? n i've been doing this on a bike thats whyy I quit cuz i b purdy buzzed...nn I wannna be here...
2 the rest of ya that put n yer 2 cents......THANKS YA 4 GIVING A SHIT BOUT ME N WELL hells bells think I'll hit daa hay....
RandyJoee...Ride Stronge....
aye ,ive had ma own shit in the past ,..its great when u look back and think YAZZZZ U ***** ,ive draged ma sorry ass up from the gutter and made a go of ma life ..........grab it girl n go ,best o luck to u ,xxx