IT was fked up ending in that if Jax had managed to get away there could have been a sequel in the same vein as Then Came Bronson. Ya'll remember that one?
Yeah, Michael Parks. He sang the theme song, too. Unfortunately he sings as bad as he acts.
What I remember most was in the first episode (or if it was introduced with a TV movie) he was leaving town on the bike ( I think it was a Sporty) and was at a stop light with a cigarette. A suit pulls to the light and asks, "Going on a trip?", Bronson says, "yeah", suit says, "Where ya going?", Bronson says............................
Anyway there was a Mad magazine (remember those?) that had a spoof of Then Came Bombson where the suit pulls to the light and asks, "Going on a trip?" To which Bombson looks at the cigarette and replies, "No, it's a regular cigarette."
Was a different time. Today the suit would call 911 on the cell.