The Happenings of Late, and an apology

    • 6 posts
    June 6, 2010 2:28 PM PDT

    Well, as a youth leader, I'm used to using examples to make my points, makes it easier for the kids to understand. Not that anyone on here is a kid, but bear with me, it's the way I say things lol....

    I gotta say that I can't stand smoking. I mean, really, it brings out one of my "non-christian" sides. It just makes me mad, if I had a dime for every time I've wanted to flick a cigarette out of someone's mouth, I'd be rich. It's a dirty, expensive, and most importantly, an unhealthy habbit. I respect other people's right to smoke, but at the same time, I feel that I have the right to breathe clean air. My grandpa used to say "A man's right to swing his fist around stops at the end of another man's nose," and it's true. You have the right to smoke, as long as you're not forcing someone who doesn't smoke to breathe the smoke, too.

    With that being said, when people come over to my house, I ask that they don't smoke in my house. Just makes sense, right? I'll kind of put up with someone smoking outside, as long as they don't breathe on me, and as long as they're responsible about disposing of the cig butts, but inside my house? NO way. It's a matter of respect. The other side of this is that if I was to come to your house, and you smoke, I'm probably not going to ask you to put it out. Why? I'm in your house. My rules might not really apply. I might not stick around as long, (I have more than one health reason for not wanting to breathe the stuff), but it's your house, your rules, and if you decide to smoke, I really don't think I have the right to ask you not to.

    It seems lately that we need to remember that we're in Lucky's house. Maybe as a reminder, we should all take a second and cruise a few areas that we haven't really looked at.... on the homepage, scroll down until you find the website's stats.... you'll see that there are over 8,700 of us in Lucky's house. Imagine that many people in your house. I know I couldn't take it, lol. There are also over 5,000 events, ranging from small local things, to big national rallies, all of which, or in the case of the big events, part of which, are being planned and coordinated in Lucky's house. He's letting us do it for free, not charging us "rent," just saying, "come on in, brothers and sisters, the door's open!"

    The other part of the site that we should be checking out can be found as the very first "catagory" when you open up the forum menu. It says "Forum Rules, site instructions, and tips." Click on that, then click on the first topic, which is the forum rules. Actually, before you click on it, look at how many views it's had. Of nearly 9,000 members, there have only been 797 views of the forum rules. That doesn't seem right to me. Go ahead and read the rules. They're not hard to follow, there aren't that many of them.... just do it.

    Now, for the apology.... When I first came on this site, one of the first things I did was create an event. I didn't read or follow the rules before I did it, and it got deleted. I guess I could contest whether that was right or not, I really didn't think I did anything wrong, but I did make a mistake by not reading the rules first. The bad part was that I got a pretty big attitude about it, too. I even went as far as shooting back a nasty response when my post was deleted, and that was where I went really wrong. I'm truly, truly sorry, bro. I shouldn't have done it.

    The bottom line here is that Lucky has invited us all into his house, to laugh, play, cry, and just generally shoot the bull and share our experiences as bikers. We could all afford to show him, his lady, and the rest of the moderators a little more respect. Truthfully, if there was someone smoking in my house after I'd asked them not to, I'd drop them on the sidewalk. If we wanna talk about rights, Lucky has every right in the world to pull the plug on this thing if he wants to; I know that he won't, but he could.... we don't need to make his job harder, there's already 9,000 of us camped out in his back yard, so we can at least show him the respect and follow the rules. To the guys that have chosen to ride off, that's fine, I'm really gonna miss FXR, and I know that I missed SingSing when he left; I didn't talk to Hambone much, but I know he was missed to... now it seems like people are getting bent about things that they could have avoided by just reading and following the rules.

    I hope that no one thinks I'm getting smart, I just saw that member / rules viewed ratio and it kinda made me upset. I write this because this is a family, and a darn good one at that, and I don't wanna see any more of my kinsmen/women take off when there's other more simple solutions. Ride free, folks, but follow the rules!

