March 25, 2009 6:10 AM PDT
Ok, I ride on the back of my husband's bike, but I am sure the same holds true for women who ride their own and their man leads.
Of course most of the time we ride the motorcycle, we ride the back roads avoiding the major roads (the ones with restrooms every mile or two). So I normally tell my husband well in advance when I will need to go so he can stop at the next restroom. But inevitably he will pass the next stop because it wasn't on the right side of the road or he just plain forgot.
This is no big deal to guys apparently. They are completely comfortable pulling over, standing with their back to the road and peeing freely as cars wiz by (no pun intended). It's probably not that big of a deal to them because they are just standing there and no one can see anything except maybe the stream.
Ok guys, just so you know, it is a big deal for us. We are in this awkward squatting position, normally pretty close to the road because we are afraid of snakes and wild animals, will the cars pass by and normally honk at us. Plus we have to drop our pants all the way to our ankles, not just open up this convenient little hatch. Then to top it off we have to use some little piece of old tissue in our jacket pocket to wipe ourselves.
Ok , so to any guys reading this...peeing on the side of the road for a women is much more of an ordeal then stopping at restroom that is on the other side of the friggin street.
March 25, 2009 6:36 AM PDT
Maybe he likes watching you pee on the side of the street!!! Just a thought.
March 27, 2009 4:57 AM PDT
OMG Tammy you are so RIGHT! I can't count how many times Lucky has a passed a perfectly good rest stop when I told him I had to pee. It's always "just a little bit further...." I have probably watered so many canyons and highways in this country, that if I was an animal, I would have marked my territory all over the U.S.!
March 27, 2009 6:06 AM PDT
Maybe he likes watching you pee on the side of the street!!! Just a thought.
I'm sure he does!!! HDBeech might be why Lucky doesn't stop too 
March 27, 2009 6:10 AM PDT
That's another reason to ride your own. When I have to go and I see a place with a restroom, I pull in. Even if the others I am with don't stop, I can catch them

. But most of the time they turn around and come back for me.
March 27, 2009 6:04 PM PDT
Tammy, I found you only have to pee on the motorcycle seat one time. I guarantee the next time you say you need to go, he will cut across 6 lanes of traffic to get to a bathroom for you
March 30, 2009 3:16 AM PDT
I love it Kaki...
March 30, 2009 7:41 AM PDT
Listen guys! When it comes to holding your urine, its not that big of a deal for us men. However, when women have to hold back, it can cause complications. Their plumbing is built a little different. Talk to any (Gyno) and they'll set you straight. So, for that loved one sitting behind you, tapping on your shoulder, Stop! It's well worth it in the end...
March 30, 2009 9:11 AM PDT
Well Kaki, I guess it is true, "...better to be pissed off than pissed on..."
March 30, 2009 2:14 PM PDT
OMG Tammy you are so RIGHT! I can't count how many times Lucky has a passed a perfectly good rest stop when I told him I had to pee. It's always "just a little bit further...." I have probably watered so many canyons and highways in this country, that if I was an animal, I would have marked my territory all over the U.S.!
Do I not always tell you to go before we leave!!!
April 15, 2009 11:36 AM PDT
Ok, I just stumbled on this little gem of a site and immediately thought of this forum topic.
April 15, 2009 12:51 PM PDT
April 15, 2009 1:20 PM PDT
Yes it is, though I can see how it would appear highly suspect.
April 15, 2009 2:44 PM PDT
My recent tour to Iraq will lead you to believe it is true, take my word for it. The army has develop for women in the military a thing called the PUD (Personal Urinary Device) In combat or related situation one could see the why the invention. Being a convoy commander (road captain for us bikers) I had make sure my female soldiers had their PUDs.
December 17, 2009 6:41 PM PST
You guys are funny. But just wait until you get to be my age, the stops are way too far between, and your modesty gets in the way of going on the side of the road.
December 22, 2009 5:10 AM PST
OMG Where did you hear about tha P-Mate, Adventure Girl? I was going to say I can't imagine using it, but I would probably try it. I hate peeing on my foot on the side of the road.
December 22, 2009 5:59 AM PST
what a load o pish .
December 22, 2009 7:47 AM PST
hahaha... this is too funny.
Take control...Ride your own bike, you can stop whenever you want!
December 22, 2009 8:43 AM PST
I don't know about the motive of watching them pee as a reason, I also don't always understand why we need to ride for hours on end with the cruise control set. My favorite part is rolling on the throttle anyway, so I don't care how many times we have to stop. Each one is another chance to take off again.
Do what I do. We can stop any time she wants too, but each time she has to show me her titties. Ye Haw!
January 4, 2010 1:53 AM PST
Hey Ladies I bought one called the Wiz Freedom Feminin Funnel. It's online at It's synthetic and is made from some kind of stuff that really sheds the 'water' off of it with a good 'shake' afterward. All you need is some hand sanitizer in the bag with you. It fits so close to your body that not much will need papering off. You have to practice in the shower a few times but it really works. Haven't used it on the road yet but I am prepared to if stopping in a safe place is not an option. Oh yea, I got a lot of ribbing from my gal pals about it but someday they'll wish they had one! And I don't share .
P.S. I ride my own. Harley Heritage Softail Classic.

January 4, 2010 2:11 AM PST
my wife has a weak bladder & we have to stop about every 50 miles or so. It's a pain in the ass but I don't mind. I just think about the first time I DON'T stop and she cuts loose on the passenger seat and all that yellow liquid runs down onto my seat...Nope!! I'll stop & if in a group, I'll catch up cause I usually know the route to where we're going.,. Better to be safe & dry, than sorry & wet and smelling like pee. Plus, you avoid the inevitable hell you'd catch from her when you do stop or get home...Ride Safe & DRY ya'll...
January 6, 2010 8:42 PM PST
I don't know about the motive of watching them pee as a reason, I also don't always understand why we need to ride for hours on end with the cruise control set. My favorite part is rolling on the throttle anyway, so I don't care how many times we have to stop. Each one is another chance to take off again.
Do what I do. We can stop any time she wants too, but each time she has to show me her titties. Ye Haw!
Ye Haw...Yall are my kind of people, hope to party with yall some day, I don't mind showing my titties, don't mind pissing on the side of the road either, actually find some kind of perverse enjoyment in hearing the horns honk...
January 6, 2010 8:55 PM PST
Why yes ma'am! I have to get my wife on here more often. We only have internet at work. I get a little more time to BS than she does. She lives at a computer but it's all work. Phone never stops ringing. As far as the titty flashing goes. They say that once you see one set, you have to see them all. I agree whole-heartedly with Rodney Carrington's song. "Show them to me!"
January 6, 2010 11:49 PM PST
You know for the ladies in the group this is not a funny's just the way everyone replyed that is funny as hell. When my wife and I ride (and she rides her own) and she says time to pee, by damn I find the first restroom. I learned long ago happy wife .....happy day!
The Night Dragon
January 7, 2010 12:04 AM PST
That is one of the keys to life. Keep her happy!