Just WHO are we supposed to be keeping out!?!

    • 1780 posts
    May 25, 2010 2:48 AM PDT
    bikersarge1 wrote...
    It's okay.... I'll just keep re-loading my Brass and sleeping at night with one eye open! An GOD help the POOR SOB that tries to bash in or kick open my door. Because right or wrong, I am gonna PROTECT ME and MINE!!!   NUFF SAID???

    Sarge you are going to KY in June right........We will set down have a few beers and solve this problem once and for all...LOL
  • May 25, 2010 3:01 AM PDT
    ANYONE that comes into this country "ILLEGALLY" is NOT INOCCENT! We have laws, just like Mexico. Those that come here illegally, for whatever reason, have no legal right to be here and should immidiately be deported to their country of origin. Upon the 3rd arrest for illegally entering this country, a prison term of 5 year seems fair to me. I don't get to go to any damn country I feel like, just because I think I might have a better life there. And likewise, these illegals need to get in back of the line, BEHIND, those that respect our laws and come here legally. It is a crime, many of these are serious criminals. Build a wall and stop these criminals from coming into our country without proper documentation.
  • May 25, 2010 3:03 AM PDT
    One other point about these hypocritical illegals. They say we took the Southwest away from them. While this is true, just what in the hell was it the Spaniards did to the native Indians of the Mexico and South American regions?
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 25, 2010 3:54 AM PDT
    My point was that a WALL is not the problem solver.

    Dilligent enforcement of the laws as written,  sane negotiations, and increased inteligent border enforcement  would be a step in the right direction. Add to that no worries about being politically correct. If you are illegal we will send your ass back or put you in jail. Illegals need to be sent back or at least incarcerated. Legals should have to produce, no welfare or other giveaways until they are productive. 

    This forum has skewed to the Mexicans entering illegaly but the original post was about other Jihadist country nationals entering also. Yes I watched the videos and they do make a good point that there are people from countries other than Mexico entering. A wall and just shooting anyone who crosses is not the answer.  I have no problem with Pedro, Achmed or Vinhyad who are here legally to make a better life for them selves and their families. Just earn it like everyone else.

    Mob viloence and shoot em all mentalities will only serve to undermine what has made this country a place where people are willing to risk life and limb to be in. I am a concealed permit carrying believer in the 2nd ammendment who believes killing innocents (notice I said innocents not people trying to do you harm) only makes you a murderer.

    Sadly this will not go away because the politicians will only publicly do what they think the voters want to see them do and that is just for re-election. They (politicians) are a conniving bunch who have only THEIR INTEREST in mind.

    So there is where I see the obstruction to solving the problem, POLITICIANS. Fire them all ang get a bunch who are willing to really work for the good of this Great Country.