  • June 6, 2010 2:33 PM PDT
    Point well made.I agree with you and hope we keep the rest of the fam together!
  • June 6, 2010 2:41 PM PDT
    wolfhound wrote...
    Point well made.I agree with you and hope we keep the rest of the fam together!

    I am gonna go re-read the rules to make sure I don't smoke in the house.! Thanks for sharing!

    • 2072 posts
    June 6, 2010 2:43 PM PDT
    VERY WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    June 6, 2010 2:59 PM PDT
    That was a very good post.. thanks for the reminder.. we all want to do things our own way sometimes, and need to reminded that there are other people to be considerate of too..
  • June 6, 2010 5:03 PM PDT
    Thank you Hawk! That was a great reminder for the rest of us. I'm going to go read the rules right now, since I am one of the ones that have not done that yet and I spend an awful lot of time here.
    I bet your very good at your job working with the kids!!!
  • June 6, 2010 6:24 PM PDT
    Hmmm. You break one of Lucky's rules, you pay the price. You flick a cigarette out of my mouth, you get your ass kicked. Remember, as stated earlier in another post; Just because you have the right to say something, doesn't mean you should.
  • June 6, 2010 10:09 PM PDT
    I agree and I am sure I have kind of crossed the line from time to time and for that I am sorry. There have been times when I wanted to tear someone a new one but have held back out of respect for others. For me, respect is a big part of being a biker weather you agree with someone or not.
    • 601 posts
    June 6, 2010 10:18 PM PDT
    I enjoy this site because i find the folks here genuine decent people. Some of the stuff makes me uncomfortable, but you guys are nothing if you are not patriotic, but if i don't like a post...I just don't read it, simple. I have travelled and worked in a lot of countries, 38 in all, and i live by that old rule..."When in Rome....Keep your head down". I think the rules here are simple and easy to live with. Lucky don't run a tight ship, but it won't sink either.This site is all about respect, and it should work both ways. I have never had a post deleted, but if I did, then obviously I offended someone, and as we bikers are a small community, you can't afford to do that. Keep it up Lucky, Its like a bike shop, people come and people go, some will pull up a chair and have a beer, some will just kick tyres and pass on, but all of them deserve respect.......................well nearly all.
    • 1 posts
    June 6, 2010 11:11 PM PDT
    rory1 wrote...
    I enjoy this site because i find the folks here genuine decent people. Some of the stuff makes me uncomfortable, but you guys are nothing if you are not patriotic, but if i don't like a post...I just don't read it, simple. I have travelled and worked in a lot of countries, 38 in all, and i live by that old rule..."When in Rome....Keep your head down". I think the rules here are simple and easy to live with. Lucky don't run a tight ship, but it won't sink either.This site is all about respect, and it should work both ways. I have never had a post deleted, but if I did, then obviously I offended someone, and as we bikers are a small community, you can't afford to do that. Keep it up Lucky, Its like a bike shop, people come and people go, some will pull up a chair and have a beer, some will just kick tyres and pass on, but all of them deserve respect.......................well nearly all.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 6, 2010 11:16 PM PDT
    Wow Hawk, you had me going at first! I thought where is this going to end. Then Viola! You made an excellent parallelism. Way to go.

    BTW if you go to KY I will stand clear, I don't want you knocking my cigar outa my mouth. LOL
  • June 6, 2010 11:28 PM PDT
    Roger Rex. I go out of my way not to smoke around people that don't. BUT on the other hand, if ya go out of yer way to harrass me about smoking and flick a cigarette outta my mouth, I'm gonna kick ya in the Balls! You are correct about the rules being read before agreeing to them... If ya sign on, then you agree to the terms! Nuff Said...
  • June 7, 2010 12:02 AM PDT
    Rules ? There's rules ? O Ya ! Rules........Hawk ? Could you go back n shave about 3 chapters outa your message please ? I get sleepy when I read novels... 
    Ha Ha Ha...You hit the nail right square on the head....Thank you for reminding us that we need to just GET a LONG or MOVE ON....

