Welcome New Members

  • February 21, 2012 9:44 AM PST
    New to CF from Mississippi.

    I have read, cried, and laughed at some of the posts on here.
    This seems like a super bunch. Some of the name Rev, Boof, and others have been burned into my brain. (Wow, I wonder if that makes me brain damaged.)
    If I am, don't blame me...hahahah

    Guess you can tell I'm a crazy laid back rider.  I always come to CF to get my daily dose of belly laughs. (Those are the ones that come from way down and last a long time.)

    I hope to add a little more crazy laid back to the gang here.

    ....Growing up is manditory
    ....Growing up is optional
    ....bring on the toys
  • Ry
    February 21, 2012 10:18 AM PST
    Welcome to CF from So. California!
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 21, 2012 2:46 PM PST
    Welcome from Pennsylvania's northern coast.
    I was in Mississippi during Easter a few years back, long story. :-)
  • February 21, 2012 4:40 PM PST
    Welcome Geezer from the COLD Northeast. Glad you decided to join us.
    • 567 posts
    February 21, 2012 9:37 PM PST
    Welcome Geezer, Painter Lady, Andymarkie, and anyone else I might have missed. Greetings from the Sunshine State .. central Florida area.
    • 658 posts
    February 22, 2012 4:59 AM PST
    The party's getting bigger and I love it!  Welcome to you all and thanks for joining in from the Piedmont of North Carolina.


    Ride Hard and Have Fun with the Runs
  • February 22, 2012 5:10 AM PST

    WELCOME to EVERYONE who got here before me...lol...

    ...and of course to EVERYONE who got here after me!!!

  • March 6, 2012 11:34 AM PST
     Thanks for the forum. I hope to add something, more to come

  • March 9, 2012 7:20 AM PST
     Hello to all I am Billy from North Alabama. love this site. keeps you up to date on all events.. I would like to see a section of this site where we could report gas stations that sell NO ETHANOL gas so when we travel we can find real gas.. The E-10 treatment only works so well. 
    Hey if any of you are ever coming to Huntsville send me a message we can put down some miles we have several biker friendly bars here.


    Ride safe everyone
  • March 9, 2012 10:06 AM PST

    Buenos Dios Amigo's.....lol...

    Press #Numero Uno por Inglesi.....


  • March 15, 2012 8:56 AM PDT
    great site lot of good info
    • 6 posts
    March 15, 2012 4:54 PM PDT
    hello everyone! im gingerann.nice to meet all of you.i have a question-i am 5 ft 8 and weigh 158lbs ,is there a certain motorcycle or size i need to get when purchasing my first bike??? very excited !!!! my boyfriend has a honda vtx 1300- his bike is kinda big for me
    • 823 posts
    March 15, 2012 5:05 PM PDT
    Hey gingerann, I think I would decide on what you want first. I just bought a new Harley and I am not a big guy. 5'8" 180 lbs. The wide glide fits me nice. There are lots of things you can do to fit you to your bike also. I would go sit on some bikes you like. You don't really have to ride one to know in my opinion. A moving bike is easier to handle. Once you find a fit, take a test ride and ask about fitting it to you. The seat on my new wide glide made a big difference and I adjusted the shocks. Probably gonna get different handlebars later for an even better fit. That my two cents!!!
  • March 15, 2012 8:53 PM PDT

    Hi Gingerann, you didn't say if you have your licence yet or are you on a learner permit?  I have different ideas to most ... Its my belief that a Motorcycle is too big for you if you cant lift it from laying it down on the floor, it all depends on your balance, strength in your legs, have you ridden before, soft soled footwear to stop you from slipping, forget the fashion type boots that seem so popular...

    Any bike you like get the sales person/husband/anyone to stand by the bike to stop you from dropping it, with the engine OFF have it in gear so you dont have to worry about the brakes to stop it rolling while you lean it over to around 40 degrees from upright, if you cant bring it back upright to balance then it is too big for you, do this on both sides...If your feet slide then the boots are unsuitable, a showroom floor is ideal to try this on as they are generally a polished floor, if you can do it there you can comfortably do it out on any road surface...These are things you do BEFORE even thinking of starting the engine or taking a test ride...

    Protection : Quality Leathers, no matter if you like the all in ones or a jacket and trousers...make sure its good quality hides used...so many leathers are just too lightweight to do you any good at all, soft leather will roll up and rope burn you or worse, cut into you and do worse damage, good thick hide with reinforced elbows knees shoulders etc will give you a degree of protection but still no guarantees...Mine are the very thick Buffalo hide type with vents in front and behind for riding in hot sunshine, yeah, I still wear my leathers EVERY time I go out on my bike, even in 90 degrees.....

    I have Harley boots that have hardly been worn, as far as I am concerned they are fashion boots-NOT riding boots, if you want quality riding boots look toward the stuff some of the race riders use, they have reinforced panels built in all over them, huge monstrous things but hey, you are less likely to break anything with those on... I actually use genuine WW2 1941 German Paratroop boots that fit me like a glove, softer soles and quality leather built boots, wont stop an ankle breaking but the best I ever found to ride in...

    I am not trying to put you off...All I am trying to do is to say that if you take the right precautions BEFORE doing ANYTHING then you will at least stand a chance should a collision or fall off happen...

  • March 15, 2012 10:56 PM PDT
    Just wanted to say HI to everyone, and that I wanted to say I like this site.
    • 658 posts
    March 16, 2012 3:45 AM PDT
    Welcome to the site BillyC, rob812 and gingerann! Great people and real good info. Turn loose and jump on in.
    You'll have a great time.


    Ride Hard and Have Fun
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 16, 2012 5:27 AM PDT
    Hello to all the new folks.
    From Pennsylvania's northern coast.
    • 567 posts
    March 16, 2012 1:20 PM PDT
    Greetings to all the new CF members. Glad to have you aboard. Ride safe.
  • March 16, 2012 3:54 PM PDT
     Hi all,

    Just joined, and looking forward to chatting with you all.  I have an 08 Road King Classic 105th Anniversary Edition with 12K and change miles on it.  Have a good one.
    • 6 posts
    March 16, 2012 5:08 PM PDT
    no i dont have a learners permit or license yet.i just ride with my boyfriend on his bike.but soon hope to take all the right steps in getting my own bike and learning all saftey measures before venturing out.thank you to all for great advice-props to you
  • March 16, 2012 5:13 PM PDT
    gingerann...you'll enjoy it.
  • March 16, 2012 5:16 PM PDT
    Gingerann, welcome, I'm glad to see other ladies join. I took the Riders Edge Course and got alot of helpful tips. It was great. I went from being a passenger, to riding my own bike and its the best move I ever made. Go for it, you will ever regret it.
    • 658 posts
    March 17, 2012 2:25 AM PDT
    BPhillps and SoloDreamz, Welcome to the party! Glad to have you on here with us.


    Ride Hard and Have Fun!
    • 81 posts
    March 20, 2012 8:39 AM PDT
    Hey there.... Just signed up and looking forward to talking with you all.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 20, 2012 9:49 AM PDT
    Hello from the extreme north-west of Pennsylvania.