  • May 25, 2010 4:07 AM PDT
    Solve it all, ENFORCE THE LAW!  You're right on the point about cleaning out Congress Rex, we need a very thorough disinfecting after a meticulous cleaning out of BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS!   OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE  Not for the personal gain of a bunch of Crooked Career Politicians!    And yes Night Dragon, come Hell or High Water or Obama and a truckload of illegal aliens.....  I will be there.....
  • May 25, 2010 4:09 AM PDT
    OK, I sat here for the last hour or so and read this whole thread and now it's my turn to add my two cents. First off, the entire immigration problem can not be lumped into one solution. To coin a phrase, the problem is like an onion... it has many layers. The battle to secure our borders is not as simple as building a fence or shooting people that step over a barbed wire fence, although I believe a much larger border presence is needed as expressed by another.... If a person crosses the border someone should be there to greet them! Removing the incentive would go a long way to slow the tide, the hiring of illegal's by American business needs to stop. There are laws against that already on the books, also not enforced. shut down a few and fine the owners/corporations that run them and the message will soon get out there, DON'T HIRE ILLEGAL'S, (Don't worry about the lost jobs, someone will buy up these company's and start them up again). Let's get a real guest worker program in place, there is a real need for migrant workers but what we don't need are the workers whole family here, we can not as a society afford to pay for all of the benefits that their family costs in Health Care, welfare, schooling, etc... at the expense of lost benefits to our own citizens. We need to escalate the "WAR" on drugs. It's all in your face about the war in Mexico against the drug cartels, well guess what people... the American people are the root cause of that problem. Trying to stop the flow of drugs is a waste of time, not that we should give up on that but if you want to stop the problem stop the users. Make it economically painful to use drugs. The biggest percent of drug users are the casual user, maybe your one of them... a little weed, a snort at a party, you know what I mean... the social user! Well follow the line back people, someone bought that bag of weed from someone who bought it from someone and so on til the money ends up in some cartels hands. If you lose your job and your house, car, bank account, etc.... maybe next time you won't be so eager to buy those dime bags. Let's not load up the jails with these people, and again if this happens to some friends you know the word will get out and soon nobody is buying drugs and the demand will dry up. When the cartel can't sell any drugs anymore maybe they will start a real business and put some people to work building something! At any rate crime will drop, gangs won't need to protect there territory or try to expand by killing off the completion drive by style murdering innocent people along the way. I support Arizona in there efforts to control the border and for taking a stand against the Federal Governments lack of response and concern for the crises. Every border state has pressured Washington to no avail, something had to happen. I also applaud the many states that have jumped on the band wagon and if they all do NOBama will have no choice but to change his tune and we can all help by emailing your representatives. Only a solid voter turnout this November will help turn the country around. We all need to get "Mad as Hell" and stop taking it anymore. We are at a cross road right now and We the People must take our country back from the New World Order freaks, there's not much time left! OK I'm done....
  • May 25, 2010 4:38 AM PDT
    Hey Blaine! Did'nt you start all this by wanting to go work on "G's" farm?? LOL!! Just thought I would stick some humour in here. Thought it needed it!!
    • 467 posts
    May 25, 2010 5:10 AM PDT
    WOW!! MBOW909--well thought out, multi-pronged answer! You and Rex need to get together and run for office!! I mean that!
  • May 25, 2010 5:47 AM PDT
    I agree with you cnciaco but, with one condition. DEFCON has to be in the administration! I mean, HOLY SHIT! Have you seen that boy write??? He should be secretary of state, Chief Justice or Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff. SOMETHING!   And badirish, while yer on the subject (no pun intended) of "G", ask him how he likes his OIL?  Dark and heavy or light sweet crude.  Make no mistake about it people, this mess in the Gulf is gonna migrate to Europe VIA the Gulf Stream Current....
  • May 25, 2010 6:20 AM PDT
    I agree with you Ron for sure!! Defcon will definetly need a place on the administration. And this B.P oil mess is going to affect alot more then just our coast and wildlife! Another big bureaucratic screw up!! They just keep a coming. I would ask "G" about it but you know how he can ramble on sometimes!! LOL!!!!!
  • May 25, 2010 7:06 AM PDT
    From what I can gather, all the people that were supposed to be monitoring, inspecting and just plain watching these companies were either sitting at their computers surfing the PORN sites while high on METH or out to Baseball Games and other events that the OIL COMPANIES GAVE them TICKETS to! Talk about the FOX in the HENHOUSE! All this is straight off the "Lame Stream" MEDIA. Oh by the way, BP is turning off the live video feed of the leak tomorrow. I guess if we can't see it, we'll forget about it!
    • 1066 posts
    May 25, 2010 8:03 AM PDT
    Well folks, this is still AMERICA. I'm sorry, but it just plain boils my ass when someone says,if they want to come here to make a better life! Let them make a better life in their own countries! Remember where we are people, AMERICA. If we have all kinds of people flooding into this country, where are the American people going to work? They come here because they know a lot of the CHEAP ASSES in this country will give them jobs, because they work cheap. I'm sorry they have it tough where they come from, but DEAL with it. We have to look out for ourselves, because no one is gonna do it for us. They take American jobs, and steal Social Security. Are the American people responsible for the illegals, did we create them? I don't think so. I don't know what the solution is either, but we better be coming up with a plan. They sure won't take care of us in their own countries when they run ours in the ground. I'm done with this subject.
    • 1780 posts
    May 25, 2010 10:30 AM PDT
    You know what I think...!@#$%^&*()))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*((........Now I feel better.....this turned into a shit storm didn't it.
    • 1066 posts
    May 25, 2010 11:18 AM PDT
    Dragon, i don't know about a storm, but it sure stirred up a bunch of shit.
    • 467 posts
    May 25, 2010 1:08 PM PDT
    Just thought I would add this to the mix!

    The year was 1907, One hundred and 3+ years ago....

    Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.
    'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'

    Theodore Roosevelt 1907
    • 2 posts
    May 25, 2010 1:36 PM PDT
    Nothing personal against the illegals, were I in their position hope I would have the stones to - Hire the Coyote - Bribe the Police - Swim the river - Climb the fence - Duck the BP - Dare the desert  .  .  .  .  Honest-to-God, I admire them
    No nation can leave its border swinging open & inviting every warm body in.

    What can we do?
    ·      Admit that the object is to reduce the flow to, say, 20% of present & that we can never eliminate it
    -       Fences help, don't stop everybody but they help
    -       Electronic monitoring helps
    -       More Border Patrol helps
    -       Training a volunteer Border Patrol Auxiliary, say a State Militia, would help. If the thought of citizens enforcing the law gives the ACLU types the vapors then train them & give them authority to monitor only with deadly force authorized only in response to deadly force.
    ·         Issue a LOT MORE Green Cards
    ·         Do what we can to advance NAFTA ahead of China, India, . . . If we must outsource let us try to do in North America
    ·         Quit making it an automatic free ride after you make it here. We have to show, identification, birth certificates, deeds, etc. every time we encounter the government. There is nothing wrong w/ asking for documentation whenever we either A.) Ask for government services (Food Stamps, building permits, college application) or B.) Encounter the government in adversarial circumstances (ex. Traffic court)
    Some people really precious to me live on the border, these people have taken in every stray kid, horse, dog & cat that wandered past their place & right now the matron of the family is at Gun Sight Academy.
    They still put out water bottles for the lost souls wandering in the desert but they now live behind 3 concentric rows of fences.
    They no longer ride the desert, partly because of fear but also because there is nothing like finding a dead individual in your South 40 to take the enjoyment out of a morning ride. – No identification, no way to contact his family & tell them that his remains were treated with respect.
    • 2 posts
    May 25, 2010 1:37 PM PDT
    This iis what the desert looks like