    RandyJoe...Ride Strong... 
    • 6 posts
    June 7, 2010 12:41 AM PDT
    lol, yeah, I get winded when I get going! Gotta make it clear though, I don't do anything rash to smokers when I'm not in my house lol. Knew that might ruffle a couple feathers, but really couldn't come up with a better example, so I went for it. It's one of those parts of life that I just have to deal with.... Ohio did a public smoking ban a few years back, so that helped one of my pet peeves quite a bit lol. Like a few others have said, respect the non-smoker, they generally respect your right to smoke!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    June 7, 2010 1:22 AM PDT
    Very well stated
    • 1780 posts
    June 7, 2010 1:37 AM PDT
    Hawk that was a well written post that had a great stand up message. Thanks for reminding us of our obligation to stay within the rules of engagement, or as close as we can...LOL.
    While I was reading your post I was reminded of something George Carlin (RIP) once said......."Ever have someone ask you....mind if I mind if I FART!"
    Oh hell I know where this is going
    • 568 posts
    June 7, 2010 1:42 AM PDT
    never smoke where there's gas nearby...
    never fart near an open flame... unless of course ye're a dragon tryin ta impress yer mate! LOL
  • g
    June 7, 2010 1:44 AM PDT
    AYE ..................for all u bad the rules ......................RULES ?? ..DONT THINK IVE HAD ANY POSTS DALETED .
    • 1780 posts
    June 7, 2010 1:44 AM PDT
    ezzyrider wrote...
    never smoke where there's gas nearby...
    never fart near an open flame... unless of course ye're a dragon tryin ta impress yer mate! LOL

    I knew it, danm it I knew someone would take a shot on me with this post......LOL...LOL
    I swear I will never live this down
    • 568 posts
    June 7, 2010 1:52 AM PDT
    yea dragon, ye've been asking for it this time.... LOL

    @ g: that's because ye're like that 'special' child: gettin away with anything ya say LOLOL
  • June 7, 2010 3:27 AM PDT
    I have to admit I didn't read the rules.
    So when I posted a "event" as a forum topic it was removed.
    One of the administrators sent me a message that I was in the wrong, and explained the correct procedure.
    I certainly did not get angry I just apologized and posted the event where it belonged.
    Life is too short to walk around with a chip on your shoulder.
    Believe me I certainly understand losing your cool sometimes, hell we are humans not machines.
    I've been angry with family members and friends plenty but always forgive them eventually.
    Lucky, keep up the good work and thanks for the site.
  • g
    June 7, 2010 4:56 AM PDT
    i think its more cause u guys know that all the shit i post well........................ITS SHIT ,lol...and i dont take things serious like some , .alot of ur posts are about ur country so i dont get involved in them ,so i looks like i will just cary on with the shite i post ........till i get turfed out .
    • 1509 posts
    June 7, 2010 2:55 PM PDT
    Something to think about is the Constitution of the United States of Smerica is a contract between the masses and their government. Not between you and your website adminestrator, or your employer . Wether you like it or not it is Lucky's bat,ball,gloves,bases, and field. If you want to play you need to pay attention to to how lucky wants to play ball. Let's move on now and put this to rest once and for all!
  • June 7, 2010 3:36 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    ezzyrider wrote...
    never smoke where there's gas nearby...
    never fart near an open flame... unless of course ye're a dragon tryin ta impress yer mate! LOL

    I knew it, danm it I knew someone would take a shot on me with this post......LOL...LOL
    I swear I will never live this down

    Oh my friend ~ you knew you opened the door on that one!  

    Great parallel Hawk ~ and thanks!
    • 6 posts
    June 9, 2010 4:28 PM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    Thank you Hawk! That was a great reminder for the rest of us. I'm going to go read the rules right now, since I am one of the ones that have not done that yet and I spend an awful lot of time here.
    I bet your very good at your job working with the kids!!!

    Well, I certainly try lol, no one's perfect. I actually just quit, or rather, Gina and I are taking a little break for a while; it's been one youth ministry to the next since I was about 14, so we were starting to get a little burned out; when we get out to Arizona early next year we'll be helping to plant a new ministry there, and I'm sure that I'll be heading up the youth and music stuff. Should be fun lol!!!